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Protection for Yachts against Pirates

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by yahhter, Dec 28, 2011.

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  1. yahhter

    yahhter New Member

    Dec 25, 2011
    New York
    Had a prior thread where mentioned that I was strongly considering purchasing a yacht and have seen a couple previous threads about piracy, but still thought I'd ask for your expertise: if I plan to stay on the US coastline or possibly the Med, do I need to protect a yacht under 500 tons. If I need to protect it, do I bring arms on board to protect ourselves, water cannons, etc? How does an owner and crew protect themselves against a pirate attack?
  2. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Whatever as long as you donĀ“t give it away on the internet...
  3. RVN-BR

    RVN-BR Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    South Florida & Mediterranean
    You dont need anything in those places I wouldnt think... more attractive targets to go after... plus, at the range of size you are looking at (or at least thinking about looking at) you really need to get someone with some experience by your side...

    no one is born knowing, but this post and a couple of your other ones do have a little bit of that "horse-in-front-of-the-carriage" ring...

    as said in other posts, charter A FEW (or a lot) of boats, see what you like, and talk to the a lot (listen mostly, in ur case :D)... they will surely have lots to say... and you have lots to learn (we always do!)
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Zero concerns in US waters, Bahamas and most of the Caribbean.... Med is safe as well.

    Weapons are an option but you need to be aware of exact rules and procedures which vary by state and country
  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    In the news the other day, a woman tourist from Tenessee was visiting the World Trade Center memorial in NYC. She saw a sign that said no weapons permitted so she asked a cop where she could check her (licensed in Tenn.) pistol. She's now facing 3 1/2 years.
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Now that is just stupidity on the police's part. The lady obviously didn't know the laws there, and while she should've checked on them, but she obviously wanted to do the right thing once she figured out that pistols weren't allowed in NYC, and they should've taken it at the nearest police station and held it and mailed it back to TN to a gun dealer for her to pickup......what a way to treat tourists and what a way to honor the 2nd Ammendment.
  7. travler

    travler Senior Member

    Oct 14, 2008
    roche harbor wa
    this is not as uncommon as you think ,,from personal experience what i was told in court ignorance is no excuse of the law as i was trying to be up front and abide by the laws of the state i was in , in this day and age not every thing is at it appears

    happy new year travler
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Travler, you are absolutely correct that "Ignorance is no excuse under the law", and Capt.J I don't know of anyplace here or abroad that will mail you back your gun and say have a nice day. On the up side she'll get to visit NY a few more times (for court dates) and help our local economy (lawyer fees & fines) even if the courts decide to be lenient. If not at least she won't have to worry about paying rent for a couple of years. There is zero tolerance in many places, and a U.S. jail is not the worst place you could end up. Having weapons is a very serious responsibility. There have been a few threads here on the subject with some going so far as to say they submerge their weapons before entering a foreign country. I'd hate to fear a mugging and spend a few years in some hell-hole prison instead. Know the laws where you travel.
  9. travler

    travler Senior Member

    Oct 14, 2008
    roche harbor wa
    nycap good advise that's one of the reasons we are very carefull where we go and be very aware of your suroundings in this day and age one never knows

    some of us have learned the hard way

  10. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    She has a concealed carry permit, is licensed to own and carry her weapon in her state, and went through a thorough FBI background check and was a law abiding citizen that made a simple mistake. Yes, many police departments will ship a gun to the persons local police department and they can pick it up. Remember, she approached the police officer and alerted him that she had it and asked what to do about it. She was not trying to hide it from the cop during a routine traffic stop. Why would they put this simple woman who made a mistake, go through more hoops and jailtime than the gangbanger walking around in Harlem with a concealed firearm that's stolen and has no carry permit. Abroad, they hold the gun for you in the police station, and you pick it up when you check out of the country, like in the BVI's, Mexico, DR, etc. etc.

    Many states reciprocate, and you could use your carry permit from TN in most states in the US and be within the law except in communist states such as NY, NJ, and CA. So it is entirely possible to make a mistake, especially if you're a little old lady from TN that never travelled anywhere.
  11. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Most gangbangers with half a brain have their respectable ladies or little kids carry their drugs and guns so they don't go to jail. Their carriers will certainly do less jail time for it than they will with a sheet full of felonies. It's not up to a cop on the street to make determinations like that. Cops have practiced a 5 word phrase for decades: "Tell it to the judge". The cop's job is to enforce the laws as written. They have very little discretion without the risk of screwing their own job security. Some places (like Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Texas and several others) will give a concealed carry permit to almost anyone. Other's not so generous. You're bound by the laws of jurisdiction you're in. Hey, prostitution is legal in Nevada. Does that mean a hooker from there can ply her trade in any state? She won't even get by in Las Vegas because their laws are different. Has nothing to do with Communism, or any other political persuasion although. Many are just tired of kids shooting each other like the 3 year old that killed his 5 year old friend the other day in Jersey or the marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan with out a scratch and took 3 bullets in Deerfield Beach, Fl. yesterday.
  12. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale

    Carry permit states DO NOT give a concealed carry permit to almost anyone. In Florida you have to take a class on handgun laws and safety, shoot your gun at the range and be proficient at it, and go through an extensive FBI background check and have no felonies, no violent past, etc. etc.....
  13. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    That's good. In Tennessee you have to take a course, have ID, get your fingerprints taken and pay $115. No mention of FBI background checks, the need to have a clean criminal record although I'd assume a felony conviction might be a stopper, no proof of proficiency. I understand there are some states where you basically walk in, sign your name and pay your money. Each jurisdiction has the laws they feel they need to protect their citizens. If a person is intelligent and responsible enough to be trusted with a gun in public they should be smart and responsible enough to know to check before going into another jurisdiction carrying. You don't go on a plane with a gun in your pocket. Why would you not think there aren't other places you can't bring them.
    I dare say there are as many countries where a foreigner found carrying a concealed weapon would spend a good piece of their lives in a very dark hole.
  14. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale

    Well, look at all of the pocket knives the TSA collects at the airport on a daily basis by normal law abiding citizens with no criminal background and no criminal intent. A lot of people don't even think to check or forget about it.

    Here's where you're mis-understanding my entire point here. YES, if a foriegner is FOUND carrying a concealed weapon they'd spend a lot of time in a prison. BUT, if the foriegnor DECLARES the weapon, then most all countries either just confiscate the weapon and give it back to you when you exit the country or keep it.

    This lady DECLARED the weapon to the nearest law enforcement officer as soon as she realized she wasn't supposed to have it there. She was not found with it during a police search and intentionally trying to hide it. She walked up to a police officer and said, I'm sorry officer but I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to have this while I'm on vacation. To charge someone 3 1/2 years and totally screw up their life, possibly lose their job, and their home over an accident with no criminal intent is totally wrong when she attempted to make the situation right is totally screwed up. Should she have checked beforehand, of course. But everyone makes simple mistakes and shouldn't be charged the same as a criminal.

    You want a perfect example. When you travel, do you put your prescription medications in one of those divider pill holders with a different compartment with the days on them S-M-T-W-T-F-S. Many seniors do that and travel with pills like that. Well, here in Florida it's a felony to have a prescription pill of any sort, not in it's origional bottle. So, for example, how would you like to be going through TSA at the airport and have them check your luggage and then handcuff you and charge you with a felony for a simple mistake??????? Then, not only would it cost you thousands to defend it and lose your Captain's license at the same time for a felony which is also your livelihood? Is that really fair, when the law is aimed at people selling drugs? Even though having it in the proper bottle identifies what it is.
  15. Casp

    Casp New Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    If one of the things she had to do to get that concealed carry license is to take a course in gun-laws she can't claim ignorance.... anyone taking a course in gun-laws should understand that those laws are different across the country....
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