Not my build, but I'll second what AMG suggested with some proper hardware. Cheap and life saving are mutually exclusive to one another. Even if it is a plain jane doughnut. If you fear the plastic will crumble in the sun, then use stainless. If you fear the stainless will rattle, then use rubber grommets between the hardware and your verticals.
Why don't you just weld bent pipes to the railing that the life ring fits on? You want to put a cheap lifering holder on a police boat?????? Why not just skip the life-ring and you could save even more money, they're the police afterall, they don't need to follow the rules! (this is only a joke)
Hey! Sir, I am working for Suzhou Sease Yachting Co., Ltd. in China. We are specializing in high-speed patrol boats, luxury yachts and other FRP business boats. Our company's website is REMOVED Cheers, Jason
You could put it on there while your not in the water and then wait outside for the boat to get lower.
I just saw them at the website and since I know people in Hong Kong are using their boats for Karaoke sessions I assume this is the purpose with the extra salon. My partners will be back from the Hong Kong Boat Show tonight, so I will probably hear more about it then...
Not quite the same Simon. One works for a talented Design company. Dixon Yacht Design | Production Power Yachts The other one is a cloth-eared, sarcastic music mogul who pollutes the airwaves with dross.
Jasen, When I asked "which yard and which builder you worked for?"... it wasn't invitation for you to post a link, but rather to warn others of the "cost consciousness" being taken by the yard. It brings into question many other aspects of build quality. However, this is the least of my concerns. What is alarming is lack of basic engineering and common sense for one of the most simplest installations... hanging a life preserver. From what I can see in the picture provided, this is a patrol/rescue boat, the ONE boat that should be built beyond tolerance.
Honsetly I think there is a whole lot of baiting in here... asking what the brand is "just so we can warn people"? c'mon...ha ha ha ha... even me - who is quite cynical wont fall for that... imho asking what brand AND what yard does open it up to give at least a website.... Anyways, the person may or may not be in charge of engineering, he may be a "sales/marketing" person who is trying to suggest things to manufacturing, etc... There are many ifs and buts, but this thread has gone to "behead the chinese builder" lets eat them alive! :s As always, buyer beware, I wish it werent this way, but you learn a lot... I have seen so many things which are just as dangerous (if not more) from other "reputable" builders, that I really frown when we get our panties in a bunch because someone asked a "stupid" question... About the comment of the perko holder being "expensive" - in different countries different parts can command insane and stupid premiums... I know that for a fact... I have no idea how perko items can be obtained in China, but I do agree that if thy have a 4x or 5x premium on them, then it would be quite dumb to install a 250$ "bouy clip" when you can either fabricate a similar one or something of equal or higher quality for less... In no moment did the poster say that $50 was too much or $50 would cut his profits... all he said was $50 was expensive - he didnt get into the merit or specifics, so it isnt our place to assume... at least that is how i see it... anyways, I just thought i'd point out some neutrality, but lets continue having his head now
I was thinking about putting something else in a vise. You are right though, this is a tough crowd but look at it the other way, if the boat builder turns life saving equipment design issues over to marketing or sales doesn't that open them to sharp jabs from the denizens of this forum? If the question came from a designer then doesn't that beg the question of design quality? If it came from production management doesn't it bring project management and quality assurance into question? There really is no such thing as a dumb question when it comes from a person who cannot be expected to know much about the subject but when a builder asks this sort of thing, there are more questions raised than just how to fasten a life-ring to a rail. That is the least of that builder's problems ... or his customer's future problems.
I fully agree with you Marmot! When I said sales or marketing, is that in my experience with asian yards, many times engineering ppl dont speak english... (I'm not saying this is the case here, i have no idea really)... what I implied was the *possibility* that this person was just "trying to get a new idea from those guys on the forum"... Now I do fully agree with you that this sort of decision should be fully based on tough facts and not just what a forum says, and all of that... but as you say, it is a tough crowd... It was actually going pretty OK, and then it kinda went "mean" imho when the mod asks for details, and then says its only to "warn" others, that sort of thing is unnecessary imho... Everyone knows that there is a WHOLE lot of dangerous stuff going on... What was asked here doesnt prove that the yard is any less safe than any other yard in the world (it could be an indication, but it isnt hard evidence)... anyways, i dont want to put myself in the middle, i just thought it wasnt very "gentlman-like"... Also, we dont know in what capacity this individual is speaking, so merely saying that he represents (or implying it) a certain yard, and posting 2 pics of a boat in a shed, doesnt mean he actually represents them or that he is in the process of building their liine of boats... could be any sort of outside consultant, surveyor, or 3rd party involved with a particular build in a yard (even though he seems to speak with certain property about the yard)... anyways, if I wanted to difame a competitor this would be a good way to do it I guess! eheheh thats all I wanted to say... no need to be *mean* about it... we dont want links? so dont ask, we think its a safety issue, lets point it out... even though he says he is a builder, he is obviously here asking questions, it should be the place of the forum to share knowledge... or are "professionals" excluded from obtaining information and knowledge from the forum? i thought not...
Hey! Carl, scroll to #20 post, and see your question "Which yard and which brand of boat are you building?" And I answered your question politely and correctly. I didn't realize that you were trying to warn other people. All these wandered way off the topic. Why did I came here and post 2 pics? The reason was very simple. We didn't want to spend 50$ to buy a perko holder to fasten a 12$ life preserver. That doesn't make any sense. We wanted to get some good ideas here. That's it! No big deal. Anyway, we have found the solution Velcro. I feel really grateful to those who gave valuable advice and tried to give valuable advice.