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Discussion in 'Vintage & Classic Yachts' started by pequodlover, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. pequodlover

    pequodlover New Member

    Jun 6, 2011
    Hollywood, Maryland
    I recently purchased a 1973 wooden Pequod. The boat has been let go for several years and I would like to bring her back into shape. A diver said that her bottom side is in good shape. The gunwales are plywood and soft in a couple of spots and the railing is loose because of this. Her cabin is just as it was when it came from the factory, nothing has been changed other than wear and tear. The refrigerator has been stolen, the couch and chair for the salon are gone. Any ideas where I can get these items? Also, any help with my boat would be greatly appreciated.

    I have made countless phone calls, visited many, many marinas and no one will help at all. They see her as an old wooden junk boat and think I am crazy for wanting to save her.

    Again, I would appreciate any help in getting her going again, or would donate her to someone who would love her and could get her back to her glory days.
  2. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
  3. Rocky5000

    Rocky5000 New Member

    Feb 21, 2009
    Crab Alley, Prospect Bay, Chesapeake. In with the

    You may do well to check out the Pembroke Forum in additon to the Pequod.
    Pembroke was Mahogany lapstrake over Oak ribs, as the story goes, roughly, the company was renamed Pequod with the transition to Glass. There is a well maintained 38 at LA Thompson on Kent island. I own a '69 FC33, the boats are somewhat similar.
  4. NYPequod

    NYPequod New Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Stony Point, Rockland County, NY
    Pequod Owner

    Hi. I just purchased a 1973 Pequod 34 about 2 weeks ago. I have also spent a lot of hours trying to come up with some more information. I would love to find other owners to swap information and start a group. Feel free to email me at removed!