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100 or 98 Leonardo... What's the difference?

Discussion in 'Azimut Yacht' started by 1772, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. 1772

    1772 New Member

    May 19, 2011
    So I'm thinking of perhaps getting a 100 footer....
    I know, I know, it'll probably ruin me, but hey, they're pretty cool right? :)

    I've always been in love with Azimut (yes, I know they are flawed) and I was eyeing the Leonardo.

    But from what I can tell there is an older and a newer Leonardo; the older one is called 98 and the newer one 100.
    The most striking difference seems to be the roof on the sundeck, which I suppose could come in handy.
    But what are the other differences? I can't find anything usefull on the interwebz.

    Thanks for any info you have!
  2. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    Two feet
  3. 1772

    1772 New Member

    May 19, 2011
    I suppose you just read the headline?
    They're actully the same lenght, I suppose 100 sounds better than 98 for a successor.
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Although Capt. Mike's response may have sounded flip he may not be far off. Although I can't testify to this particular boat, many manufacturers will in fact change their model number or length # from year to year to re-invigorate interest in basically the same boat. A smaller example would be the 30' and 31' Sea Ray or their 48 & 50. Same boat, with minor changes, different model years. It's sort of like car manufacturers changing the head and tail lights e/o year, but keeping the same basic car. You will undoubtedly find differences though, but not necessarily in the hull. Often you'll find the smaller number on the earlier model. As I'm sure you're aware, there's a big psychological difference in telling people you have a 98' yacht as opposed to a 100'. Sort of the reverse of the sales strategy of things being priced at $1.99 instead of $2.00. The first is thought of as about one dollar.
  5. RVN-BR

    RVN-BR Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    South Florida & Mediterranean
    I'm not sure about this specific model, but both azimuth and ferretti often launched very similar boats (i'm almost sure always off the same hull) with a slightly elongated version, or most often platform. Many times they find that the first year / iteration a lot of things could have been done better, and they improve from the feedback of owners. In my experience it is most often this than merely a "relaunch with a nicer sounding name". Put the layouts side by side and you may notice something which makes more sense on the 100. Often the hull itself is the same overall length, however, as stated by the others...