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Broward Sportfish Yacht

Discussion in 'Broward Yacht' started by YachtForums, Sep 27, 2004.

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  1. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Just doing a copy & paste on what slander "means" now makes you feel "safe" to destroy another person’s rep?

    Heads up Mate: even if all you say is true, it also comes down to your INTENTIONS, and from this side of the table, it sounds like you are out to get this Captain, which, as some members have said, will tie you up in all sorts of legal ways.
    As CaptPKilbride said
    “If you are as reputable as you say you are, sign your name to your posts.”
    You had no trouble giving us the owners and skippers names. Yet you say & know this is not “protacal” (sic)

    Meantime, for a guy who has made a lot of noise about how good his reputation and references are, you have a way of antagonising people rather quickly.
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Does anyone have a really good set of waders?
  3. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    after reading some of the responses - (myself and other yachties)

    We (crew and captain included) agree -
    Okay - your right... this is definitly the wrong place to post reality.
    gosh i feel so ashamed...

    I should have let the ship go down and said nothing - didn't mean to hurt the Captain feeling that sabatoged it to line his pockets on a repair job... boo hoo. And i posted with typo's to boot... waaaahh.

    It was in appropriate to bring the news here...

    Perhaps posting a pic of Kim Kardashian on the red carpet so we could discuss how it made her look is more appropriate.

    And while you sit there and ponder Kims dress consider this.
    Strong oppinion - integriety - hurting the Captain that caused the problem and all...

    We crew must trust our Captains. and all must be able to trust the vessel under our feet. Our lives depend on it.
    We eat sleep **** and take care of guests on these things. And if the fraking Captain goes out of his way to cause anytype of damage - especially structral damage - we'd like to know about it.

    So forgive me if i could give two ****s about his feels of having his "good name" as Captain publicly shown along with the damage - intentional damage caused to a ship which i or someone else has to depend on at sea.

    Something those of you that are not yachts men and are concerned about may want to sit back and ponder at -
    And those of you that are ponder that thought in a 12 foot sea.

    But that's okay - we'll keep our mouths shut from here on out. So we don't hurt feelings let alone risk slandering a lyer and theifs and a person who's whilling to risk my life andothers for a bucks "good name".
  4. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    With your wide and all encompassing knowledge, and 6 years experience, why are you still a mate?
  5. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    I told you I was not going to get into an argument with you and I am still not going to do that however what I am telling you is that stop making a complete idiot of yourself and do not insult those of us who have been around a long time and some of us would consider a 12 foot sea not a bad day compared to some of the stuff we have been out in.

    I do not think one person who has replied to your comments has anything less than at least 20 years experience so listen to what we are telling you.

    If I get time tomorrow I will come into Broward Marine tomorrow and get the other side of the story for as sure as the sun comes up in the "west" and bears never sh1t in the woods there will be another side.

    Stop insulting us who are trying to help you. :cool:
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Let me ask you one question, because that is what I cannot figure out from all of your posts.

    What did the Captain purposefully do in order to cause all of this damage? Is it possible the Captain simply wasn't aware that the damage was happening?
  7. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    And I suspect, a newly unemployed mate.
  8. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    This I what I asked earlier and the OP seems to either be unwilling or unable to answer this with any degree of sense.
  9. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    This guy has dug a hole from which there is no returning. I suspect that he will soon find no place for him to work in this industry and will spend the next lifetime in court and paying lawyers.
    First Mate,
    1) 6 years is a newbie in this business.
    2) Bad work isn't always criminal. It could be incompetence or even just screwing over someone whom he feels screwed him over.
    3) there are ways to get the word out on a bad captain or crewman, and you so picked the wrong way. You could have laid the scenario out in such a way that we'd all know who and what, without shouting his name and making accusations of criminal behavior. Even a prosecutor would never do that if he had an airtight case.
    4) You exhibited blatant extreme malice in your post. That's the basis of libel & defamation. There have to be lawyers chomping at the bit to depose you.
  10. dennismc

    dennismc Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Vancouver BC

    Regardless of what you think of him....slander will only stick if it's untrue, libel is also only valid if untrue, as long as he has the proof the law will protect him,
    As far as choosing the wrong "forum", that's debatable, truth does not do well in secret...
  11. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Those are very important words. And he is definitely in the right place here. I'd have just chosen my words way more carefully, and sure not posted the captain's name unless that proof was insurmountable.
  12. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    Before "chomping at the bit" to depose anybody, the lawyers that I know would first have to be getting paid by someone.
  13. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    obviously you do not know any lawyers in Florida ;)
  14. CaptTom

    CaptTom Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2006
    Palm Beach to Ft Lauderdale
    Better check your dates. Saw her cruising in Palm Beach during the boat show in March 2011.

    Attached Files:

  15. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Well there is just the first sign that we are hearing the ranting of a very bitter and angry first mate.
    As was suggested by another person on this thread; calm down First Mate!
    Many of us get fired up to the extent where we lash out, often with a feeling of justification etc. only to realise it has gone too far.
    As for the question of why you are still first mate after 6 years?
    I think the lack of control in your posts explain that.
  16. SHAZAM

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto
    Why not just alert the owner of the captains misdeeds?
  17. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    She went on the hard in May.

    If you'd like Kafue - i probably can get you on the Odyssey... we'll see how you feel in 3 or 4 weeks...

    Sorry Kafue - i was interupted...

    I may be able i should say - help you get on her.
    I don't think he is looking for someone of much knowledge at this time.
    I've straightened most meanial stuff up - important but menial in the scheme of things
    so I doubt he'll be looking for a true yachtsman tilll he's done doing what he's going to do.

    His fear i think was i was going for his job or that the owner wouldn't want him around with me doing the job i was doing
    At least that indicated by him - i assured him or tried to that i wasn't after his job.

    You do understand Kafue that as crew - it is our duty to our fellow crew / captains owners etc etc to preserve the safty of the ship.
    By all rights if the saftey of the ship is in jepardy by any party - it is our duty as crew men to speak up.
    Reporting it to our Captian or next crew member up the line is standard procedure.

    And i personally have never been till this vessel with this Captain been in a situation where i was reporting it to the person that caused it.
    I haven't gone into half of what i know has about this ship.

    This Captain is out of control.
    His lies are caving in around him with no one willing to lie for him anymore.
    When he tried to blame Broward Yachts for the damage - He had me believing it - i didn't see the original damage except picutures
    Needless to say that went over real well.
    When that didn't fly - he paniced. Came up with a new story and person to blame.
    That's not flying either.
    He knows he's in trouble, he knows he's lible, and he's trying desparetly to get out of all the trouble he's in by screwing everyone over around him
    and blaming everyone else for the damage and problems.

    We all know it's him - we know he did it. He half confesses to it all the time - almost daring us to do something about it.

    I've got him by the cajones on this one - i didn't do squat about what happened on the Rock - i wasn't brought in as a mate - only to straighten out the damage and do what he claimed had been done and the owner had paid for.
    and fully intend to squeeze his cojones till he bleeds out his eyes if i can.

    And many are thanking me for it.

    Because finally, some one has the better of him for a change and is smart enough to know better rather than buying all the lies.
    If he gets away with it - the next Captain will be unaware of the damage.
    His life - the crews life and guests lives are the risk. Plus the ship.
    Thats up to 14 people.
    So weigh the options - shut up - do nothing and preserve one mans rep so he do it again at the risk of 14 others lives.
    or say screw his rep - nail the ... and save the ship at no risk to others.

    I wouldn't be a good crew member if i didn't say screw his rep just because he's a "Captain"
    And right now - even that is at question.
  18. dennismc

    dennismc Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Vancouver BC

    Is that the Captain in question on the f/b??
  19. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    Not hardly - i was employed the day after i quit - my res is pretty **** good.

    The Captain in question - brought me in on M/Y the Rock - why?
    He needed someone to actually do the work - i finished what he wanted done.
    refuse to continue as i wanted no part of what was going on nor my name attached to it.

    He got me on this vessel - the Odyssey - by claiming what happened on the Rock was not due to him
    - blamed others, as he has what has occured on the Odyssey, on everyone else. Which i know now isn't completely untrue about the Rock and dang sure isn't true about the Odyssey.

    Trust me - people he is trying to blame - aren't putting up with it.
    Including Broward Yachts.
  20. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    Not sure what f/b is? Face Book? lol
    expound f/b please...
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