Why is it so important the world is informed that Plumduff lives...? http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/general-yachting-discussion/5711-plumduff-lives.html Deja vu thread, but my guess is your post is a lead-in...? I took this pic on Lake Union in 2009, while on a PacNW shipyard tour...
Nautical Dictionary What is plum duff - sheesh, you sad, lost land lubbers! 'tis only the finest, most delicious, delectable traditional raisin pudding ever cooked up by a chef in the British Navy, that be all. Plum Duff Recipe from Traditional English Puddings True, it twas also a horse: Scots Greys That, and a 1982 British special operations mission against the Arrgentinians' French made Exocets too 'tis true: The SAS vs The Exocets But I digress. Now get back to your history books laddies, the test is tommorrow. Cheers! Eric
It's a 71' work of art built in 1996 by Admiral Marine. It lives in the Pacific Northwest. For 25 years or so before that, Plumduff was a 53' Pichiotti sportfisher. Duff Kennedy was the original owner.
More Duff stuff... Admiral Marine was owned by Daryl Wakefield, who is now president of Westport Yachts. The hull was built from plywood with an outer layer of mahogany, then a layer of fiberglass to protect the wood (cold molded), but the superstructure was composite with a layer of mahogany, then epoxied for protection.
We purchased Plumduff a year ago last month and have been working on it over last year getting her in shape. Duff Kennedy is the original owner and a friend of ours. Infact he was on the boat last weekend with us. What a great boat. We feel so lucky to own her.
Plumduff is one of my favorite boats. The interior seamed a bit small for its size, but the exterior is astounding.
That's quite an attractive boat IMHO LOL plum duff is called Christmas pudding in the UK, I had to look it up as I don't think anyone would know what a plum duff is!!!
So glad to hear both Duff and the boat are still around and in good shape. We got to spend a day or two with him and his lovely wife back when the boat was new; what a wonderful couple. I visited the boat at a broker's dock in San Diego about ten years ago, and it was becoming evident that she wasn't seeing enough use back then. I hope you're enjoying the boat, and please remember we'd love to see some recent pictures whenever you have the chance. And please give MPYD's regards to Duff next time you speak with him. -Chris Critchett Michael Peters Yacht Design
The last photo is a current shot. My wife did all the interior upholstery when the boat was built. We recently sent Michael a tee shirt w/ M/Y Plumduf. Have not heard if he recieved it. Thank you, Peter
Thanks, Peter. Michael did receive the shirt - he was showing it off during a staff meeting not long ago.
Hi Chris, Had the pleasure of meeting Michael onboard the Cheoy Lee 70' Express at FLIBS. The entire MPYD team should be proud. Best! Carl
That is arguably the most beautiful boat I've ever seen. Fitting that it is in the PNW, surrounded by all that living wood. Wow!
My Mum used to make Plum Duff every Xmas in Ireland, a bit of Brandy around the edge and woof, it sure was a fun desert, have been trying to work off 20 yrs of those "duffs" and am well into senior years,. love the boat but the plum duffs even more
https://www.**************/yacht/1996-admiral-marine-71-9198036/ Plum Duff does live on! She is now Shaken Knot Stirred, and is in immaculate condition in a boathouse in the Columbia River, with hundreds of thousands of $$$'s in upgrades in last 4 years. She is actively for sale now.