It's just one thing after another. We finally concluded all of our young kids sports activities at the end of June so weekends are open. I remember as a kid, summers were endless. What is with everything getting in the way? Just when you get a free day, someone schedules a 7 year old's birthday party from 12:00-4:00. Then, just when all seems good, I get kicked between the legs as usual. July 4th, first day/night out. A/C issues with no conclusion in sight. All repair guys are booked solid for weeks & the admiral has no interest without a/c. Same day, my MTU's decided they didn't want to go fast anymore I just had the bottom cleaned, I tried changing primary & secondary filters & looked for obvious issues but no go, 1300 rpm max. The only MTU guy around (who had the decency to return my calls) is booked up but could schedule an emergency $ervice call on the 17th. UGH! Anyone else having a bad season so far? Mysery loves company
Hi, Are your engines smoking? Are any of the temperatures and or pressures markedly different than normal at that speed? I would be very surprised if it were both engines with the same problem but you could pull the air cleaners out and see if you can turn the turbos freely by hand. Also, Is there any chance you are dragging something along that is causing the boat to "load up"?
I'll second that. Will they run up to high idle? Compare what rpm you achieve at full throttle in neutral with the book figure. If they do then follow K1W1's suggestion to pull the air filters, check the turbos for free rotation, then take a short sea trial to see if they run up with no filters.
K1 & Marmot The first thing I was thinking was turbos. Out of gear, they spin right up to normal, no smoke. Under load & getting 1300, a little black smoke but nothing overly alarming. I am going to try removing the filters tomorrow & feel the turbos. I'll have someone run it wide open & stick my hand in JUST KIDDING! Again, this seemed to me like the first thing to look into but the darn mechanic started talking about all sorts of other things. These MTU's are alian to me but I guess they all work very much the same. If a turbo, I would assume a rebuild/bearings/seals etc woudn't be a major deal. I had to replace two turbos on one of my old 12v92's. Not cheap but I got rebuit units quickly & the job was easy. Thank you all once again for ponting me in the right direction. I will report back! David
one of my generators refuses to work(which probably means it needs to be rebuilt), none of my flybridge electronics want to turn on, and the a/c for the salon died on me with no visible cause...this summer season's been pretty rough on me too
Two seperate tanks but they can run off the same as well as different, Returns can do the same. I did switch tanks after installing the new filters & experienced the same problems. At this point, I feel strongly that it isn't a fuel issue. Thanks though!
Manny, Manny, Manny. Sounds like you have troubles as well. So, check both sides of your "flybridge main" breaker. After that, the easter egg hunt begins. If it's everything, you are only looking for one cause though. Generator. Well, at least you have two! A/C, join the club.
So its not like the boating adds where you just turn up, turn the key, and you and the boat full of young things blast off over flat water on a perfect day? Sorting the winter and post service bugs takes time. We would spend most of our spring getting the boat serviced, antifouled, and then a number of trips to sort out issues, so when we got close to the holiday period, she was sorted and running smoothly. Worked most times!
After 2 1/2 yrs of seemingly endless issues my Bertram 54 has been completing trips this season. I sometimes consider the long off season where I dealt with issues such as replacing the old Galley Maid heads, pump out/overboard/deck pump out system, replacing a Cruise Air condenser unit and one of the 3/8" copper lines running from the engine room to the bridge, replacing the 12V batteries and battery cables, the 50A mains, the failed turbo out of Gloucester ... it certainly helps to have the boat in the water and used all year. Less surprises when it really counts. And ... if you ever wanted to have a second boat, here's your chance to explain to the Admiral why that is necessary!
The likelihood of both turbos going at the same time is pretty slim. The chance of it being dirty filters is very high. The fact that you got some black smoke going to high idle is a pointer in that direction.
A SECOND?!?!? Here is the trouble. Aside of the Hatt, I have my 26' Sea Fox CC, an 18', 1950 Chris Craft Riviera (100% restored) 13' Whaler, a Sunfish & Two Optis that my kids sail (& I fix). Oh yeah, almost forgot. I picked up a 26' Sea Way at an estate sale that I need to sell. Me, need another boat??? well I always have my eyes open LOL
I was just at the boat & pulled the filters. I did get my hand in far enough to spin the turbo fans. Everything seems fine & they spin freely. The filters look a little dirty but nothing alarming. As far as turbos go, am I assuming correctly that spinning the blade from the air intake side, spins something inside the larger round housing aft of the turbo fan housing (to the left in the picture)? Next up, a quick run tomorrow & I'm jumping in to look at the props. Thanks for the tips guys! Keep em coming!!
They look awful. Run the engines up to high idle again with the filters off and see if the black smoke goes away. If it does, get underway and see what happens at full throttle.
Hi, The larger housing you mention is the turbine housing which contains the exhaust gas driven turbine and maybe a nozzle. It is the end that normally drives the bit you can touch through the inlet pipes which is called the Compressor. The reason it is larger is because it is water cooled. Here is an exploded view of one that I think is similar to yours minus the water jacket. Google Image Result for Cheers K1W1