I have an offensive odor issue with the shower sumps in my Hatteras. The sumps were built in at the factory and do not have lids. The float switch allows just a small amount of water to remain in each one but after a while the soap scum et al really begins to hum. What chemicals/cleaners/treatments are recommended that can both eliminate/control this odor and not affect the vacuflush components and hoses?
I'd just change it for a sealed unit that can be serviced when needed. I know the smell you mean from old sailing boats. Boy, does it humm. Why not by-pass the old vacu-flush system, leaving it for just the toilets? http://www.johnson-pump.com/JPMarine/products/bilge/showersump.html
Sorry, No coffee yet. I mispoke. Of course the vacuflush units are on completely different systems. Toilets in the shower sump! Now there would be an offensive odor! The sumps service the showers and the lavatory sinks. There are four in all. I went so far as to get four sealed 32v units but the changeout is a bear and far too time consuming given my other lists. Hatteras used rather rigid hose which is hardened with age and strapped down in impossible areas. With everything else that is under the sole (big units for the vacuflush) and small access hatches it was simply too daunting. I sent the units back. With big stabilizers the boat rolls very little. As long as the floats function the units seldom overflow (though admittedly it has happened) so containment of the liquids is not a problem. Put some pine sol through this morning but it is a short lived solution,.
are you sure it's the grey water sump that smell? lids are never fully sealed so it's not going to do much. I clean mines every year or two and they dont' smell. the smell usually comes from hair and scum in the inlet screens, not the sumps themselves. most sumps have small screens which will clog in as little as a month depending on how many long haired women shower on boards
I leave a bromine tablet in each one. It neutralizes anything that could cause odors in shower water.
That's a great idea. There are no screens on the hoses entering the sumps and I not about to limit the number of long haired girls onboard so the tablets sound like a great plan. Just finished doing a good clean-up so now is the time to give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion.
Just throw in a couple of these pills that are used for cleaning dental spare parts and let them do their job over night with the sump filled with water.
Bromine tablets work exactly like chlorine tablets except that they are made for a spa instead of a pool and don't have the offensive chlorine odor.
The manufacturer of my boat recommends pouring hydrogen peroxide down the shower and sink drains from time to time. Flush after a one hour soak. I also clean mine every year or two.
I just throw some distilled white vinegar down the shower and sink drain very month or so. We live full time on a Hatteras with that set up and no issues as a result. Maybe once a year or two I clean out any hair or other scum, but since the regular DWV flushes its been awhile.
The powers of white vinegar are amazing. These old drain lines will probably out last us. They will hold a slime and stink in them forever also. It may not just be the sump. My wife makes a foaming sink drain cleaner in our Ole Bertram (similar vintage problems). Pour down a dry drain line a half cup of cheap table salt, then a half cup of cheap backing soda. Slowly (SLOWLY) pour in a cup of cheap white vinegar. Give this at least 15 minutes and flush with any temp water. I also use vinegar to get rid of old bilge stink also. Sprayed, wiped, poured on bilge surfaces and left to dry. Vinegar in the bilge sumps keeps the whole ship smelling clean.
I use those bleach tablets for toilet tanks they are white about 2 inches round and usually come two in a pack. i think clorex brand. drop one in the bilge water also to help keep it cleen smelling fresh
No! (Do you know for a fact your hoses can stand it?) You can get plastic screens that cover the shower drain to take of hair. Bromine or toilet tablets will not do much to break up the scum. OK sometimes for AC intakes to inhibit barnacles, though a shred of copper does better for that.
Clorox is too strong for marine hoses. Also, if it gets mixed with certain chemicals you could have a real problem. My shower drain at home has wide grates, and my wife (love you dear but) sheds like Lassie. I swear I'd be bald 10xs over if I shed that much hair. So I picked up a small roll of window screening and every month or so cut a 4" circle and place it under the grates. Beats snaking the drains.
A few ounces of hydrogen peroxide in the sump and if you don't have dripless shafts, in the bilge keep everything fresh smelling.
re the toilet tablets.... for the record; I am not a chemist nor do I own any interest in any bleach company..... the toilet tablet company's web site says that incidental pet consumption of treated toilet water is not a big deal.... also, straight bleach comes in plastic containers, right.... how "bad" could it be for bilge pump and shower pumps and hoses? I would think that the dilute solution that the tablets create are no more harmful to hoses than some bilge cleaners and some soap products that are often used. maybe use a piece of one for the shower sump instead of a full size one if you dont use the shower often. Also, dont lots of owners "Shock" their fresh water tanks with diluted bleach... city water is treated with chlorine.... used in moderation in dilute amounts, i think you would be ok to use bleach products... ive been using the tablets and shocking my water tanks without problems.... Do not mix bleach or products with acid, amonia or other products containing ammoina or acid products.....that can make toxic fumes, not good...
Grey water usually smells worse than Black water. First do not use bleach, chlorine or other sterilizing agent this will only make the situation worse in the long run. What you are dealing with is a build up of soap scum, body fats, dead skin, and an assortment of hairs. The best way to break these down is with enzymes so if you start off looking for an enzyme based pipe and septic tank cleaner this will if used as per instructions solve your problem.