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recommendations for a 70-85 footer

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by johnwi, May 30, 2011.

  1. morbert

    morbert New Member

    Nov 23, 2010
    Coconut Grove
    I was very disappointed in the 68 Lazzara I saw at the boat show. The quality was not good. The functionality of the boat was good but it was cheaply put together. I would take the Newport over that Lazzara. Lazzara build good boats so it made the disappointment that much bigger. Marquis might be worth considering as they have the styling of N & L which you would like and the quality is good. Hatteras is good but dont have the styling that you want.
  2. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    Interestingly San Lorenzo have never done a 96 as far as I know, and they have non in project or rendering.
    Have visited over a dozen San Lorenzo (old 62, new 62, old 70, new 72, 88, 82 of which I helmed in some nasty Beauforts Force 7, old 100, and the SD92) in the past and as far as I am concerned they are among the best fiberglass boats out there. Traditionally built and so on.

    Do they make mistakes, 100% like any other builder but speaking of 20 tons ballast is a bit out of the way. But I am ready to be corrected with pictures.
    Hull no.2 of the new 104 first named as 100 I was onboard and there was no ballast, and the captain said this had to be among the best new boats he ever came across. He said he helmed a 90s vintage Hatteras prior to the SL104. So that is saying something considering the fame those Hatts of that period have.
  3. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale
    2002 San Lorenzo 95' 4" so I suppose you are right in never building a 96' but putting 20 tons in a 96' or a 95' 4" ???????

    .....and as for the famed 90s Hatteras, was that for their ability to look like a motor yacht and yet act like a submarine.
  4. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    Don't know of a San Lorenzo 95 or 96 model. They had a project of a 92 back in the mid nineties which never made the light of day, and later on become the 100.
    May be you are speaking of the 88, which may measure something like that LOA and was introduced in that period, or the 100 which might measure something like that in length. But the 100 was launched in mid nineties as far as hull one is concerned.
  5. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale
    have a look at their own web site and you will see LAS BRISAS listed as a launched yacht in 2002 and the spec's state 29.08 meter 95' 4" and another site has ATLANTICA ATLANTICA listed as a 2006 29.10 meter 95' 6" yacht although on the San Lorenza web site it states it is 30 meters.

    Contact the builder for more details as I am only quoting what is on their own web site and tell them the lengths of boats they are building.

    Whatever size they are, they are bigger than this thread is supposed to be about so I am away to calculate what 20 tons of lead would do in a 96 footer or was that 95' 6" or maybe even a 95' 4". Never had this problem with an Island Trader. :cool:
  6. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    We did one feature for San Lorenzo and I never did another. Chuck and I went aboard the SL88 in Riviera Beach in early 2008. We were at Viking's facility for a sea trial that day. There were a couple of things that still stand out in my head to this day, including a bump on the head because the designer of the SL88 must have been 5'2" tall. Chuck bumped his head too and he's quite a bit shorter than I am. This happened on the steps going from the wheelhouse to the flybridge.

    The SL88 had a nice interior, but beauty is only skin deep. It's the foundation that counts and the interior's lack of structural soundness in dividing walls was evident to the touch. In addition, I must have done some brain damage when I bumped my head because when I looked down the side of the SL88 hull, I couldn't find a straight line anywhere. There more waves and ripples than a Ruffle's potato chip. This isn't unusual with a lot of the Italian boats I've seen, but this was the worst to date.

    Unrelated to San Lorenzo's quality, but an important aspect of buying a boat is the level of communication and service one might expect from the yard. The US marketing director (at the time) made a lot of promises, but never kept them. In dealing with the MD at the yard in Italy, it was like pulling teeth to get a return call, email, materials, pics, etc. The cooperation was nearly non-existent.

    I can't imagine what an owner would have to go through to get warranty or service work. For these reasons, I cannot in good conscious recommend this builder.
  7. Capt Buddy

    Capt Buddy Member

    May 7, 2010
    Ft lauderdale
    Ive got to spend some time in the last couple weeks on a 85 and 90 ocean alexander that thoroughly impressed me, I would add those to my short list!
  8. bmar

    bmar New Member

    Jun 5, 2010
    san diego, ca
    WOW. Was looking at a SanLorenzo 92 online. You would think that a 92 footer that the base price is around 12mil. would be built alot better than that. Guess that shows just because of a big price tag that dosn't always mean a well built boat.
  9. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    Las Briasas is a Sanlorenzo 100.
    100 is model and overall length altough it does measure a bit more. In USA you are more used to measure lenght. So 95 is right but 2002 hull number 2 is far away that is why I was confused.
    The first 100 was launched in 1995 so still hull no .2 was far away from being a 2002 year.
    Worth to note that SanLorenzo has also since 2005 under new ownership with Janetti taking the reins from Perotti. Altough the former has still a 10% share.
  10. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale
    Liam, take a look at the SanLorenza web site, LAS BRISAS is a 2002, with a LOA of 29.08 meter 95.41' yacht.

    I never mentioned models, they and you can call it whatever you want but their web site clearly states LOA of 95.41 ft. and never mind if it is measured here or there.
  11. carelm

    carelm Senior Member

    Feb 5, 2011
    fairfax va
    In my view this is an area where a lot of manufacturers could stand improvement in. Given the rather large investment in one's chosen boat/yacht one would expect high quality customer support at least on par with what auto manufacturers offer. Also with a rather limited customer base to choose from and word-of-mouth with the aid of the internet, it wouldn't take long to lose potential customers. I did notice that Lazzara and Hinckley have a pretty good service set up although there are others as well.
  12. nilo

    nilo Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    the size of san lorenzo

    the boat was the sd 122.
  13. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    You might be right and I might have gotten the lengths mixed up.....I know the Moonen the owner went to after dropping the San lorenzo was around that size as well.......
  14. nilo

    nilo Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    yes, she was 124 feet.
  15. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    Cannot be the SD122 because hull 1 was launched in 2008. You say it was a 2002????
  16. nilo

    nilo Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    liam, i don't know about the details of the previous correspondence; all i know the owner of the moonen 124 had a contract for a 122 sd and dropped that and bought the moonen 124. this happened during 2010, so i assume the hull of 122 sd for this contract must be produced after 2008.
  17. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    This is the same person and correct. He had hull number 2 of the sc122 on order under construction and saw hull #1 launched and decided to get out of it......and went with the moonen.....