I just stepped up to a Carver 4207. I know a little about the model, having driven a friends and helping him take delivery--was not a Carver fan but once I spend some time on the boat I quickly became one! I am currently un-forking the last owners attempts at yacht work, cleaning her up and making her shine. Curious as to what the major/minor weak points are with this model (1987--4207 Carver Aft with Hard top) I am a full time liveaboard and coming from an express cruiser, I feel like I am on a cruise ship--never had this much room in my life on a boat! This boat reminds me of a "mini" Chris Craft Roamer 60' which is my dream boat until this boat fell in my lap and I jumped on it.
I bought a repo 4207 last year as a project. I have pretty much gone through the entire boat and have everything running with the exception of the two ice makers. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions
I bought one in FEb and love it... IM on a lake so not concerned about all the issues about it not being sea worthy.. except po took this boat on the great loop and had no issues.. lots of things to learn and all 4207s arnt the same... but I will answer any questions you have.. and ignore any negative comments... they annoy me.. this is a great yacht.... and no its not a bertram...
Thanks guys! I am down in Kemah Texas and use mine as a liveaboard. I have owned a lot of boats and am very impressed with this Caver model (the 4207) Just finishing up the redo on the cabin/saloon, am redoing the aft deck carpet and bridge, when it gets cooler I am going to compound and wax--just had the bottom done and engines tuned. This boat is turning out to be a prefect liveaboard. A lot of bang for the buck and a really well kept secret. I have another 4207 two slips away and a Carver 440 in the Marina so I can compare and gather intel.....my only complaint is the jackazz who uprigged the boat when it arrived in Texas really screwed up some wiring--or was to lazy to do a good job (I have seen this on a lot of boats)
It has taken me almost 4 years to unscrew the wiring that was done by the previous owner. I have finally run down each wire and corrected the shorts and open hot wires left. I feel your pain at undoing ****** work.
I will send you some pictures of the aft deck and stair carpets Monday when I get down there. If you need any other upholstery like sunpad/cover, hatch covers or forward windshield cover let me know. We have either already made or are in the process of making them now
best thing I did was have custom stairs going out to the swim platform.. wil try and get some pics...
mystic...do you post on another forum? I think I have seen your pics elsewhere. That may be a good winter project for me
....did you get a chance to get to your boat? I really need some aft deck carpet and bridge/steps area. I am also looking for some furniture to put on the aft deck, I think I like some wicker type, a table and two chairs would work well.
Side Hull Vent Louvers.... I just ordered 4 of them from this guy and they were exactly what I needed. The price was right! WHITE BOAT VENT LOUVER 17.25 CARVER REGAL FORMULA 17-1/4 ... (200720746833) searayman13 | 16148 | 99.9% Quantity: 4 Sale date: 07/25/12
Go to: http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/general-yachting-discussion/8024-yachtforums-rules-directions-guidelines.html Scroll down to: Uploading pictures.
My Scarab 38KV and Carver 4207 Finally got both boats in the same Marina, the Scarab sits on a lift a few slips away.....wired up my Sony/Bose sound system, replaced the Canvass, new furniture in the Salon.....more pics to follow
Main Salon Looking from the Galley, installed HDTV, wired up Sony/Bose Speakers (removed all old speaker wires etc--trash bag full)
Salon area Carver 4207 Brazilian style hard wood floor---my dog is currently "off duty" and I think the floor keeps him cooler! I am going to remove the couch and trash the cushions and go with a Futon.