Hi Carl. IP is Deleted You had an email from me a couple of weeks ago. I've had this problem half a dozen times this year, but two weeks ago was the worst, being locked out for 24hrs. When it goes, I can't even get to the welcome page. Good luck and thanks for all your hard work. David
That's the same process he follows looking for a girlfriend. I had the no access issue all last weekend but better now. Guess I would need to be home to get an IP for you.
Carl, Thanks, I have access now. However, the edit button seems to be missing. Would you kindly delete my ip address off of post #14. Thanks Ken
blocked I was blocked out for almost a week and then received and email saying; " FISHTIGUA has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Boat Jokes... - in the Popular Yacht Topics forum of YachtForums.Com". I then clicked the link on the email page and was able to open that page. From then on I had access like I did before my problem occurred. I don't know if this is relevant or not but it did seem to work for me! ZIA
I was never blocked, and could open yachtforums. But many times, when I'd click the post button or on a thread, it would go to an error page and say yachtforums could not be found......
It looks like the News, Features and Reviews section is down. I got this and similar type messages when trying to access them. Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/yachtfor/public_html/forums/includes/init.php on line 55
I always thank God for cut and paste and print screen. It saves me a lot of effort actually trying to explain a problem to developers.
yaa the deprecated php stuff - pretty much that what i've been trying to handle the last 4 weeks... i've had no problems to access except from my phone, but that could've been the case of my stupid router...(i haven't that ip anymore )
Q - for those having issues gaining access to the site what browsers are you using I myself use mozilla firefox i haven't experienced any such issue's that's been mentioned ... touch wood thus far .
Update: On Monday or Tuesday, we're going to try upgrading the server to Php5 with some new patches. We made an attempt last week, but YF has so much custom code, it doesn't play well with upgrades.
Thats fine Carl, Just make sure the kids on the bikes drop it off before 7am, with the sports page and the funnies, as some of us need the coffee and to prepare for work. Does Dave Barry work for us yet?
YF has been upgraded to Php5. Please let me know if you experience any further difficulties in accessing the site. (or if anything is broke on YF!)