Oh I love the last shot - the water looks amazing! I guess she does not leave the Carribean as she is sheduled to be at the Fort Lauderdale Boatshow 2012... and it would not make sence to cross the Atlantic 2times just for 2 months...Thanks for being there and taking pics!
Yep you are right and yes the water is amazing! She probably is sheltering here at the marina. Tropical Depression 7 is approaching the island well it is now vigorous Tropical Wave but the weather just started 10 min ago, gusty winds, rain, thunder and lightning already.
Thank you Eric, appreciated. Wellthe systemwas downgraded at 11am but we will still get squally weather as is evident currently. The wind is from the SSE at the moment when it normally blows from the NE. I don't know about 'heavy weather' but squally enough I guess.
...and she's back as of this morning at the Marina. Made no sense going to take day pics of her again since I already have those. If she stays until tonight, i'll go and see what I can do.
Guess I can forget about getting night photos, "Arianna" left the marina about 40 min ago heading NW up the island chain.
I took a distance photo of her when she was here the last time, look at the bottom of page 43. http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/marinas-waypoints/6203-yachts-port-st-charles-marina-43.html
40-meter sloop "Nuberu Blau" is outside PSC ready to come in but I won't be able to get down there to photograph her arrival.
Here are some photos I took of the Alloy (NZ) 40-meter "Nuberu Blau" (ex. "Kokomo of London") * Distance shot * The Alloy in the rain shortly after arrival * Close up in the rain * Full shot in the rain * Bow on full shot