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What would you build with a $600 million Lotto ticket?

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by Fishtigua, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. carelm

    carelm Senior Member

    Feb 5, 2011
    fairfax va
    I checked out the fuel burn rate. Less than 1 gph which is about 45 seconds worth for some of the other yachts mentioned.
  2. maldwin

    maldwin Senior Member

    Sep 20, 2009
    Dark Harbor Me/ Hobe Sound Fl
    600 million is really 18-24 million a year for life,or 15-20 after a 100 million dollar initial spend on real estate, and boats. I would love to be able to spend 2-3 million a year on restoring classic boats, and reselling them to good owners. 7 million a year should take care of a world cruiser, 2 million should maintain the rest of the fleet. I have no need for airplanes, or houses so the rest could go to charity.
  3. socuban

    socuban New Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    Aventura/Casa de Campo
    A Fleet!

    My short list;

    1 x Pachoud 85' cruising cat ala "Pacific Harmony"

    1 x F&S Boat Works 68' Convertible ala "Hit N' Run" formerly "Magic Touch"

    1 x Nor Tec 50' Twin Turbine ala "Miss Nor Tec"

    That would probably hold me over until I could really figure out what I wanted:)
  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I was about to correct you; then I visited Pachoud's website. It looks like they took over the molds of John Winter's original brainchild...

    This was one of the first reviews I published to YF. It wasn't one of our big features. At the time, I was working around the clock on YF's codework, leaving little time for a life. This was a remarkably well-conceived cat, ahead of its time... literally. If John could have held on financially, there may have been a pride of cubs floating around now.

    I sea trialed the boat back in 2004. There wasn't much to compare it with. The majority of power cats on the market were pint size. There's a volume dynamic with cats... they grow at a multiple of length. Pacific Harmony had the onboard space of a 100-foot boat. Much like the review I'm writing on the Horizon PC-58 cat right now... it's got the volume of a 75-footer.

    Good choices on how to spend $600m, but you've got $590m left over... ;)
  5. socuban

    socuban New Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    Aventura/Casa de Campo
    Yea, not bad for 200' of boats, lol. My conservative side started getting nervous with all the operational costs, considering I need to get to the boats; in a new Dassault Falcon 7X, then unto a Sikorsky 76D and finally arrive the marina in the Maybach Laundalet:D

    But, more idealistic along the $600MM yachts only dream, I would shoot for something along the lines of the former Princess Mariana in an 1A ice class and an OSV like the Far Scorpian to carry the toys.
  6. carelm

    carelm Senior Member

    Feb 5, 2011
    fairfax va
    You could combine the two by getting a YES conversion like the Suri that is reviewed by this site. Have one yacht that can carry all the toys. I understand that Suri is getting re-fitted with an additional 36 feet added as well as upgraded engines.
  7. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Okay I've been giving a little thought to how I might spend those jackpot winnings, even though I seldom ever play these lotteries. It's nice to dream though :D;)

    NUMBER 1: First off I think I would have a very nice canal boat built to go cruise and live on the canals of Europe for some portions of the year. I particularly like this vessel design Roi Soleil. This would be my 'floating apartment' in Europe :

    Roi Soleil full view, ps.jpg

    at La Someil.jpg



    roi-soleil-canal, ps.jpg

    I believe a lot of folks don't realize how extensive the canal system of Europe is. I'd likely use this vessel primarily in the French canals and do lots of side trips off into the countryside, and sample lots of wine, cheese and pate.

    I'd have a captain on board, with knowledge of canal transits, local language skills, and to help out my friends and associates that would be invited to come visit the vessel while I was off somewhere else.

    ...some forum discussions, and more pics:
  8. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    NUMBER 2: My second vessel would be something along the lines of my 65' gamefishing/sailing catamaran design. This vessel would be used to travel up and down the east coast of the USA, and make the big circular routes around all of the islands and countries bordering on the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Its shallow draft would also be most welcome in the Chesapeake Bay, the Bahamas, the Caymans, and that huge reef off of Belize. This would be another part time home during certain seasons.

    Perspective, Reefed, post size.jpg

    65 cat trolling.jpg

    I relish the chance to show many naysayers that this unique sailing rig will work very well. This vessel might also become the 'base vessel' to which I might apply a number of other propulsion ideas, etc.
  9. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    NUMBER 3: The third vessel I would be building would be a 'modernized version' of this classic looking Alden 57 footer. She would have a steel hull, a poly-core composite deck and super structure, and a very nice wood interior in keeping with her classic heritage.

    Alden 57 profile.jpg

    Alden Hawk 57 underway, ps.jpg

    I've also included this photo of a shortly smaller vessel by Rhodes as it captures the essences of what I am talking about.


    I've long been an admirer of these style motorsailers that could present themselves as comfortable live-aboard vessels that could also go explore anywhere the world....I wrote about that here, “Motorsailers by Alden & Rhodes”. I would station this vessel over in SE Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific islands. This vessel would have a captain/caretaker on board to look after the vessel when I was away, and he could help with the various friends, associates, and potential clients that might come to experience the vessel and/or her geographic location.
    I'm working up some ideas for this design modification at present, and will likely post a new subject thread for interested parties to participate in.
  10. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    NUMBER 4: I'd be looking for a place to build a unique waterfront office where 3-6 people could work on design and educational projects (more later). It might take on the form of one of the lighthouses on the Chesapeake Bay, ...or it might even look something like this 'one pillar' Pagoda,...maybe a little less ornate, and in more of a Thai style

    It needs to be on the water for inspiration, and it needs to be readily accessible to potential clients flying in from many locations. My old home port of Annapolis Md and the surrounding areas, including its proximity to Washington DC, sure offers a lot, but I wouldn't rule out other locations.

    Stingray Point Lighthouse, ps.jpg

    ThomasPoint, Summer Sunset, a watercolor by Thomas A Needham, ps.jpg

    one pillar Pagoda.jpg

    NUMBER 5: Finally I would want to get involved in a humanitarian project,...not simply a donation to some charitable organization, but a real worthwhile project. What could be more satisfying than contributing to the basic education of children around the world. I had thought that the original program of 'One Laptop per Child' was a very worthwhile goal. It appears as though some commercial interests have gotten involved, and this has delayed and complicated the original concept. This needs to be put back on track to a more full implementation around the world.

    If you were to compliment that 'one-computer-per-child' with this Kahn educational program, imagine what you could accomplish. WOW !!

    Kahn Academy, the Future of Education
    Khan Academy: The future of education? - 60 Minutes - CBS News

    I would hope to get my Thai wife (a former school teacher) involved with this project.

    CONCLUSION: So there you have it, travel and living on a variety of motor/sailing craft around the world, promoting new boating ideas, and helping kids become better citizens of the world. That would be my ultimate dream.
  11. carelm

    carelm Senior Member

    Feb 5, 2011
    fairfax va

    Great Britain has a fairly extensive canal system as well. This site has an interactive feature you can click on a canal to get more details.

    UK Canal Maps & Cruising Guides with Canaljunction.

    Pontcysyllte Aqueduct - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    One route in particular has the Pontcycllte Aqueduct which crosses a valley in north east Wales. Note: a canal boat is on the aqueduct slightly to the left of center.

    Attached Files:

  12. chuckb

    chuckb Senior Member

    Mar 26, 2011
    Great selection!


    Great selection! I've seen Roi Soleil close up and agree she's a fantastic barge. When you get that winning lottery ticket and invite friends to use her... keep me on the list!:D

    I agree on the Rhodes inspired motorsailer too. The multihull doesn't do it for the traditionalist in me, although in my youth I was an H16 speed addict and certainly think a cat daysailer would need to be on the list.

    Great suggestion on the coastal work space / home base, ideas in that vien that could be a new thread unto itself!

  13. carelm

    carelm Senior Member

    Feb 5, 2011
    fairfax va
  14. PropBet

    PropBet Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    Is Everything!
    Can I profit share with Brian on option #1?
    I'm a fan.
  15. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
  16. Purring Tiger

    Purring Tiger New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    Guetersloh - Germany
    Okay, so you really got me thinking this over. If I ever buy a boat, I want to live on it and explore the world. So what would I look for in a boat?

    • big enough to live on permanently, but small enough to be handled by a couple after professional training
    • comfort (galley with full-size appliances, large fridge and freezer
    • capable of doing long distance
    • safety
    • ocean-going, but also able to travel bigger inland waterways (think: U.S.: rivers, Lakes; Europe: Germany rivers and canals)
    • storage-room for spares and enough food
    • large dining-area (12-14 people for Christmas would be fine, just for dinner)

    I really like the style of a Gentleman's yacht (along the lines of the old Cammengas, the current Mulder Wheelhouses), but I somehow doubt their ocean-going abilities, although they would be perfect for many inland waterways and coastal cruising. For real passagemaking, Nordhavn is at the top of my list from everything I have read over the past few weeks. They seem to be big, reliable, spacious and ready to go anywhere, except some of the smaller inland waterways, but they should be okay on the bigger ones.

    If you have any boats that fit my description, let me know, so that I can dream a bit more. ;)
  17. discokachina

    discokachina Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Ft. Lauderdale
    To travel canals and some inland waterways air height is going to be a problem with a Nordhavn. If we are dreaming about a gentleman's yacht this one is about to be delivered. New Bilgin 2012 for sale in Shipyard, Turkey

    From all the pictures I have seen so far this is going to be one heck of a nice yacht for a comparatively reasonable price. She will unfortunately require crew. We all have to make compromises when selecting the perfect yacht.

    Ahhhh, can't you just begin to smell the aroma of the fine Corinthian Leather!!
  18. bernd1972

    bernd1972 Senior Member

    Mar 1, 2011
    Flensburg, Germany
    I won´t feel the need for a bigger boat than mine, but I´d invite some good friends and go for an extensive cruise through every bit of water Europe has to offer. Should keep me busy for a few years. :D
  19. travler

    travler Senior Member

    Oct 14, 2008
    roche harbor wa
    WOW with that kind of money i could buy / build a new fish boat and work another 40 years to wear it out

    heading south travler
  20. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand

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