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Carbon Monoxide Poisioning

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Captain Luke, Jul 26, 2005.

  1. Captain Luke

    Captain Luke New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
    I have spent the past 7 months recovering from chronic low level carbon monoxide posioning from a yacht that I worked on. The yacht, had the exhaust for the gens and the engines plumbed incorrectly at the factory and a percentage of the exhaust was being pumped into the crew quarters and the yacht interior via the air conditioning. Two crew members experienced headaches, dizziness, nausea, constant awakening at night feeling not right and not thinking clearly while on the boat. I have been off the boat a number of months and still experience dizziness, nausea and now I am dealing with neurological off balance, gait and cognitive thinking problems. I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this while working on a yacht. If you have please email me.

    Carbon Monoxide posioning on boats is quite common. If you are experiencing similar symptoms, look into it. Your brain tissue is very fragile.
    Thanks Debra
  2. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    I am sad to hear this and I donĀ“t doubt what you have got and how you got it, but I know that this is also about the same things you can get from cellphones, especially when using them at long distances from the base antennas and without handsfree.

    Just another source of unvisible "poisoning" that we are getting today... :(
  3. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    The CO detectors never alarmed?

    Kelly Cook
  4. Captain Luke

    Captain Luke New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
    The yacht didn't have any alarms but it does now. The alarm they have now has the ability to sense CO levels as low as 10 PPM. Debra
  5. tom dornhofer

    tom dornhofer New Member

    Jun 5, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
    Sorry to hear of your experience - you're lucky to be alive! It should be a wake up call to every other captain, engineer and boat owner. Carbon Monoxide is very often overlooked - as is it's sources - engine exhaust systems which in many yachts are hidden behind nice looking, expensive panels. Unfortunately these panels are usually installed with no thought of access to what is behind them. The yacht I'm presently on (177ft all aluminum) had problems with exhaust pipe deterioration but luckily they were confined to the engine room. Some of the exhaust pipe does run through the control room and my room and one of the first things I had done in the yard was to install the best CO alarms available. Do not install cheap battery operated alarms. I did meet some resistance about the cost but pointing out the fact that if the exhaust ran through YOUR room or work space which ones would you install.