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Great Whites in W.A

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Kafue, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    A few days ago a young guy was taken by a Great White while surfing in West Australia.
    This is the 5th fatal attack in less than 18 months.
    Now this incredible photo:
    Video: Flying great white
  2. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    ..... :eek:

    Attached Files:

  3. Pelagic Dreams

    Pelagic Dreams Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Land locked for now
    Oh no! he fell free climbing off El Capitan...Why is is that people get so shocked when someone get shark bit when surfing in the waters that breed sharks? Hey dumb sh*t, if you don't want to end up with a chunck of your body missing, don't go surfing in, South Africa, Australia, the coast of California, north eastern US...just saying. Really, I feel so sorry for the loss of life and limb for those who came in touch with these apex predators...but, no pity. They own the seas, we don't
  4. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Pelagic, usually enjoy your posts but this time to say you feel no pity is wrong. Anyway I don’t believe that!
    Most, in fact the VAST majority of the surfers in Australia do not expect the shark to be hunted down. The family of the dead, or the survivors, most usually say that they were in the sharks domain and they don't want them culled. However, when it becomes obvious that the same shark is responsible for attacks then special permission is sought of the government to kill it. A few years ago a very popular surf lifesaver in his 50's was taken off a beach in West Australia and a boat followed it for a few hours asking for permission to kill it and was refused. So it was left alone. The people who love the ocean usually understand that it is something to be enjoyed, respected and protected. Especially surfers and divers.
    IMHO the worst thing to happen in recent years is cage diving with sharks, it has taught sharks that boats/humans in the water and scuba tanks equal food.
  5. Pelagic Dreams

    Pelagic Dreams Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Land locked for now
    you are right, I do have a bit of pity for anyone who is harmed by a shark....not a way to go, or to recover from.
    My wife and I SCUBA dive but would never, have no desire, not a chance in hell do I have the need to participate in a cage dive with great whites. I think you are correct in it being a huge mistake promoting cage diving.
    Killing sharks is one of the most questionable ideas. Surfing, swimming and diving are not a right, it is recreation with risks. It does not seem ecological to kill off sharks to enhance recreation....hey, but I take a ocean first position. I don't own a hotel on the coast which needs bodies in rooms with the beach being the main attraction. Lots of pressures on everyone.
  6. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Cheers Pelagic!
    Ironic that the people most recognised for ocean conservation tend to be from the fishing and diving industry.