50-meter "Satori" on recent arrival in Gibraltar... http://photos.marinetraffic.com/ais/showphoto.aspx?photoid=463786&size=full
Busy times for Heesen, good stuff. Heesen successfully completed work on the 50-meter "Satori", she has been delivered, seen in Gibraltar on her fuel stop before headed to Monaco where she was formally christened at the Grand Prix. Heesen are also working on completing both the 55-meter candy red and white "Quinta Essentia" and the 47-meter "Ariadna", both have done trials already. If you haven't heard already, Heesen also launched an IPAD application, making them the first yacht yard to do this. The app basically allows you to see photos, videos and specifications of yachts spanning the Heesen fleet.
Our friend the 'Deviant'...is now working with the brand new 47-meter "Ariadna". http://deviant.cyberdeath.org/confession_.asp Thanks to fellow member David for the heads up.
Don't like MY Qinta Essentia , I think there mixed too many things together.. Here is a pic from MT: http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/de/showallphotos.aspx?imo=9620009#top_photo
Well I would have to take another side. I think she is beautiful. If you like "Celestial Hope" I don't see why you can't like "Quinta Essentia". She is just larger and more detailed/personalized in design.
Mhm the coulor is ok , but I don't really like it when the windows from the wheelhouse are so different like from Qinta Essentia , but everybody has a different taste
A photo of Ice Angel, what I believe is a new 50m launch. http://www.shipspotting.com/gallery/fullscreen.php?lid=1338674
"Ariadna" is undergoing seatrials after she was outfitted and has now the Sat Domes etc.. Looks really cool also Davids Website is very interessting.
Found a lil something interesting Ken. I believe this is the main tender to "Ice Angel" it has the same symbol incorporated into the teak as the logo on the new Heesen... I think it's a Wallypower 64. http://www.flickr.com/photos/57061834@N05/5759696618/in/set-72157625965155197
It's "dumb question" time again: what's with these lowered bows I'm seeing a lot of? I understand that the helmsman likes to see where he's going, but isn't the seaworthiness of the vessel compromised when the bow dips down like that? I've seen that on a few PT boats, but that's about it. Looks like a risky business to me, forcing the vessel to seek ports/shelter before other boats of similar OAL. What say you all?
You can check out some beautiful photos of the Heesen "Ariadna" on the Divant's blog site and some other yachts he photograph on his travels. confession
The latest member of the Heesen 37-meter series, "Aurelia", certainly has the best looking interior of all the 37-meter boats in my opinion. You can check out pics of her interior on the Bannenberg & Rowell website.
Heesen has launched a yacht called Serenity. I believe it is 55m and based off a steel displacement hull.
Yeah I saw the pics...she looks good! I wonder if she is the successor to the other Heesen 40-meter "Serenity" (ex. "Lady Halima")
She'll look like one of the two of these 55-meter designs...which are the same 55-meter design with very slight styling differences... of course she has a dark blue hull and white superstructure.