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Who would have thunk: Obama spends less than any President.?

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by Norseman, Sep 5, 2012.

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  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Just watched the Demo National Convention. Clinton gave one of the best speeches of his career. Much like his romantic exploits, he just seduced a nation. I'm a firm believer that we need a businessman in office, but Clinton was convincing.

    I really don't like to talk politics on YF. It only serves to divide us. So does anyone know any good ex-pat sites? :D

  2. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Me neither but this here Yacht Club, down in the bilge, seemed like the right place to smoke out the truth.
    That being said, I am just looking for a commentary on the article: My own views on this that or the other has never been published. (The exception of course is that I think Mega Yachts should have large automatic bilge pumps to protect the designers, the crew and owners from stupidity :cool:)
  3. TommyB

    TommyB New Member

    Aug 31, 2012
    Orlando, FL
    yea, just spent 2 1/2 years living in Switzerland.
    Great expat site here
    Floridian Moving to Nyon - English Forum Switzerland
  4. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Everything that comes out of that organization is a total lie. They spin everything.

    He's touting how he created 4 million jobs, first off how does the government create anything? They don't make anything. What they failed to tell you is we've lost 8.8 million jobs and 4 million were created, so we are still negative 60% or 4.8 million jobs. His stimulus packages went to greasing Union's pockets and 10-20% actually went to "building roads, bridges, and highways". We bailed out GM and Chrysler, causing all of the shareholders and people with stock or bonds in their IRA's to lose their entire investment, and then handed ownership of both companies directly to the Unions that caused them to go under, and wouldn't make ANY concessions to keep the company from going bankrupt.

    How can you say he's spent less than any other President, he's increased our deficit from $10 Trillion to $16 Trillion (60%) and has spent more of taxpayers money than ANY President in history. He also has been out of the oval office flying around on air force one taking vacation after vacation, which costs an absolute fortune between the secret service, fuel, and other personnel needed everytime it moves. Facts are Facts.
  5. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    I know, them Democrats are a bunch or liers..:(

    Oh wait, the above article was written by Forbes, and not many of them writers are Liberal Democrats or **** Commies out to take yer guns..:eek:
  6. mwagner1

    mwagner1 Senior Member

    Sep 11, 2005
    Les Etats Unis
    You know, I voted in my first presidential election in 1980..with pride. Now, I have come to the point that I dislike both parties for various reasons...on socio/economic I am very conservative...the environment, very late 2012, after dealing with Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr and now Obama, I cannot fathom why the US cannot have a legitimate 3rd party unless it is against the beliefs of the ultra liberal media....

    I am pretty tired of Obama still blaming Bush..that works fine in the first year or two, but for heaven's sake, own up to one's mistakes...remember, the Democrats had the House, Senate and White House for two years. Obama thought to cram a health care program that was universally reviled, to the point the Dems got spanked hard by loosing the US House (poor Pelosi)...

    If I want a socialist government, I will move to the EU so at least my high taxes pay for great infrastructure, better education, medical care and a more pleasant atmosphere...the potential high taxes here will pay for nothing except for the large entitlement programs to become larger and more bloated...if that is possible.

    Our poor country is so divided economically, politically, socially, theologically etc that I can never imagine a candidate who can reunite the country.....I can pretty much identify at least five distinct areas of the country that are at extreme ends of the spectrum on the issues I listed above.

    So, let's hope that Nov 2012 brings more hope and optimism (we need no more change) least until 12/21/2012 when the world ends/alines invade/Earth warps to the center of the galaxy/the rapture/Nibiru arrives, etc etc etc :D

  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Close This Thread

    I've been pretty silent here for quite a while, but those who have been here awhile know that I can get pretty passionate when it comes to certain topics, and this is one. There are I believe about 59 days until the election. A lot of arguments can be started in 59 days, especially with the amount of money that's getting spread among operatives. Probably enough to turn off a lot of YF members and drive them away from this site. May I respectfully suggest that the mods close this thread and watch closely for it to pop up many times again over the next 59 days under different titles. There are plenty of places to discuss politics. YF should not be one of them.:(
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2012
  8. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I agree with you, yet I disagree with you. The economy is what drives this industry. If people cannot afford a yacht due to their income/business whatever it effects all of this. Remember, yachts are luxury items and not a necessity like food/water/housing/and transportation, and the economy results in whether or not a lot of people are comfortable buying and affording one and paying you and I for our services.
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The place where the economy is hurting is not in the large yacht market. The rich are richer than ever. I strongly suggest that this thread be closed or I fully expect to be crossing the 7,000 post mark before election day. I'm semi-retired these days which means that I have some time to kill. Those familiar with me recognize that I'm showing more than a little restraint. I blog on several political and social sites. That's where this topic belongs. YF needs to be a place where boaters and yachtsmen can go for information about boats, and not another place to get bombarded with political commentary and rhetoric. However, if I see it's to be used as a propoganda tool for politics I will enter the fray to keep it balanced. YF needs to stay away from politics or it will be driving people away from this site. I have great respect for YF. It's a great source for some very experienced people to pass on their knowledge and for those with less to come and learn. Let's not change that. Moderators which way should we go?:mad:
  11. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Maybe we can do as the newspapers, remove comments we donĀ“t like...:D
  12. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Or - heaven forbid - stop reading threads that twist your knickers so bad you can't breathe!

    Hopefully the target audience here is adult enough to just ignore the crap and use the forum for what it is intended ... to talk about all aspects of yachts and yachting and to poke pseudo-engineers with sharp sticks.
  13. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Everything? So that means this one is a total lie too? :D
  14. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The article is written by a magazine not related to the whitehouse and by an independant author writing for that magazine. That article is indeed true. My sentence said that "anything that comes out of that organization, is a total lie, and they spin everything." The article did not come out of that organization, it was written by Forbes.

    Maybe you need to lookup the definition of what an organization is?
  15. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    ED, you seem to have your own agenda. If you read my post that YOU just quoted, nowhere in that post does it mention any political person, any political party or anything about politics. It ONLY mentions the economy and I'm even talking the GLOBAL economy and how it directly relates to the majority of people on yachtforums and the yachting industry. That post is no different than the one complaining about the fuel prices and how it's effecting the yachting industry, but that ones ok for you???

    Whether the mega-rich are getting richer I do not know. But there' are several megayacht yards that have even shut their doors in the past few years due to a lack of orders. What I see mainly and what mainly effects most of the people on yachtforums, is the 30'-70' yacht owner segment is completely and I mean completely dead in the water. The normal everyday people that buy in that size range to use with their families can't and aren't. You look at the Intracoastal here in South Florida on a busy Saturday (if you can even call it busy compared to a few years ago) and you see a ton of small boats under 30' and you see a few yachts over 70', you see nothing in between. Many people on this forum, their bread and butter,(your bread and butter) is selling, or repairing, or running yachts in the 30'-70' range and those people don't have any money still to use their boat, can't get financed to buy a boat in that range, and can't sell the boat they have. And without getting into politics or mentioning anything political, it's because they don't have the MONEY to do so.

    I have 1 owner right now for example, that has plenty of money, but he doesn't just throw it away. He has a 55' express (for South Florida) that his wife hates and will no longer do a trip on because she cannot sleep comfortably (we were doing 3 10 day trips a year), the boat has been for sale for a year now and is priced where it should be. The fact that they no longer use the boat (except a piddly day trip every once in a blue moon), directly effects me. He wants to move up to a 64' MY with a full beam master and king size bed, so he can go back to doing 10 day trips to the bahamas and here and there (which directly effects me, and the income of everyplace we stop and stay in a positive way). He has gotten a trade offer with an older 46' searay and cash which was a no go because that would even be less useful to him, and another offer where they couldn't get financed. The instant his 55' sells, he will buy a newer 64' MY that month for South Florida and the Bahamas, but he will not be a 5 boat owner considering he already is a 4 boat owner between his other houses and stuff.
  16. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    And even the Chinese economy is slowing down, so go ahead all and buy the new iPhone 5 and be happy!

    This thread is better closed.
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