My wife and I are looking at a 48 Defever to live aboard in Seattle. Do you have any advise as to what to look out for what we look at the boat? Potential trouble spots...? I've always felt that Defever's have a certain solidity about them and we love the galley up, three cabin layout. How have you used the aft deck with the trunk cabin covered but only half headroom? Thanks so much for your feedback!
How old is it? Defever are ok but older ones may have the typical Taiwan trawler issues like fuel tanks and water intrusions around windows. A neighbor of mine has a sligtly larger one (with cockpit), fairly recent and has a number of leaks around windows. Engine room is pretty nice with good feature like a big sea chest. I m always partial to older Hatt MY (quality and space) but on the left coast I'd look at Tollys
I can vouch for this from personal experience. On the other hand, seating on the flybridge is very nice.
The 48 is a delightful boat and useful if three staterooms are required. IMHO, the 49 Cockpit is the better choice, given my proclivities toward back porch desires. That said, the MSR shower enclosure is not for tall types--use the FWD head instead.