I was teaching Aids to Navigation in our Power Squadron class and one of the students asked about the different islands in the Carribean and if they all fell under the IALA-B (North American) system of aids to navigation. I can't find a definitive answer in Google so I thought I would ask the boaters who actually travel in the area. Thanks in advance.
Everything in North/South America falls under region "B". Japan, South Korea and the Phillipines are also on region B. Everywhere else in the world follows buoyage system A.
Some years ago the British Virgin Islands had the "other" system. I sailed in to some island (Probably Beef) with the Red on my Starboard side and bumped a reef but kept going. (Centerboard Bermuda Racer, board up 4'4" draft, board down 8'8". The shallow draft with the board up saved my bacon, but another guy followed me in, thinking a 44' sailboat would draw at least 6' or so. He was stuck on the reef all night. Still feeling guilty about it.. Not sure if they changed to the other system these days..?