In the last years I saw some interesting hull colors. Normally we see the classical white, dark blue or black. This picture I found yesterday on Facebook. A very cool shiny blue. In January I saw this one at the boot in Duesseldorf. In real was the color better as you see on the picture. Some month ago I spotted this one in Sneek or Makkum (NL). Baby blue metallic. One of my favourites There are any other cool looking colors?
It's always nice to see a little color splashed on a big white canvass. Nordhavn built an 86 with a metallic, pewter colored hull. IMO, it works well...
The marina where one of the boats I run docks is extremely colorful with reds, charcoals, black, dark blue, light blue, teal,a couple of shades of bronze, gold, silver, etc. A few years ago dark blue came into favor followed by black. All I could think was 'Do these designers realize this is going on boats that run in salt water, and often get scratched?'. But these new metallic colors are really sharp, most don't tend to look dirty or even show salt. The one I run is silver, and I love it. It always looks clean.
If you are just talking about single colours well there are nice variations out there these days. If you are talking about extreme, "JoyMe" and "Guilty" take it for me!
I'm talking about all variations. Who's is guilty about guilty? oO Just remembered about Heesen's Aurelia in her Gulf Racing design
This is "Guilty"... Now that's some paint job...... | Flickr - Photo Sharing! The PJs 150 have pretty interesting colours too, "O'khalila", "Hokulani" those have ther bronze/gold colours, "Blue Ice" is Blue, "Four Jacks" has a combination of colours I think, Offwhite with purple. The PJ135's have interesting colours too.
Well different strokes for different folks...The majority surely doesn't like her but even if she was painted convetionally she would be a candidate for the rogues thread. The dazzled paint scheme or 'art work' as some might want to contend, helps hide her odd looking figure.
@Yacht News: That seemed to be an english mistake by me for misunderstanding. Sorry! I googled for the yacht "Guilty" and was terrified by the color
Some of my favorite colored boats are Jimmy B's "Last Mango", a teal colored Rybo express. In the yacht category is the Trinity, "Glaze", which has a nice copper/brown hull. Another boat that I see on occasion - usually in Block Island or LI, NY is a lavender colored Viking. I don't know how to post pics so you're on your own! As an aside, I still wonder to this day why nobody has come up with colored tires for land-based vehicles. Has anyone else ever broached this subject or is it just me?
The Oceanco SUNRAYS has the most strange color. Somehow, and believe me I've tried many times, I have not been able to catch her color just right on photo. On photo her hull is either too blue or too green. Very frustrating. Her real color is much better than on photo.
Interesting... I wouldn't buy 'em but I can show you a couple of thousand people that would here in Florida. They would fit right in with the various other ugly accessories that people feel the need to put on their car - ie. all of the chrome plastic trim pieces that people sloppily put on. Kind of like those boaters who slap their registration numbers on in a way that makes you think they did it blindfolded?
"Guilty" was covered here back in 2008...