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Angry young men...

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by airship, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    The sights of "angry young men" venting their "grievances" on the streets won't have escaped most of us. Whether or not these young men were in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria or elsewhere is not perhaps of great importance.

    Most recently, the rioting in London (and other cities within the UK) - what began as a simple and peaceful demonstration over "the death of an individual with an important past criminal history, by armed-UK police" degenerated into anarchy over several days leading to wide-spread looting and general disregard of the law. UK Police are only just beginning to assure that sufficient numbers of law-enforcement personnel (imported from other areas of the UK) "occupy the ground"...

    What is perhaps more important, is that the younger generations in many societies have begun to "question their lot" today, their roles, opportunities, responsibilities and obviously, ask questions and demand answers about their own future prospects, regardless of the govenments and/or regimes that they currently live under...?! In a world when in 2011, income distribution in the 1st World has most generally favoured those with capital, compared to workers over a period of perhaps 20 years or so. In 2011 apparently, 1st World corporations are "flush with cash", with some media reports comparing Apple Corp.'s liquidity being greater than that of the US Federal Government at one stage.

    Many moons ago, a great US singer-songwriter produced this song about being "In The Ghetto"... It would appear that ever since, there has been a combat between those (with socialistic ambitions) and those with wholly capitalistic beliefs.

    I personally believe that all those protesters / looters in London, those demonstrating for democracy in north Africa, the UAE, Saudi Arabia etc., in fact anyone with a complaint about "their lot in life", somehow obtain the necessary funds (looting - well why not?) to travel to "and confront all those who are behind their problems" directly...?!

    At the present time, I can confirm that a considerable number of owners / managers of important hedge-funds are enjoying their vacations in / off Porto Cervo aboard their own (or chartered yachts). So too are quite a few of the richest individuals on the planet. In fact, suitable "targets" could be found in almost any Mediterranean port / marina at this time of year. Whilst it would be great if any actions somehow implicated UK MPs soujouring as guests on such vessels, that's doubtful as they've apparently all been recalled to attend a special session of Parliament tomorrow (or Thursday) - NETJETs pilots, please keep us informed...?!

    Seriously though, the current "battle" between sovereign governments etc. and the actual bond-holders and their representatives is becoming very tiresome for ordinary people. It's all about more taxes, more austerity etc. - all that even after we bailed you all out - the banks, the hedge funds, the oligarchys etc. back in 2008/9.

    All that's left perhaps, is to (somehow fund, and then send out) all the hooligans / N. African democracy protestors etc. To St. Tropez, Antibes, Monaco, Porto Cervo etc. And let them confront their "masters" directly?

    Instead of relying on the looting and burning of small shop-keepers' establishments in the UK and subsequient measures to contain the situation. Presumably the UK won't use the type of measures used in some other countries to quell the violence. Many UK citizens are already asking for "shoot to kill" measures regarding the recent UK riots.

    Individual yacht owners can be very kind and considerate to their crews. But the current situation demands that they should take a very serious look at how they treat their employees worldwide, not just the employees most closest to them...?!
  2. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Most if not all of these "angry young mens" biggest problem are that they are unemployed...
  3. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    ...or unemployable.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Why would they want to work when they can live off welfare anyway!!

    Shoot with real bullets and those arrested should be shipped back to whatever s---thole they came from!! Let them starve over there if they can't even be grateful for the opportunity they have in the western world

  5. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    I'm with you there, a more holistic approach to doing business would be preferred. But in the end large part of the responsibility lies with the consumer and an "ich habe es nicht gewusst" (I didn't know is what many german soldiers used to defend themselves with after WW2) doesn't apply anymore in the era of internet.

    To give you an example: Iphones and Ipads are produced at Foxconn, a mega factury employing 300,000 to 450,000 employees in Shenzhen China. In 2010 17 workers committed suicide.

    Quote: The suicides prompted 20 Chinese universities to compile a report on Foxconn, which they decried as a labour camp.[2] Other experts have claimed that employees are treated comparatively well at Foxconn,[6] but news reports have been critical. Long working hours,[6] discrimination of mainland Chinese workers by their Taiwanese coworkers,[7] and a lack of working relationships[8] have all been cited as potential causes.

    The Foxconn deaths may have been a product of economic conditions in China during 2010. These conditions also led to several major strike actions at high-profile manufacturers in China. The Lewisian turning-point and the decline in the surplus Chinese labour-pool are two potential macro-economic factors.[9][10]

    In response, Foxconn substantially increased wages for its southern China workforce,[11][12] installed suicide-prevention netting,[13] and asked employees to sign no-suicide pledges

    I think anybody considering purchasing the new Ipad should be aware of this situation and contemplate whether they want to support this system.
  6. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    That's highly unlikely. People, especially young people, are only concerned about having the latest high tech $#!t. They don't lose any sleep over how or where it's made.

    The same goes for among other things, coffee beans, clothing, and produce.
  7. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    Well, there lies a task for parents and teachers.
    Irresponsible consumer behaviour will have long term effects. Environmental, economical and social.
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Not many people remember the race riots in this country back in the 60's. We'd given the blacks their freedom 100 years before, and didn't lynch too many in more recent years. So what did they have to complain about. Of course we weren't going to let them get educated and compete with us for high paying jobs. After all, we needed maids and sewer workers. Cheap labor. The call was "If they don't like it they can go back to Africa" (the continent we kidnapped their forefathers from). The result was that our cities burned and people died. Go back to the Russian or French revolutions and the story is basically the same. As for "where they came from", today it's the house next door to yours and tomorrow maybe your own. As for them not being willing to work and living off the system or welfare, I met a young man a couple of Sundays ago when it was brutally hot out. He bummed a smoke off me as he asked if I knew where a food pantry was. He'd walked from a town about 15 miles away with his wife and infant trying to a food pantry. Something tells me he'd have much preferred working for a paycheck if one were to be had.
    What happened in France and Russia and here is now happening worldwide because we now have a "global economy". And of course it's the youth. They're the ones with the guts, and the ones with the most future to be affected and the least to lose. It's the same reasons we don't draft 60 year olds to fight our wars.
    There's a warning being sounded and it's being ignored for greed. Like Airship, I'm surprised that it hasn't affected the yachting community more because there are very few symbols of opulence more striking than a large yacht. Hopefully the economic situation will begin to change before the security situation does. In the mean time I think that all yacht owners and crews should be mindful of how they may be viewed and take appropriate security measures.
  9. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Excellent post Pascal. That is the same answer I have to the situation, except those arrested should be re processed into something useful like filling for hole in the road it was also the 2nd most popular choice in a poll on Facebook that I saw last night. The most popular was to use the Army.
  10. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    Complete anarchy in Birmingham UK

    Just read an article with this picture from a looter in Birmingham

    Attached Files:

  11. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    If it only was that simple. Production will always move to places where it is cheaper until we all will get the same salary.
  12. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Look at that, a perfect target when illuminated by the flames, hit in the upper body by a big blunt round what's left could be cremated immediately
  13. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Labelled: Photoshoplooters...;)
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The west sort of lost its taste for that after Kent State, but it is a very popular way of handling these things. I believe Mubarak used it in Egypt recently and Gaddafi in Libya, but it didn't seem to work out so well. The problem is that when people have nothing, they have nothing to lose. I think that the UK would prefer to find a way to de-escalate the situation rather than fill the streets with the blood of their own countrymen, even if bullets are cheaper than food pantries and salaries. BTW, I don't believe in riots, but I expect to see a lot more in a lot more places until jobs start being created and the lot of the poor is improved.
  15. Loren Schweizer

    Loren Schweizer YF Associate Writer

    Apr 20, 2004
    Coral Gables/Ft. Laud., FL
    The socialism experiment has proven to be unaffordable, on both sides of the pond, much to the chagrin of the social mutants and the populations at large who have paid for it.
    Decent working folk are saying "enough" to those slobbering away at the public trough.
    But, the die has been cast. How to undo decades of "redistributionist" policy?

    Perhaps a long, hot summer of nightly conflagrations spiced with eye-opening racial overtones, stirred to a boil, until a widespread shriek of "WTF!" by the civilized inhabitants who won't have any more of it.

    Then, the pendulum swings, inexorably. As Pascal put it, if those who cannot be grateful for the opportunity given them in First World places, repatriation to their respective Turd World places of origin ought to be a consideration --using vessels with a slow roll and meals of cream cheese & sardine sandwiches washed down with a hot strawberry milkshake.
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Only for the middle class. They're doling it out to the poor while their jobs and homes are being taken away. The rich are doing quite well these days despite the drain. Maybe the drain just isn't from their bucket. Before anyone slags the poor they should try going a week without a decent meal, and not at some $1,000 a day fat farm. If not that then they should consider from a greedier perspective in that if it's not given it might be taken. Granted that there are lazy people in this world, and good riddence to them, but very few people choose to be poor or choose to depend on the state and food pantries to feed and house their families. I know that the young man I met who carried his infant for 15 miles in the blazing sun looking for food didn't choose that life. Granted his poor choices may have landed him there, but I'd hardly consider that choice.
  17. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    Loren Schweizer wrote:
    I was unsure whether or not to "Seig Heil" your last contribution (until I realised that this was not 194X), or simply commiserate with someone who has obviously completely given up "on all youth". I believe it was the use of "Turd World" that convinced me of your true obsessions.

    Loren Schweizer wrote:
    Many might agree with the sentiments of Loren Schweizer though I have to confess that I'm somewhat (and alarmingly) confused by some of his contributions here.

    "Bands of thugs" in the UK currently terrorise their compatriots.

    So far as I'm concerned, there are 2 categories of "super-rich" yacht owners:

    1) They decided to buy / new-build their current yachts, secure in the belief that they were simply behaving normally, as anyone running one (or many) successful businesses are wont to do.

    2) The "other kind" of yacht owners, those who can only be reassured of their staus by owning ever-larger yachts.

    Few pay scant attention to what the display of their wealth might actually lead to. Nor ever held responsible. When circumstances in (say UK) detioriate.

    I'm pretty sure that noone is ever going to finance UK (or other) hooligans so that they might one day also be able to terrorise the yachts in Cannes, Monaco or Porto Cervo etc. But just for a moment there, I imagined a "Warren Buffet" type trying to encourage all the yacht owners, not just to contribute their vast fortunes as he himself has done to other "better things", and cease pumping out all his sewage in the bay whilst at anchor...?!

    Goodnight and good luck fellow YachtForumers.
  18. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    From what I know, yacht owners are often contributors to "better things", besides they are creating many jobs. But keeping gold and diamonds in a safe will probably make you richer and less visible....
  19. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Socialism doesn't work... It failed in Europe, it s failing here in the US right now although thankfully we are only receiving a mild dose...

    Intelligent folks realize that those evil rich people who ride in their private jets and enjoy their yachts, to paraphrase the rethoric of our community organizer in chief, are the one contributing the most to this world

    How many people make a living because one owner decides to build himself a 200' megayacht? Thousands... Directly or indirectly

    There are laws in the civilized world... Time to enforce them and protect those who actually contribute something to society

    I m still trying to undestand some of the stuff posted above combining the French and Russian revolution with yacht owners, UK riots, and how ironic slave labor in communist red china!!!

    Those of you who are so quick to condemn capitalism have obviously never seen what happens on the other side of the iron curtain to see first hand how socialism really works.
  20. Loren Schweizer

    Loren Schweizer YF Associate Writer

    Apr 20, 2004
    Coral Gables/Ft. Laud., FL
    Airship, you sweep with a broad brush.
    As a laissez faire libertarian--not the Nazi that you allude to--I, like 99% of us on the planet that WE inhabit, just wish to be left to our own devices. you are, airship, hypothetically, at a BBQ in your own backyard. Sundown, when the cowards crawl out from under their rocks, a crazy rushes your group and between rants/flecks of spit, the creature hurls a molotov cocktail through one of the windows of your house.
    "Oh, boo hoo hoo, your poor soul, it's all my fault, and everone here, that you have these issues. Here's twenty bucks so that you'll go away and likely return next weekend."

    You rock, airship.

    Oh, and BTW, I can't take credit for the term 'Turd World': some other poster used this term in a tech thread many moons ago, and I though it was humorous, as did many other serious people here on YF. Maybe you'd like to do a search and flame that person as the originator.

    'Til then, have another drink!