the mfgr. for the hatches on my 46 post has long gone out of business. have any of you had to replace your deck hatches and found a fit? tks bob Contact via PM pls.
hatches I replaced my hatches with Bomar's. The guy who did them screwed them up so bad that I will have to redo them myself. It takes some modification to get them right.
Did you convert from the Post hatches to Bomar or from another brand? Somewhere in the late 80's Post stopped using their own custom hatches. I warn all my guests NOT to step on the hatches. I dread the day having to replace them. Looks to me like you have to grind down the molded lip to get a somewhat flat surface to mount the new hatch. Provided you can even find a size that matches what is there now.
Personally I think its a mistake to go with bomar on the foredeck. It wouldnt be too difficult to take a mold off an old hatch and lay up new ones... With our first 42 we painted the hatches and they looked great.. I am planning on doing the same with our new 46'
Deck hatches Amen to not stepping on the hatches! Unfortunately, one of my crew learned that a little too late. The hatch over my 43's head compartment is broken now. Does anyone have any ideas where I could start looking for a used lid. I really don't want to replace all 3 to make them match. Any ideas on salvage yards that might have the lid? The hatches are made out of plastic and the edges are painted, I wonder if they could be made by a plastic fabricator if I give them one of the others for a template?
Can you use fiberglass sheet (like Hatteras used on the motoryacht aft decks and such) and cut it to fit and paint it?
No doubt, I could use one of the others as a plug and make it out of fiberglass. But I was hoping to find one at a salvage yard, because I really want the clear portion to help light up the head compartment. Thanks. By the way, this is one of the greatest web forums on boats I have ever joined! Tunaal
Hatteras for years has left part of the foward hatch un-painted fiberglass on their older yachts, and it still lets in a ton of light......without being able to see inside. How about having a piece of plexiglass cut to fit, Would that work? You have the ability to go with whatever color or darkness you want with plexiglass.
It seems like these hatches were made from a resin poured into a mold. I have asked vendors at boat shows who make plastic parts if they could produce something like this and they usually say no. I have been thinking how to fix these when one of mine cracks. (Only a matter of time.) Here's my thought: Cut out the center portion of the hatch by running a saw along the inside wood frame. This will leave the rounded (painted) part in tack around the edge which is the whole problem here. Then fasten 1/4" wood strips on the inside of the hatch opening so a new piece can be bonded to them from the top. I'm also thinking the wood pieces should not go all the way to the top so a thicker piece of plexiglass can be inserted into the hatch that hopefully won't break. Then carefully fill\finish in the seam from the outside and sand smooth. Hopefully the paint can be moved in only the 1/4" to match the new wood pieces and that will cover the seam if you haven't sanded past that. Then you can wet sand with 400-600 the inside of the plexiglass to get the privacy and match the others. The original hatches have a slight crown and design to them that will now be totally flat with this fix. But I don't think most people would see the difference. Think this would work? Please let everyone know if you do find a vendor to replicate these. Thanks.
Just thought of one more thing if you try this. Swap the repaired hatch with the forward stateroom hatch so they will still match side by side. You would notice the change even less this way having only the bow one slightly different. Just a thought. Mark.
Broken Hatch That is a great idea and will probably work in my case because it only has a piece broken out of the center. I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks
post hatches I fabricated a two part mold and assembled three of them with 1/2 '' plexiglass. The originals were heat molded lexand with a wooden seating insert painted finish and rubber gasket. I still have the molds if you are intrestea some hatches, send me a PM.
Has anyone shown an interest in your molds, as I would be interested in getting three made for my 46'. It seemed as if quite a few people would like them from the earlier comments. Thanks.
Sorry for the delayed response but I was out of town. As for the hatches they do indeed look great, I would need to check the size to make sure they would fit, and like tunaal, how would I go about getting three of them? Thank you.
hatches are 20 x 20 at the wide end of receiver where the seal meets. 22 1/2 x 22 1/2 to outer edge. I will send you a PM with my info.