While doing some research on hull design I came across some info that led me to a company called Shannon Yachts out of Bristol, RI. Shannon had designed a hull for power boats that was revolutionary and appeared to have promise. I read a few reviews of the Shannon boats from 2005, but I can't find any Shannon power boats on Yacht World any newer than the late 80's. They offered the hull in sizes from 38'... to 45'..... . Any idea if they're still around?
Did the BeachBoat get beached? There's an extensive discussion on YF back in 2004... http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/technical-discussion/3180-breakthru-hull-design.html
They are still around. Based in Bristol, RI. My parents owned a 36 Voyager for a number of years and loved it.
Carl, thanks for that link. Reading the four pages of that thread and the comments from people who've "been there, done that", I'm continually amazed at the level of knowledge and experience of the people who post on here. While that old thread answered some of the questions I had about hull design, it left unanswered my original question of what happened to Shannon Yachts? Sea Gull just answered that for me. Thanks a lot Sea Gull. Is Shannon still in the power boat business or are they strictly building sailboats?
google them. They have a pretty good website. Various sail, power and motor sailors in their line. I'm just not sure how many they are building these days.
Afaik they re still around. This summer i was walking over to JD in Mecqua ... Aka Bristol RI... and noticed a building where a Shannon sailboat was being built...