Are they out of business? One of my boats has components made by one of their subsidiaries called RMS Electronics (Rodriquez Marine Services Electronics), namely the steering, trim tabs and thrusters. Anyone have working contact info for them? If indeed they are out of business, does anyone know anyone in SFL or anywhere that's familiar with these components?
Why would you think they are out of business? afaik they arent.... did you try contacting them through their website? RODRIQUEZ - Cantieri navali either RMS directly, or the group for some info...
Yes, I have to no avail. I spoke to a couple of people yesterday here stateside that told me that they had to replace their entire steering systems since the RMS parts were no longer available. I pray that they're still in business otherwise I have a long tough few months ahead of me!
Probably for the same reason I would. In 8 years, I've never received a single response to an inquiry.
Hmm... sorry to hear about that... I had no way of knowing from the original post (neither had I any way of knowing you had been trying for 8 yrs YF....) SHAZAM, on the odd chance you just tried contacting them this past month, it is quite plausible they are merely closed for summer vacations. Although quite unthinkable for most of the world, it is normal for most Italian companies to shut their doors for a full company recess in august. The evidence seems stacked against them....BUT... The reason I "insist" they may still be in business is that there have been launches well in the past 8 yrs from Rodriquez (thereby indicating that even though they didn't answer YF's msgs, they ARE in fact in business), and a recent deal I was offered included a refit of a vessel at Rodriquez's yard... None of this means they can help you, but it may still be some hope... Good luck... EDIT: further indication that their commercial part seems to still be alive at least... I'd guess the office may be closed...
Try: Maurizio Magri Yacht and Special Purpose Vessel Business Manager Rodriquez Cantieri Navali SpA Hopefully you’ve had sufficient time to record the contact data. If not, send a PM and I will forward to you... RODRIQUEZ - Cantieri navali They are operating as usual. Including annual August Hoilday. Maurizio should be able to direct you in order to address your requests. Good Luck...
Yeah, good luck with that contact and email address. Same one I've used for years and never received a response. Normally I would remove an email address to save the unsuspecting the onslaught of spam that will come from having your addy posted in a highly SEO coded website. Maybe THIS will wake up Maurizio.
I have always found the organization as a whole and those within to be cordial and responsive. My last contact was in July 2012. I expect that once you make contact and get inside; you will be as impressed as I have been. SHAZAM: Carl Makes a very good point. Out of courtesy to those you hope to do business with, you may decide to edit and delete the contact info from your previous post.
I'm unable to do so, if one of the moderators would like to, please feel free to do so. I hope they are still in business and are able to help me, their products seem to be of reasonable quality, in fact I actually prefer their steering system over the more widely used BCS system. Whether or not they respond, I'll keep everyone posted.
If somebody gets hold of the elusive yard's personnel they might ask for me why they don't propose an explorer type yacht directly based on the minehunters they are building for the Finnish Navy and with all the mil type capabilities: blast resistant GRP hull, suspended fuel tanks, EMP shielding, suspended bridges, amagnetic diesels... I always thought that would go down well with today's security conscious hyper rich.