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Restoring the LOST PERL

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Capt. Mike, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    So aside from bringing a beautiful old gal back from the dead, you put meanig and direction into a couple of guy's lives. It's amazing what putting a tool into someone's hand can do for their mind, body and soul. And it sounds like you're being rewarded for that as well. Good for you.
  2. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    Mike that's good stuff. I've been working with juvenile delinquents willing to learn boatbuilder skills for some years now and find it very rewarding. Sometimes I wonder who learns more: the boys or me.

    I have tried to apply (waxed) gelcoat a number of times but it never led to the results I was hoping for. Am a believer in paint now.

    I quite like to see your tools lying around because it indicates what you are doing and with which tools. It's just the computer generated mirror/ reflection that makes it harder to see what's going on.

    Keep up the good work and keep us posted from time to time!
  3. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    Here is a little photo update in the on the Lost Pearl

    This is this old dash and it was weak with a bit of rot. I had the windows made and I had to make the boat fit the new windows, a lot of work but about done.
    all three panels are on hinges and will raise for ease of installing anything.
    I like the way I made the shifter in the middle and not over to the side. This will make it easier to not do dumb things. Like start in gear, I've done that more then once over the years. How about some one standing there hit the shifter. That's happened more then once also. This should help stop things like that.
    The old trunk was not safe to walk on and leaked everywhere now the new one has a good slant and will not hold water.
    You can find more on the Lost Pearl site
  4. bernd1972

    bernd1972 Senior Member

    Mar 1, 2011
    Flensburg, Germany
    I am absolutely jealous for that steering wheel. I wish I had the luck to source one like that some day for my commuter.
  5. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    How much money do you figure you'll have in her when you're finally done?
  6. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    If you count the coast of the boat and the repairs, somewhere around 200k.
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  7. david_japp

    david_japp Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    Hi....putting varnish on decks is a really BAD idea!!! not only will it not last on teak but it will not remain adheared to the caulking - the teak planks will expand and shrink in heat /cold making cracks which will allow water in . Most importantly is it extremely dangerous to have a shiny surface on a deck . If the deck leaks , it need to have the seams raked out and re-cualked. If you want a tempoaray solution use Coelan which is a varnish like rubberised coating that looks extememely shiny but is non-slip.
  8. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    We've been there before.
  9. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    remember my start
    She is looking like something now
  10. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    It has been some very hard work but I am seeing some light to the end of the of some things, I got the trunk almost done and the pilothouse is looking great. I will have to build up and round some of the flat spots but that can be later that is why I used gelcoat and not paint. Right now I get to move on the sides and then finish the back side of the pilot house with all the steering and and upper controls. This is the way I work. I get one thing to a useable point then move one to another project. I have always done it this way and will not change now. For the most part you have to do it this so you can run wires and make things work together. If you finish one thing to soon then you can't make them work together. I finally got to use my new cushions I had made last year, i had them made when I had the 62 footer and didn't then get them until I sold the other boat and got this one. They would fit both boats because they both had a large trunk and would fit eater boat. They are 9'X9'X3" plenty of room for the girls to lay out and get some sun. The hand rails are temp for now I had to have something for a party on May 30th. We had forty five to come, not bad for a first party. I will rebuild all the hand rails with 3" teak next year.

  11. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    We had to clean the decks by sanding off paint and everything dropped on the decks so we took then all the way down to clean wood,I decided to go back teak oil. I am use to a boat kept in a covered slip. I learned decks react different when kept outside. I think it will work better for me for now, and less work next spring. I really like the way the boat is coming along. You have to love the old hatches and the plywood deck patch done by the older owners.

  12. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL
    Nice work. Thanks for posting.

    Well you saw the light in regards to the varnish on the decks. Soon you will see the light on the teak oil. :)
  13. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    My teak decks about 535 sq feet and I still have a lot of decks to do. I know bringing back teak decks is not easy. They need time to adjust to drying and oils. I feel it takes a few years to get them right when they let go this long.
    I learned to you use a fein tool with a straight blade, that I have had for a while. I tried it to cut the caulk instead of using knife it works so fast. I felt a little stupid for not trying it sooner. I know bosh and many others make a copy of this tool to. here is a online pic, no point in me uploading one.

  14. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    I have made contact with the skipper of it I mentioned here.

    He has some interesting stories about it he would be happy to share with you.

    Could you send me your e mail address by Private Message and I will pass it on to him?
  15. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    We installed thirty 80lb bags, (1,800 lb) of concrete. I put this under the guest bed. I may need a bit more. I would have used a small car but I didn't want it to rust. Truth is I wanted to use something I could adjust for more more or less weight change in the restoration. Right now it is perfect but that will change a lot, like when I get my granite counter tops, master shower.

  16. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    Keeping up to date. This week update, weather was great so I spent most of my time outside. I did do a bit in my galley. I wired the island with five double plugs on four different circuits. Maybe a bit over kill but I feel I could need it. I have keep in mind dishwasher, microwave, and a garbage disposal in the island

    I put in a hidden box that will be under the counter. This is for my macbook pro and my iphone

    I already had these two router tables, I did get my bar copper sink mounted today.

    I got another one off craigslist this weekend, tried to get it inside and we had to take it all the way apart and put back together inside kinda kicked our butt. It will take me some time to make this many cabinets/doors so I need them there for a while.
  17. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I have to hand it to you. It looks like it's coming along nicely, you sure have a lot of dedication. Those bags of concrete are going to be hard as a rock before long. I would've preferred 60lb gold bars as they're a lot smaller and easier to lug around. Besides the way gold is going up, you can sell them for a big profit when you're done.....hehehehe well maybe lead bars would be cheaper to purchase. Why not just keep the saw on the deck and cut the wood there? Seems like it would make less of a mess?
  18. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    Yesterday I worked on the island, today I got the upper cabinet installed but I haven't made the doors yet. One day at a time. The cabinets cover the window just a little but there is still room to clean the window.

  19. Capt. Mike

    Capt. Mike New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Nashville TN,
    Yesterday Deb took the day work off so we went to get some 300bf of cherry and then we went and got 250 sq. feet of #2 common red oak flooring. I started the hardwood floors in the galley yesterday and finished them today. I wrapped the island around the floor with walnut and maple hardwood to highlight the island. This will give a 3d look once it is stained and polyurethane

  20. JustMag

    JustMag Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    Looks good Capt! I just bought some cherry today to finish up some cabinets I'm building at home...............but no where near the quantity you bought!