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50 Betram information needed.

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by Keysbearfl, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Keysbearfl

    Keysbearfl New Member

    Aug 29, 2011
    New Smyrna Beach, FL
    My wife and I are continuing our search for a new to us (used) sportfish. We have a great opportunity on a Betram 50 with 10 cylinder MANS. Can anyone tell me the the fuel consumption at cruise as well as WOT? I believe that cruise is about 1750 RPM, so I would also love to know the GPH at about 1600 RPM. I know this shows my lack of big boat experince, but is this too much boat for a couple to handle and dock? We are moving up from a 36 foot boat.

    We want the boat to take to the Bahamas, and leave there for several months at a time, as well as to cruise to the Keys. We will also fish and dive off the boat.

    I have found lots of great information on this forum and I really appreciate the advice and help.


  2. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    Definitely quite easy to drive the boat and handle with two. There are so many systems on a big boat though. And with an older boat that means so many systems ... each of which needs work! I couldn't imagine leaving mine for several months at a time ... it's the regular use that has allowed me to find all of the hidden issues. Once it's in perfect condition though, I suppose it could be left for periods of time.

    The 10 cylinder MAN engines I believe were at one time referred to as the "ManGrenade". I believe there was an expensive fix for this. I have heard plenty of good things about the MAN engines ... one of them is the superior fuel efficiency over the old Detroit's which I have. The downside of the MAN's is the expensive service. So, like any Diesel, you will want them checked thoroughly by a trustworthy MAN mechanic. Of course, it would help a lot to know their complete service history ... but judging from the fact that you are asking about fuel burn, I am guessing you are not in touch with the previous owner? You should be able to get 2 to 3 gallons per mile at 20 knots.
  3. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Cruise on 1050 MANs is 1950RPM's and some people even cruise them at 2000rpms. The 1050's prefer to run around 1900-2000rpm's from what I've seen. Fuel Consumption is 72gph at 1950 rpm's. 1600rpms and I'm guessing here, would probably be around 50-55gph.
  4. Keysbearfl

    Keysbearfl New Member

    Aug 29, 2011
    New Smyrna Beach, FL
    Thanks for your reply. I am pretty sure that the engines have been redone. I know that the engines have had regular service, and one engine was replaced in 1999. As the boat is for sale with a broker, I assume we would be able to see what service and maintainence the current owner has done. When I said we would leave the boat in the Bahamas, it was to use over there, not to leave sitting in a slip. It is easier to sometimes fly back and forth (and usually cheaper than fuel) I know that a boat works better when run regularly. Love the 50 Bert, but I am concerned about fuel burn. I have read that the MANS are more efficient than the Detroits.

    Thanks for your help,

  5. AdrenalinJunki

    AdrenalinJunki New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    Pensacola, Fl
    I have a 50' Bertram, and yes, two people can handle the boat with no problem. I had the 10cyl MAN's in a 53' Ocean. Dependability was great, better on fuel than my Detroits. The only time you won't like them is when you pay for the 1000 hour service. The going price in this area is a little north of $20k. The bootom line is I'd have another boat with MAN's again.
  6. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    If you are jumpping from a 36 SF to a 50 SF and you have expereince with the 36, you should have no problem handling the 50.

    some 36's may be more difficlut to handle and dock than 50's due to wheel size, location of wheels, (also if going from gas to diesel, you will have much more bite on the props when you bump her in gear) and the mass of the 50 being less likely impacted by the wind and tide....the 50 is most likely double the displacement and at least a foot more draft.

    so my answer is; you should have no problem with the 50' if moving up from a 36, once you get over the shock of the extra space on the bow and out the back and sides....

    I prefer crew, but I have no problem docking and maneuvering a 46SF solo....

    for me, i would want at least one crew if going much larger than mid 50's....