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caribean fuel prices

Discussion in 'Marinas & Waypoints' started by ikold, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. ikold

    ikold New Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    Colorado / Florida
    I've heard many a rumor that fuel in Trinidad and Venezuela is a fraction of the cost of other Caribbean countries. Are the rumors true? Can someone with recent experience chime in... Is there an online resource that posts actual prices for down there? I know there are sites for the U.S.
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yes fuel in Venezuala is cheap, around $0.80 a gallon right now I believe if not less. However, Venezuala is a long ways away from the Carribbean and the fuel is not as good of quality as the traditional fuel you're used to seeing at the marina fuel dock.
  3. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    I always bought my fuel in Venezuela by the truck load. The tankers come straight from the wholesaler, so is of good quality and very cheap. After my first encounter with local dock fuel, I was very careful afterwards.

    Venezuela is only a day sailing from Trinidad or Grenada, so not very far away at all.
  4. NewSouthSailor

    NewSouthSailor New Member

    May 5, 2011
    Fuel Price in Venezuela

    For vessels under local flag the fuel in Venezuela is currently about 0.02 USD per gallon. No typo!

    In theory vessels under foreign flag have to pay an "international" price which might be in the neighborhood of the USD 0.80 mentioned by CaptJ. I am told it is rather easy for foreign vessels to purchase at local prices if you tip the right few people at the dock.

    Quality most of the times should be good / ok. I have quite a few friends who own yachts and SFs around here and they never brought up the topic of poor quality fuel.

    Unfortunately safety is an issue in many places. Specially close to the coast. But if you do things "right" it may well be worth the trip, specially if you include Los Roques in your itinerary. Great place to visit and safe!

    Saludos, NSS
  5. Chris W

    Chris W Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    stuart florida
    trini fuel prices

    good day. i am sitting in chaguaramas in trinidad on the 95ft yacht im running these days. local(international) price today at powerboats fuel dock is 7.80TT a liter which is about about 4.50 usd a gallon with no volume discounts. the crazy dollar days of 1 dollar a gallon here in triniland are long gone. sometimes boats come here from venezuela and try to sell diesel on the downlow which is doable but abit dodgey. there is a fuel barge/ship moored up by carriacou in the grenadines,about 120miles north of here,i saw it afew weeks back when we were cruising. they are selling duty free fuel there legally for 8.15 ec or 3.02 usd a gallon. if you want to talk to them about prices the lady who runs it is tanya her phone number is 784 529 5044..
    good luck.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012