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| Lurssen | 147.25M | "A+" ex. "TOPAZ" ex Project Topaz | 2012 |

Discussion in 'Lurssen Yacht' started by Yacht News, May 13, 2011.

  1. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    We're cruising for the summer.

    Sssshhhhh... I told my boss the Med is closed this summer :D

    Anyhow- back to the thread. We passed Topaz yesterday as well, and I believe they spent the entire night on seatrial. She was running around 20kts for most of the yesterday, but slowed down for me to take some photos up close today.

    There are plenty of rumors around here about who it belongs to, so we went up close to take a look-see; nobody was Mooning but I sure did feel Eclipsed by her mass.
  2. brunick

    brunick Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2005
    tell me if you're coming through flensburg ;)

    i've just seen topaz on marinetraffic, seems like they'll be out there until this evening

    AIS-Schiffspositionen/-verkehr in Echtzeit
  3. Telemachus

    Telemachus Senior Member

    Jun 9, 2012
    Please forgive me if this question is impertinent, given my lack of experience: Is she tall for her length? I can't really say "top-heavy," since I don't know how her weight is distributed, but at least in that second picture, my novice eye seems to see her as having a low length to height ratio. Could someone tell me if there is an optimum ratio for this?
  4. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe
    I don't think she is, she is a wide girl so she can have some height above water, after all if she was tall she would be unstable and this should be made up by either more draft, more width or added assistance of stabilizer fins.
  5. Telemachus

    Telemachus Senior Member

    Jun 9, 2012
    I see. I can't quite grasp her beam from these photos and I was curious about the possible instability. I didn't know if maybe her hull was steel and maybe the superstructure was composite and thus she was stabilized due to weight distribution, etc.

    I am really enjoying this nautical education. Thanks.
  6. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    She has a steel hull and aluminum superstructure.
  7. nmna

    nmna Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2010
  8. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Reminds me of how "Serene" can light her self. I am assuming that her exterior lighting is tied into a colour database that they can change at will. I doubt that the blue is the permanent lighting.
  9. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

  10. Rene GER

    Rene GER Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2004
    Northern Germany, West Coast
    Is that in Bremerhaven?
  11. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    That is at Lürssen Aumund in Bremen.
  12. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

  13. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    For right now, I think the lighting is ridiculous but I know they are just testing it so I know they won't light her like that permanently. Like I can tolerate "Serenes" exterior 'club' lighting, it's actually interesting. With Topaz it looks really odd! but I will, reserve my full comment for when she is completed and we have better photos.
  14. Kraut

    Kraut New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    Good morning!

    I guess, that I am not revealing too much, telling you that Topaz will be handed out to the owner in only a few weeks time. At this moment of time all of the systems, features, gadgets and apps are being tested. The interior has to be finished and everything will have to be cleaned up. There will be another test drive of 2 or 3 days. Afterwards Topaz should be finished finally.

    I promise you, that this MY is the most luxurious boat ever to be sailed anywhere.
    Forget about the altering exterior lights. In reality it doesn't look that bad as on the picture shown here and even these huge satellite testicles have the right place and the right proportions as well as the whole yacht has. You won't notice the sat domes standing on board or next to the ship, because you will be blinded by all of her elegance and beauty.

    Hailing port as written on the yacht and rescue boats is George Town.


  15. mfranjic

    mfranjic New Member

    Feb 15, 2007
    Zagreb, CROATIA
    Kraut, do You believe, I would like to replace with You for a while and take a little walk on Topaz and Project Azzam? :)

    Otherwise, I do not, even, want to tell how absurd it is to me that anything related to the megayachts should be a secret. I know that the confidentiality agreements are something that is imposed by the clients and the owners, not by the shipyards. Shipyards just have to respect it. Unfortunately, we live in a time of dictatorship of relativism and the replaced systems of values. That is why we, now, have the rules defined by the people who have unimaginable lot of money and almost no technical or general culture. We can find lots of information on submarines, warships, warplanes, civilian aircraft, private jets..., but everything related to mega-yachts is a secret! Wow!

    I feel nauseous belonging to the world where there are so many people who have everything, but no need, in any way, to share it with others. Deep down, inside themselves, these people are unhappy and insecure, but they are imagining they are special and untouchable. I, certainly, shall never have Eclipse, Topaz or something like that, but I am sure that no one of the owners of the mega yachts will ever donate blood 191 times, as I did.

    As long, until the world changes, we, at the forum, will have to assume facts and information related to the mega yachts and eventually we will, in the end, perhaps, know more about them than their owners.

    Kraut, You understand that this is not anything personal? I believe how honestly and diligently You work for Your monthly salary!
    Could You tell me, please, if all ten diesel generators, on the Topaz, are of the same type and driven by MTU 16V 4000 M33/43 F/S engines, depending, of course, if the generators work on 50Hz or 60Hz? I, also, have an assumption of Project Azzam propulsion system...but, maybe, some other time about it. For now, let´s stay on Topaz. I am sure it is an all diesel electric yacht with ten gensets.

    Best regards to forum members

  16. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    You don´t consider building and running a yacht as sharing your wealth?
  17. Kraut

    Kraut New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    Hey Mario!

    Of course I don't take it in any personal way - why should I? :)
    I didn't construct or design anything. I am doing a simple job only - doing what other people want me to do, but I have access to all areas regardless of the status of the work, what makes it way interesting at least, because I get to see, hear and do things, which the owner doesn't want to get public (don't know why?!). But that unfortunately doesn't make my monthly salary rise in any way :rolleyes: .

    I even had the opportunity to talk to the owners representative, so I know who he is, but when one (me) does this kind of job he (I) gets used to it. At least it's an everyday 7 am to 4 pm job like really many people at Lürssen do. But of course I do have to keep my job safe and so I have to think about each sentence I am going to write here.

    And yes, I do respect every man on this planet the same way - people without jobs, billionaires, bloodgivers and bread makers. I don't feel jealous because I don't own a MY myself and never will own even a Lürssen rescue boat.

    Compared to Azzam the Topaz propulsion is quite conventional. On Topaz everything is all about luxury and the very finest materials. I could talk about things nobody needs for a filled and happy life, but I am not too familiar with the engine types at this moment. They have been installed long time ago and my work went on. But I will let you know.

    Project Azzam is all about size and speed. The interior will be a little less swaggering, but a lot of pure gold will be used. I am looking forward to these bad looking security people when the bathrooms will be installed :D . But you are right - this is the Topaz thread which I will follow regularly.

    I'll do my very best.
    For me, personally, it's only a question of how far I dare to go.
  18. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe
    Hi there,

    Just a thought here!

    Kraut - I think you should think more about about each sentence you put here because a statement like "a lot of pure gold!", this is one of the reasons owners keep their property undercover so no wiseguys would start getting a dollar-bling in their eyes and think of ways to pinch off of that "lot"! You did not have to declare being in the Lurssen task force, it would have been better for you and your corporation and those entrusted their privacy in you. I would love to know Lurssen's reaction towards what you are sharing so far.

    mfranjic - You can not compare "PUBLIC" property to "PRIVATE" property at all, it defies the common logic of both private and property! Many private yachts, specially those up for charter do, by the choice of the owners, publish images and information, many others, chose the safety of their property, family, staff and guests and keep little known so invaders of all types would stay as away as possible. Happiness is relative and not commanded by either wealth or poverty, and both come with a set of burdens!
    I guess you were not forced to donate blood 191 times, nor you were asked to, you did a charity, a great thing, bragging about it is not! All walks of life contribute and do charitable deeds, if you don't hear about them or they don't touch you personally that does not mean they are not done, I did not get your blood but that does not mean you did not donate it, it might not have ever been used and got disposed, yet, you still have done a good deed, keep it up!
    Remember like AMG said, how many families are living off such great projects, (construction, outfitting, fueling, berthing, service, supply, crew, ports, etc.), so may all those wealthy keep those boat yards up and running!
    For the "nauseous" feeling you have... Dramamine is like magic!

    I hope I did not offend anybody.


  19. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Well said Alfred.

    Guys, please lessen the use of the emoticons. You use them if needed, not to decorate your posts. The topic of the thread is "Lurssen's 147M Project "Topaz"" keep it on track please!
  20. Ocean

    Ocean Member

    Aug 18, 2010
    I agree.
    Let's talk about the Yacht itself, especially external features.
    It's obvious to me that she is the Tim Heywood creation.
    The last and biggest Giga-Yacht of his design.
    Another attempt to repeat Pelorus but this time as enlarged variant.
    Due to maximum closed superstructures I assume she is intended for a Persian Gulf customer.