A friend of mine has an old CRN motor yacht with a pair of these motors, does anyone know anything about them? Any idea where to get parts from?
Hi, From what I can determine these guys used Daimler engines as the basis for their engines, this has not been an uncommon practice for German Manufacturers particularly with the marinisation of engines. What sort of vintage are these engines? Are they straight/vee?
Wolas I too have a CRN with twin Henchels. When I first had the boat some ten years ago I was going to change them. Am I glad I did not. They had been worked on by a fool but now they are set up they are better than any engine around. They are slow rpm but high power the fuel is better than any other make and thay are so quite. They are still in production in Poland and I can obtain any spare you need. I carry on the boat all spares including heads liners and pistons. They also have block doors and single heads and a piston can be changed in hours. Wonderful engines that are fitted to trains the all over the world and will run on anything fron rape seed to sugar cain oil. Dave.
Henschels There is a pic on the net Olympus at Watchet I will take a pic of the engines for you next weekend. The very bad word work comes into view in the week. I steamed her back from Greese about ten years ago for a refit which is now complete. Very nice boat but at speed about 2 galls per mile at 18 knots. Very glad I kept Terminator and Spaticus as they like 1000 to 1300 rpm with 1800 rpm tops. Wola say I can with very little work get 1100 HP out of each. There is a very nice man who has every thing including new engines in Poland and there in a film of him rebuilding a train engine in Italy on utube. The train is still doing a good days work on the main line. You sould get 50000 hrs from these engines.
Wow. If it's not too much trouble, could you post a link to the photo and the video? Thanks in advance. Edit: Is this the video you were talking about? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ApobZwVagU
Is this the boat? Your Boat Photos - Olympus at Watchet Olympus and P1041 Gay Archer at Watchet Harbour | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
I see that you've changed the boat up a bit from how it left the factory. Did you rebuild it or did you buy it that way?
CRN MV Sea Oyster Sorry it is SEA LIBERTY Hello David , we have the same boat and it has been keept oneside for a verylong time and engine compartment filled with sea water.. we are in the process of rebuilding this boat and i guess we need to replace engines, with your knoledge please advice if i could go for any other engine .. see the link of the boat below Sea_Liberty Thanks Prakash Rodrigues
Hello David , we have the same boat and it has been keept oneside for a verylong time and engine compartment filled with sea water.. we are in the process of rebuilding this boat and i guess we need to replace engines, with your knoledge please advice if i could go for any other engine .. see the link of the boat below Sea_Liberty Thanks Prakash Rodrigues
Hi Prakash, I read about Sea Liberty with great interest. I was the person that brought her from France to Mombasa in 1993, and then spent 18 months refitting her, including putting her into African Marine dry dock and rebuilding her steel plating. The engines were good in her - I know, as I took her over 5,000 miles! I then did some chartering in the Indian Ocean for the owner, Roland. I still have some information on file about her, including some of her history (her original name is Max) and some photos. You can contact me directly richard@mountwellington.co.uk. Cheers Richard
Hi Prakash, I read about Sea Liberty with great interest. I was the person that brought her from France to Mombasa in 1993, and then spent 18 months refitting her, including putting her into African Marine dry dock and rebuilding her steel plating. The engines were good in her - I know, as I took her over 5,000 miles! I then did some chartering in the Indian Ocean for the owner, Roland. I still have some information on file about her, including some of her history (her original name is Max) and some photos. You can contact me directly Email address removed. Use PM Cheers Richard