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old gauges for my roamer

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by cowboyznindian, Nov 21, 2011.

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  1. cowboyznindian

    cowboyznindian New Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    Napa CA.
    Any ideas where I can find a place that will refurbish my old gauges? I have them all, they just don't work...I like the look of the old gauges...If it's not cost effective, I'll just opt for new gauges...Thanks for your inputs...
  2. cowboyznindian

    cowboyznindian New Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    Napa CA.
    I neglected to add that she's a 1962....32'
  3. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
  4. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Guage details

    Chris Craft Gauge Restoration
    There is a follow who specializes in this and I saw his work at the St. Michael's Antique Boat Show... EXCELLENT.

    His name is Dale Kocian
    His number xxx-xxx-xxxx
    His email: REMOVED

    Geez, I hope I did not break any more forum rules... people need to know this stuff.
  5. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Geez, I wish you could read the rules so you would stop breaking them! Better yet, how about using a little common sense Homer? Posting someone's personal email address on an internet forum where crawlers can pick it up and litter this poor fellas inbox with spam is why we have rules!

    The address and number have been removed.
  6. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    To karl


    First, this is the address taken from his business card.
    Second, if you are going to have a forum to help others, stop being a stick in the mud micromanaging BULLY TECHNONERD.

    You have arrogantly left so many insulting e-mails to so many people leaving harmless helpful suggestions. Many people have complained about you if you want to know the truth!!. I am done being diplomatic with you... in fact done with Yacht Forums.

    In case you are not aware.. many of your subscribers are not technically inclined so must you look down on everyone!!?? Indeed, I bet if you walked into their office they would not condescend to you just because you were not an expert in their field.

    Tell ya what KARL... take your YF forum and STICK IT!!

    You need to get a personality for one.. typical white-socked flood panted technerd with tape probably holding your glasses together.

    Take down all my posts and I have formally left your forum.. Go piss off some other forumers, I am done!!

    Geeez yourself back!!
  7. Havana

    Havana New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Gauges on e-bay

    There is a full set of gauges on ebay from a 61 Chris Craft. Look under boat parts and search on Chris Craft. They supposedly are in working order.
  8. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    And when his inbox is flooded with spam, a quick Google search will reveal his email address was posted on YachtForums. That becomes a liability for us. And a nuisance for him.

    The same is true for his phone number. Bots are programmed to identify and harvest numbers. Then, your friend Dale gets an automated voice call while he's sitting down to dinner.

    You might be quite surprised Homer, I don't exactly fit the profile of a nerd, although I wish I did. Turns out, they are the ones making all the money.

    Contrary my would-be friend, a couple of Roamer members no longer participate on YF because of confrontations with you.

    I know this Homer and I've tried to work with you for a couple of years, but you don't seem to respect the guidelines the rest of us follow.

    It's not my forum Homer. It belongs to all of us. Including you.

    You paint a pretty good picture. You forgot the pocket protector! ;)

    How about you enjoy Thanksgiving with your family this week and maybe revisit YF next week? In the meantime, I'm going to spend most of the holidays with my mom, who is not well.
  9. Havana

    Havana New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Please play nice.

    This is a small sandbox. We need input from everyone.
  10. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD

    Clueless whiny liberals who have systematically obliterated this once great nation bussed into YF under handicapped quota systems... And copper pinching know it alls who, if they have to complain about every "Q240" penny best pass their "Change" renting second-hand rubber duckies elsewhere.

    We made our Roamer contributions... like it, leave it or feel free to ignore it, after all this WAS America... excuse us for exercising what used to be respectfully in alignment with first amendment chatter.

    Done with this forum... and Karl, please do yourself a favor as well,... stop being so darn caustically autocratic offending and condescending to otherwise well-meaning YFers... not everyone who has a boat, memorizes your biblical forum guide code or are necessarily technically savvy. But I can assure you, they may well be quite proficient at their avocation would not look down on, or treat you like some incorrigible child in need of spanking while you were sitting in their office.... Few are mal-intented.

    So, in all due respect to YF guidelines, I therefore kick myself off YF in lieu of giving either you or any of your raving fans the dubious honor.

    Season's Greetings to all birds, not just gobblers,

  11. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Homer, we will miss you. Your passion for excellence is what made this country great. That same character-set is sometimes intolerant. I can identify with the same, sadly. I'm still a work in progress. I hope you change your mind because you're well written and have kept the Roamer forum interesting. I will be sad to see you go and I'm sure others agree. Unfortunately for you & me... we disagree.

    When you first joined YF, way back in early 2009, you took time out from a busy Roamer restoration schedule to let me know how I should run YF, the changes I should make, etc. I am appreciative of everyone's input, but in some cases, I know a little more about this subject than others.

    Here's what you don't know... I'm one of the founding members of a group of leading webmasters that are paving the way for a digital media precedent through legislation and lobbyists. Collectively, there are 60 of us who pool the proceeds of our income to protect each other should one of us be faced with liability. Up until recently, internet forums posed a certain risk that could have been financially devastating. I'm simply trying to protect what we have all built together.

    Homer, we are not that far apart... in age or commitment. I'm 51 years old. Not only did we came from the same era, we've shared the same region. When you described me, you were not far off. I wore a white lab coat in YOUR backyard. Do the math my friend.

    You have built, or I should say... rebuilt, one of the finest examples of Chris Craft's legendary Roamer ever to grace our pages or your waters. My guess is you have certain boarding rules. The same applies at YF. While I agree that most people "have lives" and don't have time, nor interest, in reading our guidelines, you have been here long enough to know the difference.

    I wish you good will, calm seas and many enjoyable hours with friends who appreciate the work you have done.


  12. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    As a casual observer of this discussion I have to say Homer you seem to have taken a bad trip and are suffering as a result.

    It is Carl's Forum, albeit supported by the rest of the voluntary contributors so if you do not like it, the rules or anyone here then roll ya swag and bugger off to where you came from.

    The community won't suffer too much with your demise I am sure.
  13. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Ahem, As to the OP - There are a few craftsmen who specialize in rebuilding vintage gauges. Check in the back of the Chris Craft publication The Brass Bell for their ads and contact info.

    As to the rest of this thread - Good grief!
  14. Havana

    Havana New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    We digressed.

    Rules are rules and meant to be followed. Without them...well, we would not be where we are.
    And now back to the gauges.....
  15. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I have almost 2 stations of gauges from a 1979 hatteras YF a 32 volt boat, they are all delco gauges, most work and the lower station ones all look good, if they interest anyone i'd sell them cheap, just PM me.
  16. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    For K1W1

    I rest my case, you are about as low class as it gets... anyone who uses language like that on a public forum should be permanently banned. Thanks to floating "matters" such as yourself, Dometic Sealand prospers.

    Link below for you convenience... FLUSH

    SeaLand - Sanitation - Dometic
  17. artwork

    artwork Member

    Feb 19, 2006
    In Support

    Carl, I for one, and I'm sure most of the other YF followers, appreciate this forum and what you do for us. I get my notice every morning and come here to be informed and entertained. Today it is entertainment. What an exchange! I also understand the reasons for not posting email addresses, phone numbers, etc. Common sense (and being personally spammed a few times) brings that rule home. SO THANK YOU, CARL, you ARE appreciated.

    Homer (and we all know you are still listening). Cool your jets! I understand your desire to pass on all the multitude of contacts you have developed over the years, but let's find another vehicle. I personally do not know the method, but I would not want my phone number or email address posted. For the one or two benificial calls I might get, there could be thousands of spam hits.
    KIWI's comment was not meant to be as derogatory as we (Puritan) Americans take it. I believe most of the world uses that comment to mean "Take a hike". So, go outside, walk it off, and return to the forum next week, slightly better for the bruising. Then again, if you cannot play by the rules, then stay on your high horse and ride into the sunset (or another sandbox). This sandbox will miss you, but will survive.

    Just some unsolicited advice from an 'older' member.
  18. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Fair Enough

    1) The phone number issue I did not know.
    2) The hotlink issue I did not know.
    3) The 640 pixels I did not know.
    4) I never read the guidelines.
    5) "Ignorance does not exonerate one from rule of law."
    6) No defiance or irreverence meant or intended.

    As far as Kee Wee or Pee Wee... "When in Rome,"... nonetheless no room for personally directed foul language on any public forum. These are the rules too. If YFers disagree with this too.. fine, we can agree to disagree.

    As far as those tighter than bull's cheeks in fly season who think they are going to pick up a Roamer cheap and do a nice job cheap... FORGET IT!

    If you need to float cheap, get a Bayliner... it should float at least as long as it takes to properly restore a Roamer. "Do it right or do not do it"... please, this is the message... a fair one at that. If this means a ride on a high horse then reach up... or jump down and shovel barn nuggets with seadonkeys.... if that offends, so be it.. we will all get over it.

    This private message came over this morning.. names removed so they don't get calls from ink cartridge salesmen at dinner time. Point is, there are other viewpoints as well... and a lot of sailors on this forum, including Carl have shot many a lead ball over the bow:

    "Hey Homer... I sure as hell am glad you finally told that BLOW HARD off! Actually both of them !! I had it up to here with these fuggers last year. They kicked me off and then I quit!

    Im 57 and had my Roamer since 1974, which makes me a more diligent owner than either of those self righteous slugs. C'mon over to our side of the hall and hang out with guys like XXX and XXX to name a few. Its way more active over there too. If you're already a member, disregard this and come over anyway! 0355 is too early to make any sense... see ya on the flybridge!
    Best regards, xxx and xxxxxx
    "non illegitimum carborundum"forum media

    Last but not least.. certain aspects of using this forum medium require some tech savvy interface, and like Microsoft, some is not intuitive or well explained. (Particularly shrinking photos to comply) This does not mean someone is stupid, it means they are new to it and probably would like to post photos and don't know how.... I do not feel they should be made to feel dumb or yelled at because they do not know how... also, there are some guidelines people do not know and are not mal-intended folks... they simply are ignorant of some little rules as am I apparently.

    But in all due respect... why are they getting yelled at when they mean no harm at all?? I have seen this many times on this forum, and in this regard, Carl might want to consider "cooling his jets"... And if another YF swabby wants to throw more ripe fish chum this way for my views or attention to restoration details... feel free, we'll take it, make stew and ship it back COD... won't bother us much, might even entertain or, could indeed reflect back to the source in a way not intended. Foul language personally directed, sorry... gotta draw the line there.

    Remember.. this used to be a more free country... keep practicing nice language, stand your ground and maybe we can earn it back. No more hand-outs... none of us are entitled.. None of us.
  19. Shangri-La

    Shangri-La Senior Member

    May 15, 2006
    Pensaukee, WI
    Up until a couple of years ago

    Up until a couple of years ago, this used to be a very informative forum for Roamer owners. This liberal though, for one, will not be sad to see Homer leave the forum. I must say that he did have a lot of good advice and knowledge about the Roamers, but he was very critical about how some members wanted to rebuild or change or work on their boats. Basically the way I read his post, if it wasn't done Homer's way or look as good as Homer's boat, then it was all wrong. That, and wherever he could, he voiced his political views. I don't think this forum is the place to do that because it will chase a lot members away.

    Karl has a good forum here and he does run a tight ship. But the way he belittles someone, in front of other forum members, if they break one of his laws, I believe, is not called for. He too has discouraged a lot of people from posting here and has chased them away.

    I used to post pictures of what I was doing and how I was customizing my Roamer to fit my purpose, and links where I found things that may be helpful to other Roamer owners working on their boats. But, I've stopped doing so because of the way Homer criticized other members work or being scolded by Karl for some infraction that I may have done in my posting. It wasn't like this up until a couple of years ago. So now I logon to this forum at times to see if there might be something interesting to read but try to reframe myself from posting anything.

    Homer - I believe you'll be much happier, and will fit in, on the flybridge. I won't miss you here.

    Cowboyznindian - I hope this ongoing quarrel doesn't drive you away. This forum needs new blood. If you look back a few years, it used to be better.

    Just my 2 cents.
  20. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    Can you please post a link - or copy of a post - where I have belittled someone? I'm really surprised (and confused) to hear this. Is it possible that something I said was taken out of context? Maybe it was perceived in a less than benign way? :confused:

    As an admin, it would forum suicide to treat any member disrespectfully because they can publically prosecute me in the court of our peers. There have been one or two members of the Roamer forum who have attempted to exploit the forum and I quickly brought it to an end. In these instances, both became retaliatory and I simply ceased communication.

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