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Found! 37' Roamer

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by cndguy, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. cndguy

    cndguy New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    I'm new to the forums, but I've been browsing them for a lot of months.
    Yet somehow I still managed to post this thread in the wrong place the first time.

    I've recently come across what I believe to be a 1964 37' Roamer. She's sitting in the backyard of the marina the shop I work at is on. (marina and shop are owned by different people). I've had a thing for Chris Crafts for a looong time. Not a lot on the water catches your eye quite as well.

    More about the boat, less about me. She's a steel hull express cruiser and she's been left for dead. What little info I could get out of one of the other employees is that it was bought just for its motors, other than that at that time it was a functioning boat. It had the twin 427's in it (which are gone now). Once they yanked them.out and some other parts they stuck it out back and there its sat for what looks like a lot of years.
    I briefly had my wife convinced we should buy it and fix it up together and she really liked the idea, but the main guy who knows about it never got back to me for so long (still hasn't) the wife thought about it more and more than wasn't so eager :'(

    I think about it alot and would love to bring it back to life, they're just such a beautiful boat. I have pics but I'm on my phone and can't upload from here I'll post them when I'm on my comp next.
  2. cndguy

    cndguy New Member

    Jun 16, 2012

    Here are some of the pictures I have

    Attached Files:

  3. cndguy

    cndguy New Member

    Jun 16, 2012

    Some more.

    Attached Files:

  4. cndguy

    cndguy New Member

    Jun 16, 2012

    This is the last of the pictures I got. What does everyone think? Worth fixing up? If it wasn't for the amount the marina (overcharges) to dock something of this length I would of already bought it for sure. Tips/suggestions on what to look for as far as the hull is concerned? I couldn't see anything majour, I'm hoping I can reconvince the wife to be interested in it again. I appreciate any feed back and also just wanted to share some pics of the old boat.
    Take care!

    Attached Files:

  5. Havana

    Havana New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    My nickle

    I own a 1965 37' (bought 3 years ago). If you are looking to have a boat to use, i.e you and the wife spending the weekends relaxing, I'd look elsewhere. It appears to me, from the pictures, that you have a rather extensive restoration project. Motors are expensive (especially with transmissions). Parts are not easy to find. They are out there, just not everywhere. It looks like the interior and aft deck need a total redo. I work on mine every winter and spring, manage to get it in the water for 4 months, then plan out the winter projects. My boat was complete and in fairly good condition. I did buy a welder and learn to weld (essential to keep her floating). I have replaced bottom plate every winter. I think I am almost caught up.
    If you and your wife want to restore the boat together, spend lots of money and you have a place to work on it year round, then this might be the boat for you. There are boats out there for a reasonable price that will allow you to use it and work on it and stay relatively happily married! They are beautifull and classic and I love mine. Just a note from a recent purchaser of an old steel boat!
  6. Laurence

    Laurence Senior Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    Chattanooga TN
    Better Roamer

    Check out this 37 Roamer on the Roamer Discussion under "Diesel conversion info needed". It a much better boat and reasonable price.
  7. gibson36

    gibson36 Member

    Oct 9, 2005
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Ahhh to buy or not to buy ..

    It's just $ and time .. see what he wants for it and decide from there. don't give him a dime over scrap price cause that's about what it's worth w/o motors and trans, maybe less then true scrap price if you have to move it .. IT LOOKS WORTH SAVING TO ME. but I'm not you ..
  8. ELS_Huntsville

    ELS_Huntsville New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Lake Guntersville Yacht Club
    If you want to improve your relationship with your wife, buy a boat that is sound that you enjoy while you tinker with her. A gigantic restore project like the boat you found will take lots of treasure and time. You made no comments about the integrity of the steel hull; is she a rust bucket with lots of rust holes that must be repaired? Better to enjoy a sound vessel on the water; there are lots of them out there in this economy that can be acquired at a very reasonable cost. Instead, you if you can get that boat for dimes, then you might consider parting her out and selling the parts on Ebay etc. You might consider a Chris Craft Commander.... go to the Chris Craft Commander Club where they have a webpage of Commanders for sale (Commanders are all fiberglass built like "tanks", and classic designs); recently there was a useable boat available at very low cost and in good condition.
  9. Savasa

    Savasa Senior Member

    Jun 4, 2008
    Iqaluit, Nunavit, Canada
    Good afternoon,
    Hmmm....Tinkering with the wife? And I thought this was a "G" rated website. Yup, buy a boat that works.
  10. Caledonia

    Caledonia New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Saint Paul MN
    Buy the boat why not

    I fell into the trap that you are on the edge of. I am over the edge 5 years and close to $100K later and I still have 2 years left.
    It is cheaper than psychoanalysis yes?
  11. jflongwell

    jflongwell Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    Watkins Glen on Seneca Lake
    Way over my head

    If the wife is not 1000% interested, run from it.
    It looks like a great parts boat to me.
    At least they left the keys, but took the tachs. If you go with it, I have a set of tachs I will donate.
    Where in Ontario?
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2012
  12. doug p

    doug p Member

    Jan 31, 2009
    Unfortunately I have to agree with the other posts. It sounds like the monthly charges are high and it appears that the boat will be worked on outside. You have a very short season. Take the advice of the others. Commanders are excellent and almost the same styling.

    If you are close to Peterborough, there was a Roamer Offshore for sale last that would be worth saving.

    Doug P
  13. cndguy

    cndguy New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    Thanks for the advice

    Thanks everyone for the replies, sorry I didn't write back sooner I was unaware anyone had replied as it is supposed to email me everytime someone replies.

    Anyways yea I kinda figured it would be a never ending project and after lots of research there's similar floating and running Chris Crafts for way less than what I would end up having to sink into that old girl. I mostly wanted to share the boat and its pictures with the forum. I was at one of the other marinas here and seen a 30+' commander fly bridge that did look really nice. I'll prob be settling with a small boat for now that I can trailer but I'm really hoping for a nice Chris Craft in my future. The docking fees around here just make it hard to justify purchasing a larger boat right now. I'm hoping to get a house on the water or with dock rights then size won't be as big a concern. Thanks again everyone for your input I was on the fence initially but the storage for the next ten years while I redid the boat would kill me anyways. Lol

    At least there's another surving (sorta) Roamer out there. Did I mention there's also two 54' or so Roamers at the marina? One of theme for sale (rough looking shape) for only $54,000

    Take care everyone