Hi all, I've received several emails from members having trouble accessing YF. If you have experienced a problem in recent weeks, please post your IP address in this thread. If you don't know your IP address, go to http://ipgeeks.com and copy your IP address, then post it under this thread. Sorry for the inconvenience. Carl
Am I being over cautious but is it safe to post IP addresses? Sorry but I'm just not geeked-up about this sort of thing.
Your IP is attached to every post you make via vB's software. It can only be seen by YF's mods. What I need to know is the IP address from which anyone is having an issue. As long as you're not in a witness protection program, follow NSA protocols due to a security breach or you fathered children you didn't know about, it's safe to post. I'll remove this thread before it gets indexed.
Hi, Carl, sent you a PM with my info. You might be surprised where that shows me as being. It ain't a VPN either just VSAT.
I've had issues getting on from a few different IP's over the past couple days. Here is the one I am currently on, it was off and on yesterday.
At first, I thought the server might be blocking an IP range due to spam coming from a certain region, but this is global. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll get busy on this...
Thanks Dave, but it's not hard work, just a process of elimination. Essentially, I just keep breaking things until something works.
If anyone experiences access problems again, please keep my email handy... carl (at) yf (dot) com I need to hear from you when it happens so we can see what IP address is being blocked by the server. I'm afraid this Gremlin's going to be a real Stripe.
Another member emailed me a few minutes ago. Said he was blocked all weekend, but now he has access. This seems to be the case with most, but not all. Some are getting a time out message for a few hours, some for a day, yet others for the whole weekend? This means there could be people that can’t access for longer periods of time! It would explain why our traffic is has been down over the past couple of weeks, when it is normally higher coming into summer. Strangely, the issue seems to resolve and most (not all) gain access again in a day. This is one of those... "You can't fix it, if it ain't broke" situations. Sorry all!
I am pretty sure the IP address you gave is your local network router. You might try to go to http://www.whatismyip.com/. That will tell you what IP address was assigned you by your isp. If I type that address, I get my router in my den. Ken
This got me to a page getting me to a weekly prize survey. It seems t be redirecting traffic. It would be best to use the one Carl gave in the opening post. Scot
No worries Carl, I have read that the internet is being reorganized and many get a new IP- address...I think that causes the problems.