I had a boat scheduled for transport this morning, a little 26' coming out to the Island from Staten Island. It's an older Four Winns which a new boater just purchased. The 0600 buoy report shows a 3' windwave on top of a 1' swell running every 4 seconds, very steep. The forecast has up a small craft advisory. Can't put a new boater and a questionable boat through that. One more trip cancelled at the last minute. Nature of the business. I've been living with this schedule for 24 years now wondering if I'd earn a living today or maybe would I get killed today. Yesterday I made a big decision. NYCAP is now officially retired. I may move a boat here or there or give someone a lesson, but more for pleasure or a favor. No longer as my living. 55 years on the water, 24 professionally. I'm finished. I do not plan to renew my license in 2013, do not plan to worry if my prescribed meds could put me on the wrong side of a pee test, and will no longer worry if my $400 pay day will expose me to many thousands of dollars in liability should anything happen to a vessel under my control. Of course there are no rocking chairs in my plans. Wouldn't know how not to work. I've been asked to dockmaster and I've accepted. It's a marina I ran many years ago. I won't advertise it here, but if anybody would like a seasonal or transient slip in the only full resort marina in the Hamptons, shoot me a PM and I'll see what I can do. Undoubtedly this means that I will be spending a lot less time on YF, which I'm sure will please a few people, but I'll still pop in from time to time. I want to thank all of the members for helping to educate me over the past several years. I've put the knowledge to good use. Hopefully I've returned the favor once or twice or at least made you think a bit. P.S. My boss has decided that he's getting out with me. So if anybody is interested in a very nice 2004 Formula 40PC he'll be putting it up for sale. You can contact me for info. I will not be taking any comission on the sale. This is strictly a favor for a good guy.
Thank you Ed for all you have done for me over the years, I hope I will continue to see you. Please do let me know where you will be dock master, and I would still like to engage you for the occasional lesson or consultation - All the best Vic Time Well Wasted Eastport, New York
never finished Never finished just moving on, all the best and I am sure we will see you on here. ....if not remember the sun tan when you are lying back on the beach dreaming of cleaning the bilges or fixing the blocked head.
Ed, Hope your change of course goes well for you. You might find that it is no longer 1 Owner at a time giving you a hard time but many oh and yes there is always the hired help that you will have to deal with. All the best.
Wow what a decision that I am sure did not come easily (or maybe it was). Well, I am a baseball throw away from Miami so maybe we will see you down here with these other retired NY mob bosses Ha! I would be glad to let you know anything you would like to know if you really do want to come south but in the mean time I sure hope to see your 2cents worth from time to time here. To think you probably have forgotten more than what most people do know about your profession.
Good luck in your future endeavors Capt. I've read many of your posts and have learned quite a bit from them. Thanks !
Goodluck in your venture. Being a dockmaster can be very interesting at times. I worked in a marina when I was young, and well getting to watch all of the girls in bikini's come in........well you know....was fun.
Ed Good luck with your new "life"... Couldnt you have find a marina to run somewhere where it s warm and the water is a nice shade of blue? So... Will you have to deal with rules, regs, EPA, payroll, and all? just kidding! Good luck!
Did the So. Fl thing for several years and have the melanoma to prove it. But, like C4NG pointed out there was a void up here that needed to be filled. Thanks everyone for the good wishes.
You may wish to rethink this idea. Why? Someday, someone may ask you to do the loop. Also, the Mayan Calendar may prove your decision moot. Good idea - quite the stress reliever. Not saying that the new job will be stressful; just saying. Best wishes.
Aye Mate, don't spend too much time up North freezing yer old tail off. Come down to Fort Lauderdale and go blow-boating the Bahamas, I supply the boat, you bring them bikini girls. See ya shortly.
Many of us retire into boating as a "full time" job and many retire out from a full time boating job. Those of us retiring into it don't have to put up the people and events, we left those headaches in the past. But NYCap, you may be in a great position to take on only the fun owners, good schedules and nice boats by word of mouth so keep your certificates up-to-date if you can. One never knows ----
Ed, "Retiring" is retiring...not just changing jobs! That's not retired! Seriously, good luck, and as I'm in the neighborhood I'll come in and say hello at some point...