Following the launch of the Ned 70 I have been trying to find the builders website to no avail, any knowledge anyone. Paul
Go to NED 70, Slender but powerful // Public Relations > News The contact info is at the bottom of the page.
Thanks, have tried all the above and they all lead to Vripack, not to the builder; have even checked the register of Dutch builders to no avail. Maybe Nat is the abbreviation of their real name! Paul
Hi, You may be looking for Nedship yachts. If so,Try the link at; However, it seems Ned Yacht and Nedship are not the same compay. But there may be a collaboration.
One of my pet peeves is when members of the yachting media use YF to further their publishing exploits. I've caught most of them. Occasionally, one slips under the radar. It's time for someone to come clean...
Hi, Looking at the link that leads to Vripack that says it's made of Aluminium by a company called Ned Yacht BV and the other one that leads to a Turkish Operation that builds composite boats I would say they are two different operations. Whether one of the posters above has a secret agenda will no doubt be revealed by our ever vigilant EIC and the appropriate advertising rate charged.
I have no relationships with either Vripack or Ned bv, in fact I am a manufacturer of Incontinence ware for nursing homes in the UK, perhaps you are seeing too many "reds in the beds", I was impressed by the build of the yacht and wanted more information; one of the reasons I believe that this site was started was to create an atmosphere of gaining knowledge rather than being accused of surreal acts. Shame how these sites are so strictly monitored for gain that they loose their original reason for being there. If you wish to ban me so be it. But remember you are only as good as your membership. Paul
Paul, You've got the wrong end of the stick here, the comment wasn't aimed at you. I have looked for more info on that yacht 2 weeks ago but got the same answers as you did.
Hi, I agree with Fish with this one. I did the same this afternoon and came up with all things point to Vripack.
Hi, Try this, go to which is google for the Netherlands, click on always translate Dutch, and search nedship b v and you will get lots of returns such as Telefoon - Nedyacht B.V. - Dokkum Hopefully if you try any of the contact information you see someone will answer the phone who can answer your questions. Good luck!
Hi, The translation for the services this one provides is : Business Services Rental of sports and recreation goods dentists Good thought to try the .nl Google though.
Dentists? It's like pulling teeth trying to find info on this yacht. I suppose one of us will just have to e-mail Vripack and ask them to send details. Over to you, YachtNews.
I skyped the number in the listings on +31511423500 and spoke to the son of the proprietor of Nedyacht. He asked me to call back in 2.5 hours(12:30pmEST) when his father gets home to get information on the Ned 70. I will let you know what he says when I reach him later today. Unless paulgd would like to make the call?
I just spoke to the owner of Netyacht and invited him to post in this thread some info about his company and the relationship with Vripack. He said he would be glad to do that.
I bet he would! Most any builder in the industry would jump at the chance, but not even our advertisers engage our readers. DK, please read YF's rules. We do not allow builder's to promote themselves here. YF remains free of manufacturer influence, thus removing incentive and some cases, manipulation. I've banned builders from YF for taking promotional opportunites.
Hi Carl, Thanks for the caution. I was finally able to communicate with Bart by email and in the interests of full disclosure here is what I said. "Here is the link to the thread where the Ned 70 is being discussed. My avatar is discokachina so you can see which posts are mine. I think it would help quite a bit if you posted some info about your company, the background on the design of the Ned 70 and the business relationship with Vripack as well as answering the questions that people have posted. Apparently Vripack has done a good job of creating interest in the Ned 70, so much so that folks are wondering about Nedyacht. Please read the rules about what is allowed in posts before writing as I do not want you to get off on the wrong foot in your first posting. Yachtforums is a well regarded site for the discussion of all things about boats/yachts etc. I would like to welcome you to the forum, I will look forward to your first post." Hopefully Bart will read the rules and not cross the "promotion line" in attempting to provide the information people in this thread are looking for.
BV (Besloten Venootschap) is the Dutch 'LTD' so this indicates that it should be a Dutch company however Ned Yacht BV is not, and was never included in the registry of the Dutch chamber of commerce.
Did you check Nedyacht BV? Not being familiar with the Dutch Chamber what does this listing indicate? Nedyacht B.V. Opgenomen , Geregistreerde bedrijfsnummer 010468380000. Kredietrapport, Jaarverslagen van de kamer van koophandel en bedrijfs monitor gratis beschikbaar