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Miami/Biscayne Bay

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by ychtcptn, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. ychtcptn

    ychtcptn Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    Lighthouse Point, FL
    We are going to be at Miami Beach Marina for the week after Christmas with guests aboard. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for day trips or overnight anchorages in the area where we can do a beach set up and water sports. Not looking to venture more than a few hours, lets say 20 miles.
    We are 130' with 7' draft, any suggestions would be helpful.
  2. RVN-BR

    RVN-BR Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    South Florida & Mediterranean
    I was there during last WMC... Its good to stay "near the action", even though MBM isnt really "busy" (by mediterranean standards at least)...

    You can go just around to stay in front of fisher island, its pretty sheltered and calm, you can also go to key biscayne which gives you access to beach et all, dunno how far it is really but shouldnt be too bad...

    if you have young ppl aboard KB might be a good thing if they have any sort of regatta/meet going on...It happens often on weekends where a whole bunch of boats go up, there is music, ppl are drinking on the boats (be careful with the reckless retards as usual), but its fun...many girls know the drill ;)

    I'm sorry i cant be much help, i was just there as a passenger, not as a captain so I dont know more to give you in terms of depths and all... I know that the weather wasnt awesome when i was there so we gave up on diving/snorkeling so I really cant point you into anything for that...

    good luck!

    and for night life, well, you are in south beach... beware for taxis, you really need to order them in advance... I'd suggest getting a rental car. parking was easy at the marina (just in front of the docks, near the texas de brasil restaurant) when i was there, i dunno if i was just lucky... apparently texas de brasil is very good, i didnt go there tho...
  3. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    You can head south and anchor up in the bay near Elliot Cay and it has a very Island feel to spend the night on anchor and to launch all of the toys and play around during the day. We did that on a 97' I used to work on that had a draft of almost 9'. With your distance and size your pretty limited as to what you can do. Bimini is only 50 miles each way and you might want to do that. I don't know what kind of tender you have but you could also tender to Elliot Cay, or just tender around once down there. There's not much within 20 miles besides that, unless you want to take them up to Fort Lauderdale and stay at Bahia Mar or something.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    really not much room to anchor around fisher, and really not that nice anyway...

    130' and 7'? really have 2 options for day trips:

    1) Key Biscayne Sand bar on the west side, north of sandbar, south of KYBC, plenty deep, sandbar is nice with watertoys. exploring the mangrove north of KYBC is fun, there is a little stream into the magrove... guests always like it. Busy on week ends. Short tender ride to no name harbor / Cape Florida. tie up the tender in NNH and walk across to Crandon beach (5' walk)

    2) eliott Key. with 7' you can pull up almost to the NWZ buoys, especially with some tide. great clear water, easy tender run to the beach, ranger station or boca chita. close to Miami (15nm) but as nice as the rest of keys. note that you can not use Jet Skis off Eliot as it is in biscayne national park. The cut thru featherbanks is well marked and it's all 10' till you get close to Eliot.

    We do either one with charter guests (70' and 6' draft)

    also by tender, a run to Jimbo's on the north side of Virginia key (across Fishers) is a must do... the place is a health hazard, fire hazard, etc... but.. well... it's Jimbo's!

    for a swim in clear water, and snorkeling, take the tender to the north end of crandon beach, at bear cut, just past the bridge.

    I live on the bay, it's our backyard and playground... the water is a lot nicer than FLL!!
  5. Jsceen

    Jsceen Guest

    I agree completely!
  6. Pelagic Dreams

    Pelagic Dreams Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Land locked for now
    What is you main passion?

    If it is night life, stick close to KBC area and south beach, if it's really nice clear water and diving with snorkeling, with abundant little bars/shacks....take the ride and moor in Key Largo. Lots of bouys and deep water, with land close tender ride away. I guess the real question is do you want to "see" or be "seen?"
  7. ychtcptn

    ychtcptn Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    Lighthouse Point, FL
    Thanks for all the input. Not sure what they want to do, or go. I have not ruled out Bimini or Cat Cay, logistically it could be tough, with the wx and 24hr ANOA-D and customs.
    We are more of the "see" than "be seen" crowd!
  8. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Weather permitting Bimini is a lot better than key largo and closer. With a boat hat size there isn't much in KL and anchorages are exposed

    Haven't gone to Bimini this winter so I don't know if there has been any changes to the channel. The buoys are often missing... Last spring the sandbar on the green side appeared to be growing closer to the channel but there was still 8 to 9 MLW. Cat cay is deeper but not much to do
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I ran a 76' lazzara to Bimini mid June, and the sandbar had grown 20' into the channel at the furthest east green marker. I basically line up the entrance to Bimini Sands and read the water color and use the buoys as a guide only.