Nice photos. Could it be that Phoenix2 has been sold? Because she is currently again at Lürssen Aumund and it would explain why pictures and her website were taken away...remember she had already a refit last year.. Suggestions?
"Phoenix2" with her big bird sitting on the pad... Phoenix 2 - IMO 1010284 - Callsign ZGAM4 - - Ship Photos and Ship Tracker
I don't see a guy in a yellow bird suit anywhere. I don't see the Cookie Monster, either. One would think he'd be on a yacht enjoying the proceeds from his new hit song.
Phoenix II In Fort Lauderdale I snapped these in February, 2012 after the Miami Boat Show was dispersing of Phoenix II docked in Fort Lauderdale's ever so picturesque harbor Port Everglades. Her stainless steel Phoenix figurehead is a real standout! The composition of this picture would be so much nicer it the Phoenix would eat the ugly crane!
The photographer, Giovanni Aprea, takes some very beautiful and interesting shots, check out the rest of his yachts stream. In this case how he gets the phoenix looking almost a big as the helo is amazing!
I've gone through all his photos already, the photos are nice. The Phoenix figurehead on the bow is not exactly small! Neither is the bird on the bow!
Volevi dire 'quanto costa'? Ti interessa? Posso fare da richiesta. Se sia per te si potrebbe realizzare un buon affare, anche pagare a rate. Penso che sia scontata in questo momento. Saluti Mario P.S. Scusi, questo e' stato un piccolo scherzo. A mi non mi interessano i prezzi di prodotti simili. Penso che Phoenix 2 sia disponibile in questo momento solo da noleggio.
phoenix2 a parte quello che mi interessa e solo che e una bella phoenix e solo una domanda quando piu meno costa non dico noleggio ma dico vendita?non pensare che voglio comprare e solo chi lo sa in futuro me lo fo acqustare se dovessi vincere supernalotto
Hi, Italian: Anche se Lei sia vincere Superlotto io dubito che Lei vincesse abbastanza per comprare ed azionare questo yacht. English Version:Even if you were to win Superlotto I doubt you would win enough to buy and operate this yacht.