Hello, I wonder if a knowledgeable yacht enthusiast can help me? I have been told that a great uncle in the family was the skipper of a yacht owned by the D’Oyly Carte family. Judging by dates I assume this would be in Rupert D’Oyly Carte’s time, and I know he had a racer called Kali, and a cutter ‘Content’. How would I find out who formed the crew for these and other boats owned by the D’Oyly Carte family? The name of skipper/crew I am seeking is Edward Lewis Rowse. I will be most grateful for any pointers.
L.O.L. BUT SADLY, THAT DOESN'T TAKE ME ANY NEARER MY GOAL!! And I have had no response, as yet, from the Royal Yacht Squadron.
God bless the D'Oyly Carte company...without them, I am not sure Gilbert & Sullivan would have been known as the composers of fantastic operetta....The Mikado, H.M.S. Pinafore, The Pirates of Penzance, etc...all fun and entertaining music Too bad the company stopped operations in 2003 Cheers,
Quite so, I "cut my teeth" on them, and love them all, but what I NEED to know is who formed the crew on the yacht.
Hello mowsehowse, did you ever found out more information or do you have a picture/photo of "Content"? The reason I ask is because my father, as a Sea Cadet, crewed a 19 ton auxiliary cutter called "Content" in August 1946, via IOW over to France. The log and contempory notes show the owner and captain as Sub/Lt Allcard or Allcart, but obviously that could be a variation of his real name. My father has recently died and I would love to know more and see a picture of "Content" if possible.
Hello, I am sorry about your father, but I doubt that this will help you, as I have had no information or pictures of "Content". It does seem possible that someone may have mistaken D'Oyly Carte for Allcart but that doesn't really take us forward. How did you get hold of the log book - how far does it go back? I believe Edward Lewis Rowse was involved in the relief of Dunkirk in 1940. Can you find any word about that?
Thank you for replying so quickly. Unfortunately, as I worried I might, I raised your hopes I think. The "log" is only of this one trip and was in my father's effects; he'd obviously retained it as the highest ranking Cadet PO.
Do any of these names ring a bell with Edward's involvement at Dunkirk? List of Dunkirk Little Ships | Association of Dunkirk Little Ships
EMANRESU: no worries, you are no doubt as frustrated as I am. FISHTIGUA: That is a good list, thank you. The only name that leaps out is "PROVIDENCE". Edward Lewis Rowse lived in Paignton and thus would usually have sailed out of Torbay, but naming vessels is a problem.
May I suggest that you contact the manager of COLETON FISHACRE near Kingswear, across the river from Dartmouth. The house owned by the D'Oyly Carte family and now owned and run by the National Trust. Happy hunting.
Coleton Fishacre. Thank you for the suggestion. My husband and I have visited Coleton Fishacre, and chatted with the staff there, but while they were interested in our quest they have no evidence to confirm or deny, as yet. Perhaps one day. However I must say it is a lovely house with beautiful grounds and well worth a visit.