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Researching Cape Horn Trawlers

Discussion in 'Cape Horn Yacht' started by Cruising4Fun, May 28, 2011.

  1. Andrew B.

    Andrew B. Member

    Aug 21, 2010
    Ohio River, U.S.A.

    Thanks for validating my calculations, but I took the short cut. Figured a typo was made, added one "0", and came up with reasonable numbers.

  2. Andrew B.

    Andrew B. Member

    Aug 21, 2010
    Ohio River, U.S.A.

    You think he would have mentioned that.
  3. cdg

    cdg Member

    May 15, 2009
    wellington, new zealand
    Cape Horn suitability for you

    Dear Cruising4Fun
    I own a cape Horn (no not for sale! but in her 1st major refit after 10 years and 30,000nm include St Lawrence to Seattle via Panama, and then down to NZ via Sth Pacific, all on her own bottom). She is 81' all steel, called Columbus (was Wright of Passage). I will try to answer any questions. I am a huge fan of the vessel, and have been in most sea conditions in her and happy with her performance, being very suitable for our needs. Well maybe 2 extra knots... :) She is quite different to the dashew style mentioned - which is narrow so terrifically efficient, but Columbus is easily pushed through the water with her hull profile, and while not as super efficient, is fine, and has huge volume. I'd also inquire carefully about performance of skinny hulls in your expected sea states, as I love the comfort and confidence our Cape Horn provides in the gnarly weather in NZ at times. (We're crazy enough to boat year round down under). All the best with your search. Campbell.