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Broward Sportfish Yacht

Discussion in 'Broward Yacht' started by YachtForums, Sep 27, 2004.

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  1. CaptTom

    CaptTom Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2006
    Palm Beach to Ft Lauderdale
    F/B = flybridge. Hmmm, you say you have been mate for 6 years and don't know what the f/b is? Do you know what the pointy end is called?

    Having reread your posts, I'm mixed. I really don't think YF is the place to hang the captain, but do admire your desire to be a whistleblower, since I don't think you will gain financially from this but wishing to warn others due to the perceived opportunity that this situation could cause harm to crew/guests.
    Have you spoken to the owner? Broker (if there is one)? Folks at Broward yard?
    I have to ask, what if your age and nationality (may help us to understand the grammar and reference to facebook - lol).
  2. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Good idea, turn to FaceBook.
  3. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    I was at the boat today and saw the damage which is inside the integral port and starboard exhaust boxes which run along the outboard side of the vessel but inside hull.

    The welder who is repairing the damage told me that the Captain had called them in to carry out the repairs correctly after discovering that the last repair had not been done right.

    Strangely enough the plate that had been welded in had been welded at the top and sides and not along the bottom which would appear to be the easiest area to weld up.

    The captain named by "First Mate" is still in his job and according to another guy in the yard there is no mate on board.

    I did not see anything today that looked like sabatoge, yes the plate(s) are badly pitted but this is in an area that has exhaust gases passing thru' it and water lying in it partially filling this area but mostly it will be an area of high oxygen levels in a wet area.

    If any body is at fault it would appear to be the guy welding up the plates who did not weld along the bottom. He is at fault even if the captain did tell him not to weld along the bottom which I doubt the Captain did.

    Just seems even stranger that the same captain is there and no body else has heard of a mate or knows of his accusations. :confused:
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Sounds like the captain has someone who really doesn't like him and used YF as his tool to hurt him. I hope he finds out who it is.
    We used to have a protocal of not naming people here, although that mainly applied to owners. Maybe we need to reinforce and extend that in light of what's gone on. Tha captain's name still appears in the original post, and I don't think YF should be used this way.
  5. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Whoops, my bad. I thought i had removed all references to his name. Fixed now.

    Thanks Ed.
  6. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    You must be mistaken. That guy has been in the industry for 6 years and is highly regarded.
  7. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    Glad you went there - then you can easily see that the damage was pre-existing the welds to the Starboard flat plate. And yeah i know of the current welder - did you happen to ask him why he had to ask the Captain not to lie to him about this prior to working on it this time? Did he let you know he buttoned up the bottom plate where the damage was? Thought not.

    I'm not going to go into this further here at YF - i'm in agreement with the Publisher that this is the wrong place. The posts have slanted focus away from the facts and downplay the seriousness of what occured. I'm not striving for policy change here in the industry. Nor am i point a finger at all Captains. Just one.

    I know full well the seriousness of my accusations of the actions of the current Captain. My loyalty on any ship is to the ship - not the Captain nor the owner. It is part of my job as with other crew i have worked with's job to inform the capatain of issues - then owner if need be.

    In this case it came to light very quickly "the Captain" if you want to call him that - was responsible for all damages this vessel occured - it was intentional - deliberate actions that caused the damage. and since this is damage that was intentional to the structure of the ship wereby making the ship unseaworthy and a risk to all those aboard - it is also my obligation to notify Coast Gaurd.

    I have others that will back up many of my claims.

    The owner has been notified. An by the time you read this so will have been the COTP of the Coast Gaurd.

    Deturing the facts and pointing focus to typo's as the issue here - doesn't help matters. All it does is make out YF as helping a amature scam artist with a Captains liscense cover his ass. the truth i bring to light may be a little too inconvient for some here at YF - but that doesn't make them any less true.
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I hope somebody has alerted this captain about this thread. If these allegations are true this is very disturbing. If they are not it is even more disturbing and First Mate needs to be dealt with. In either case this is very serious. In either case, First Mate, you have handled this wrong. You have publicly assassinated the personal and professional character and reputation of a local captain without proof or a court ruling. I'd be scared to death to have you anywhere near me much less on my crew.
    P.S. Why do you have such trouble spelling the word captain? I'm serious about that. A lot about us is revealed through subtle nuances in our writing.
  9. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    I wouldn't shout that too loud. The owners of your ship might be listening in.

    I just noticed YF has a spell checker - not that i really care - i'm not trying to impress with my skill or lack of skill as a typist besides
    - i'm not one that hangs in a forums - i'm usually too busy.

    And if you can tell so much by my typing skills - let me ask you this
    why is it you and others here - can't realize a bad egg of this caliber actiing as a Captain if my accusations are even half true - he needs to be delt with and ousted before it effects the industry as a whole?

    Why with all that is deemed priority was he not delt with by other Captains after M/Y the Rock if you wanted to keep it in house.
    Why was this allowed with all the integrety you profess as Captains in this forum was he allowed to go so far and yet when someone brings this to light you are so quick to steer focus away - help him cover his ass etc etc.

    I shouldn't have to come to the forum - and having done so. In essece should have expected support as other Captains have mentioned have recieved such disregard to the real issue as to in essence attempt to deture me from speaking up.

    I wasn't detured by the threat of this Captian when he told me if i did say anything to the Owner about what i knew or the goings on or took his side I'd be black balled. And obviously i'm still standing my ground after the comments in this forum.

    Yet you wouldn't want me on your ship as crew... yeah - i'm sure you wouldn't but there are plenty that would.

    By the way here's a quote lest ye forget:

    I would image a visual inspection of stuctual repairs in regards to a ships seaworthiness are included in thos responsibilities too.

    You also might find this read interesting:
    Are you willing to speak out on your vessel's unseaworthiness?
  10. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    If there was sabotage like you wrote about in your PM that is one thing.

    If the yacht has been the victim of a shonky welding job or the use of the wrong materials it could easily be the fault of the sub contractor not the Captain who engaged him.

    It is possible to ask a contractor/yard to do a job and have them do something different.

    Have you never encountered this type of thing in your 6 yrs in the business?

    Yachtjocky is a qualified and experienced Marine Engineer who then became a surveyor, if he has had a look and has described what he has seen and been told by the guy working on fixing it I think we can accept that this is the current state of affairs relating to the "structural" failures you say the vessel suffered from as an act of sabotage.
  11. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    First Mate, I have to trust the crew working under me with my life. I can't be worried about a lose cannon trying to stab me in the back. There are ways to deal with these things and publicly defaming a person in print is not the way. We don't deal with these things "in house". We are not an organization like a police department or a branch of the military. However, reputations spread in this industry. There are a lot of lousy captains as there are lousy everything in every profession. Eventually their reputations catch up with them and the work disappears. What you've described is intentional criminal behavior. Why have no charges been filed? Why have the owners of these yachts not sued? Have you offered to stand as expert witness for them and presented them with your evidence? What did they say? I don't think anybody here has a problem with what you're trying to do. The problem is with your way of doing it. You also need to understand that 6 years as a mate gives you very little experience in what it takes to run and maintain a vessel. We've all fallen prey to shoddy work done by a yard. I myself have gone nose to nose with yard managers and have had times when even that didn't stop them. It happens. We then notify the owner and it's up to them what happens next.
  12. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    and visa versa. And I think or hope you would agree, we as crew don't need to be worring about a Captain that would involve us with some scam he is running on an owner. Or expect us to lie for him. Or be used as new crew with some new BS story he's contrived figuing if we buy into the BS it would ultimatly add weight to the BS he's trying to sell others.

    You consider a crew member that won't help you cover your ass or lie for you "back stabing" you.

    Let me ask you this - Is the vessel yours? Do you own it sir?
    If yes - do what you want to it so long as it doesn't endanger MY crews lives or MY guests.

    IF not - then what the hell gives you the right to screw it up? Or expect crew to cover for your ill intent?
    As Captains you are the highest paid amoung crew - carry the most weight - have end call on the ship safety and seaworthiness. You're paid a fortune to as Captain monthly - yet it sounds as if that isn't enough.

    Bulll pucky - IF as Captain you do what this captain did - you should be stripped of your liscense - and quite honestly - lost at sea as far as I'm concerned.

    I will not be detured due to your fears or worries as a crew member.
    And will happily stand toe to toe with you if I or one of the crew I'm crew with discovers something you did that crosses the line.

    Especially in a case such as this. We're not talking about you going out and buying a case of rum for personal consumption on the Boat CC here.

    And every Captain i've ever worked for will back me up on this, because if i did that for a Captain - turn my head. Then the captain would have to assume i would turn my head if a crew member did the same.

    Errors in judgement - or mistakes or accidents - that's one thing. Intential BS or scams another.

    Every Captain i've worked for and crew will back me up on this as that is how we were trained.

    They expect my best - and my loyalty to the ship above all. As we do of each other including the Captain.

    And the Captains i've worked for - well... they don't have the worries you seem to have...
    now why is that sir?
  13. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale
    Mr Arthur Askew

    Just as I suspected a disgruntled fired former employee who was found goofing off and instead of receiving a full months salary was paid for the days he worked.

    The captain is now aware of what is being said and obviously totally disagrees with every single word and I agree with him after further checking the boat out today.

    Chase, I hope your name is left up here so the captain does have a chance to reply to you "Mr. Arthur Askew"
  14. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    I don't think yacht Jocky did a complete survey
    - i don't know that but i doubt it.

    Nor could he see all the metal - those cracks are not due to exhaust with water - sorry. Nor the corrosion. The pitting - is major - there is no metal left to speak of - and exhaust doesn't cause this in years time. But something else does and he as a surveyor would know this and would also know it can be excelerated and how so. And there are other signs and indicators to look for - that also indicate the causes of many things - this included.

    Have i ever encountered any other vessels Captain doing what this Captain did in my 6 years? - no Kiwi

    In my first year under the instruction of engineers i was trained as what to look for - most crew are at least with the ships i've worked with.

    Other Captains and engineers I've worked with have explained further cause and effects as such as was done to this vessel. As well as many other things.

    Personally i'd prefer a Federal Surveyor to look at it - one that is unbiased.
    One that wouldn't be tempted to "work with the Captain" as it may for what ever reason.

    - not saying YachtJokey would - but that's the call i'd make - due to the nature of this particular vessel, circumstances and situation surrounding it.

    The comments are too biased as you can see. All so far in most part are biased - including YachtJockeys - so...

    you need an un-biased opinion. One that can look and "think" not listen to two friends that got their story straight to cover their butt.
  15. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    Didn't know you were typing and posting as i was Yacht Jocky.

    In response - so do I.

    lol - Is that his story...? ;0)
    Fired huh...? lol yeah i guess his has to come up with some bs as to why i left.

    As stated I'll be happy to go toe to toe.
    More than happy...
    you bring him - i'll bring a federal surveyor and the coast guard. And those that won't lie for him any more.

    Now what happens if the Federal Surveyor agrees with me Yacht Jockey?
    To your liscense as a Surveyor i mean.
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The boat is the responsibility of the captain. Period. I'm the type of captain who welcomes opinions and 2nd guesses. Many don't tolerate it at all. Any crew member who thinks he'll go toe to toe with me on a boat I command better be prepared for what comes next. Guaranteed he won't like it. If you don't like the way I run a boat, get the hell off. If you want to rat me out to an owner, go for it. As captain I take full responsibility for my actions. The owner can take whatever actions he deems necessary from fixing my mistakes to firing me to suing me or having me arrested. It's not the place of some wet behind the ears mate to try and publicly humiliate me or damage my reputation, and he wouldn't do it without paying a very high price; his career being just a part of it. If I were this captain I would sue you into oblivion. So no, I would not trust you on board a boat I commanded. I wouldn't trust you within earshot of a conversation I had in a bar if we were talking about the weather.
  17. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The weather must be great in Ft. Lauderdale because I can see the light shining all the way up here through our rain. Whether that name remains on the thread or not it's now in my book and that of many others. I sense that a career on the water just ended.
    P.S. I would recommend that the captain not respond here, but instead let his attorney file a response in the appropriate venue.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
  18. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    Agreed and great - noble statement but contridics everything else your saying. How nice - your open to opinion. Most are.

    I think you just did - and - great glad to hear it.

    Is that a threat?

    So if your caught and the crew member doesn't want any part of it and doesn't agree with it
    - takes action against it.
    ie:- actually has a brain and doesn't buy the BS and chooses rather than going along with you and speaks up - even publically.

    Because it hurts your feelings and lets the world know what you did and what you're about - what - you threaten sonething like what?
    - Black Balling perhaps?

    Typical defense mechanism kicking in there it seems.

    Well - we can see you and this Captain will get along nicely.
    Though i warn you - he'll probably "try" to blame you for his doing.
    Actually - i know he will. It's his MO
  19. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    A threat, no. It's a fact. In 6 years working boats you haven't realized that it is not a democracy. The buck stops at the captain. People may know more than him (such as many engineers), but the responsibility for everything is his. You do as he says or you get off. Your opinion is meaningless unless the captain chooses to listen to it. And rats of any kind are never appreciated on boats.
  20. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    I'm very familiar with the chain of command as stated previously.

    I informed my Captain first of my findings.
    And quickly realized etc etc - as posted above.

    Then went to the owner.

    And my obligation as to the safty of the ship - it's crew - guests and future crew in this cituation is to inform authorities.

    I do agree - thats exactly what he said when i first started with him as to the reasons others were fired or left - they refused to do what he asked.

    What that was i don't know - i wasn't there. You'd have to ask them.
    And in doing so in this case - you'll get a different line of BS he was stating as to known issues or presented issues.

    Rats aren't welcome - true. Nor are ants or cochroaches etc. etc.

    I'm none of those - I'm a crew member with a brain not just a backbone. I know right from wrong - and smart enough to question questionable orders.

    And it's not in my job discription to scam owners or other crew members. And quite the opposite on destroying the ship
    - My job is to care for the ship and protect the ship and ensure a safe enviorment for passenger and crew to the best of my ability.

    I may not have the rank of Captain - but i can **** sure run a ship better than this so called one.

    ...sigh - I should have just gone and got my Captains liscense and i wouldn;t have to put up with this sh*t

    At any rate - Todays my birthday
    - i've had my fill for the day dealing this. I have to drink rum tonight and pack - as mentioned i've only a few days left before shipping out and alot to do as well as more to do to fullfill my obligations to the Odyssey (the Ship - reports etc etc) and not much time to do it in... so if you'll excuse me I have a birthday to celabrate and plan to..

    Oh and Yacht Jocky - i think my name looks pretty good on the screen... doesn't bother me it's there.

    and if you were just fishing - i have plenty proof to the contrary if that is indeed his claim to why i left. ;0)

    Have a good night all - be safe on the seas.

    and to other crew members - here is some incentive
    a little taste of a tune i put together called
    Summons to Conquest

    Don't be afraid to stand up for what's right and yes this is what your instore for apparently - if whats right is what you stand for - not whos right nesssarally then,
    - be strong
    and stand your ground.
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