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Bad Statistic for the superyacht industry

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Milow232, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. RVN-BR

    RVN-BR Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    South Florida & Mediterranean
    Spot on... some of these structures are merely in place to help with succession too... it all depends on the size and complexity of ones estate, as well as the complexity of the inheritance structure... When everything you try to do becomes "suspect" it is definitely a terrible day...
  2. blacksheep

    blacksheep New Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    Had he not donated th 3 million to a charity he would have to give it up in taxes.So why not make your self look very generous by the donation instead of paying the taxes??
  3. ArcanisX

    ArcanisX Senior Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Tel Aviv.
    Blacksheep, it's not that simple.

    And it's... strange to speak about "bad rich people" on a forum dedicated to what basically amounts a hobby of rich people. :D

    I'm from a former "socialism headliner" country. Trust me, it isn't as pleasant.
  4. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Why not give it to a charity of your choice to directly help people, rather than a government which is going to waste most of it is how I look at it.
  5. sunchaserv

    sunchaserv Member

    Dec 16, 2011
    Carefree, AZ
    The uber rich are on the hunt for deals, which unless inherited, is how they became uber rich. Today's economic uncertainties have caused many of the uber rich to become even more of wealth protectors. This philosophy does not necessarily mean the yacht loving uber rich are now anti yacht, it just means toys are of lesser significance so good yacht deal making is becoming even more relevant. Lest I get challenged, I only know of 3 uber rich who feel this way. I know one other who is moving up to get a better sky lounge with the previous two year old vessel now on the market.

    My point, as stated earlier in the thread - there is lots of money out there still, but the uber rich do not let their wealth or new directions get too much attention as yacht deals get pursued.
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Another problem, is that 5 years ago the super rich knew that they could put an order in on their new yacht, enjoy their current yacht almost up to the splashing date, and then know they could have sold the previous yacht within a few months for good money and they weren't going to be a 2 yacht owner for an unspecified period of time. Now, the used market is soft and resale values are soft, so it not only takes a much larger jump to move up, they also know they might have to almost give their old yacht away to sell it quickly when the new build is finished, or sell it early and then be out of yachting for a while until the new one is built from the time it's ordered.