The 160 ft M/Y" Land's End " sunk while on charter in Corsica yesterday (possibly the day before). There were no injuries but they are claiming environmental damage. They supposedly had 13 guests aboard. Anyone have the facts? Also M/Y "Peloris" (377 ft) just filled up with the "wrong"? fuel. Expensive mistake!
here is pic... before pic below from Capt. Gary
Land's End went onto rocks off Corsica (Sagone Gulf) the August 9. Partly submerged by the bow, the yacht sank completely the August 12. She's now on the ground with 70.000 litres of fuel in her tank. The fuel could be pumped (if the weather is good) by the French Navy the August 17. The captain was arrested the August 12. He was accused of "endangering life by imprudence and negligence and causing pollution with hydrocarbons by imprudence and negligence". He was released with justice restrictions.
Lands End Yacht Anyone more news ?? Wed Aug 10,12:12 PM ET SAGONE, Corsica (AFP) - The "Land's End," a 48m British yacht off the coast of Sagone. The yatch is resting on a bank known as "la Provencal" and has a large amount of oil spilling from it's 70,000 litre fuel resevoirs.(AFP/Stephan Agostini)
Alex, I merged your post with the thread already running on Land's End. Also, please note the link you posted has been removed. Contact me if you have any questions or refer to the following link... Thanks!
40 cubic meter of fuel and oil have been pumped out of the yacht on the 17th of august and here are some pictures of the yacht sinking.
Lands End I receive an e-mail from a friend in Antibes, saying: "Here's one for the collection. Chris Jones has done it again. Shiralee wasn't good enough, the president of the P.Y.A. has just lost his second boat in 5 years. the insurance companies must love him". The P.Y.A. is the Professional Yachting Association. A group of South of France skippers who are superior to us mere mortals.