Took a cruise south from Haulover Inlet in North Miami down to Sunday's on the bay (Key Biscayne), via the intracoastal. Came back north along the ocean to Fisher Island and then took Government Cut to Monty's for a bite. Ended the day following the inside channel along A1A north to Haulover Inlet. The bay in Miami was strangely quiet for clear skied, 70 degree, Sunday afternoon during peak season. Here's a few pictures of yachts spotted along the way... The first is "Destiny", a Broward. It was anchored in the bay in North Miami and all the toys had been deployed.
This is a Viking named "SeaBiscuit", preparing to dock at Sunday's on the Bay. Due to limited dock space at this restaurant, larger boats must berth perpindicular to the dock (transom in) and drop bow anchors. Because this is a protected cove and marina, with very little current, the anchor is generally sufficient to hold the bow's position.
We took a 30 minute detour up the Miami River, but there was very little in the way of yachts. Mostly small cargo ships and small fishing fleets. However, we spotted this classic along the banks of the river. I believe it's a Trumpy, but I'm not sure. Speak up if you know!
As we exited the Miami River to head south to Key Biscayne, we saw this vessel making their way north. I really have no idea what kind of boat this is, so if you know the answer... speak up!
A Westport docked at Fisher Island. If I recall correctly, this yacht is named "Serendipity". This is an aft-quarter side shot...
This was a 1970's era Burger at Fisher Island. It was in great shape. Unfortunately, the only angle I could take the picture from was... directly into the sun. I've posted two pictures, neither one will win me any photography awards.
Another yacht at Fisher Island. Call me a slacker, but I'm not sure of the make or model. Chime-in if you know...
Docked at the Miami Marina, in front of Monty's On The Bay, this is "Kisses". I wonder if there's any relation to Hershey's?
And this is "Tommy". Somewhat unusual to see yachts with men's names, but we found two at the Miami Marina.
The sun was setting on the bay, but managed to take one more picture before heading to home port. This is a 105' Pool Chafee named "Explorer One", a rather unique looking yacht. That's all folks! Thanks for cruisin' along with us.
"And one more yacht at Fisher Island. My first guess is a Bennetti, but I'm willing to be corrected..." This yacht is Gray Mist III, 142ft and launched in 1995 by Breaux Bay Craft in Louisiana. Her owners hail from Chicago.