I think I am beginning to see why Mike has been busting butt on this boat. I am starting my own singles club for 55 to 75 year olds today. Hope my wife goes along with the program..............
There is many groups in Myrtle beach witch seams close. Senior Ladies of Wilmington (Wilmington, NC) - Meetup Find Meetup groups near you - Meetup
Well I am into Summer and the Lost Pearl seems to be the yacht to be on around Nashville. All has been going well and the parties just keep getting better each week. No matter how big you build your galley they will fill it up. Once I counted 22 people in the galley. Having the bands is a great asset to the boating, I don't pay them they just love to hand and party with us, or at least with the girls. I kinda have no end of bands that want to come now. (Nashville Music City) I have some parties that have so many people that I have to stay at the dock.
Do you have a license for that much fun? Wow, I'm impressed... this looks like too much fun to be legal! Of course I imagine there's lots of behind the scenes work involved... but hats off to you for giving us an example of just what chasing one's dreams can lead to!
Mike, all I can say is job well done! Hats off to you! When I first saw your pictures, I thought to myself "this guy is going to get his ass kicked for a few years before he gives up". Well, thankfully you have proved me very wrong. Your determination and detail have paid off BIG time!! I know there will always be something that needs doing but take time to enjoy Lost Pearl with your friends. Actually, you don't need anyones advice as it appears that you are & doing a great job at that too!!
Cleaning teak Not sure if this is where to put this but here it is. I was needed to clean my teak but did not want to sand anymore. I was reading a bottle of teak cleaner at west marine and came up with the Idea to try a muriatic acid, because of the acid that was listed on the bottle.
Lost Pearl Im amazed you've done so much in such a short time but I have to say I'm concerned as to whether or not the materials and techniques you've used will stand the test of time if she is to be used at sea, rather than as a river-based houseboat.
I wouldn't try muriatic acid......even if it did clean the teak, it would eat the living daylights out of your paint where the water runs off. Most teak cleaners use Oxalic acid. You can try using ammonia as part 1......wet the deck first, spread the ammonia, let it sit for ten minutes, lightly scrub, rinse off........then Gary's Golden teak as part 2 the same way and it will generally clean it pretty well without removing grain......use a 3m doodle pad to scrub......white
Muretic asid will not hurt teak. Most of the time when I'm cleaning teak with Muretic acid I do it barefoot. I have worked with Muretic for 40 years. If you read teak cleaner bottles some use hydrochloric acid which is much stronger than Muretic acid. As far as the paint you have to keep it deluded as it runs off with a continuous running water hose.
Cap, if by "muretic" you mean "muriatic" acid, then I have bad news for you as Muriatic Acid is the common name for hydrochloric acid therefore your "muretic acid" and hydrochloric acid are one and the same.
That's not totally true. Muretic acids is only 10% the strength of hydrochloric acid. You can't buy hydrochloric acid and normal Home Depot. You have to go to a swimming pool supply or on other outlet for hydrochloric acid. Muretic acid you can buy almost anywhere. I have also worked quite a bit with hydrochloric acid. When I was younger we used to use it to clean the galvanize off of gutters so we can solder them.
Greetings, I have to agree with Shazam. Muriatic acid IS hydrochloric acid. You can't buy glacial (concentrated) acetic acid commonly but any corner store sells vinegar.
Hydrochloric Acid, HCl, is available at chemical supply stores, but it is mostly sold in concentrated form--about 38 percent. Most is very pure and "water white," although a "technical grade" is available. It is less pure but more economical. Muriatic Acid Muriatic acid is the historic name for hydrochloric acid. Its yellow color is due to traces of iron. The impurities don't matter for the purposes for which it is intended. Many stores carry a 20-degree Baume solution, which translates to about 32 percent. Some stores carry weaker concentrations.
That was a copy. Home depot / Lowes acid is only 20% this up from a few years ago where it was only 10%
Cleaning a teak teak In MHO the Best way to clean a teak deck is to use a brush with salt water and always scrub across the grain - never scrub along the grain and never sand a teak deck except as a last resort if it is very worn and uneven (in which case it probably needs replacement , especially if it is a fairly recent deck made with relatively thin section teak planks , rather than an older traditional deck which could be +\- 1" thick teak. Never varnish a teak deck and don't use oil as that just traps dirt.
I loved varnished teak on smaller boats, and yes it is slick when wet and a lot of work. No way I can keep this much teak with varnish. Yes,,,, your right I need to replace my teak and I plan as soon as I can. I am going to remove all my teak and then repair the all the plywood. I intend to cover with .032 5052 aluminum and then reinstall brand new 7/16 teak. I did find a guy that will sell me this teak for about $4.50 a sq. ft. not that will be cheap but it is fair in price. I only need about 900 sq. ft. of teak. Cocobolo King/Diamond Tropical Hardwoods/Exotic Hardwoods From Latin America
1953 Feadship from knoxville Morning Sir I just bought the Notorious from Knoxville was wondering if you knew of her or have any advice? Looks like we are taking the same paths...this is my 5th restoration. Home Page best Stuart
feadship Hi Stuart Id love to see some pics of your other restorations...I don’t know of Notorious but Feadship send me a book on the history of Feadship and Ill take a look and see if shes mentioned in it Best David