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Roamer 37 is Finally Launched

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by davidopie, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    13.... Not enough!!

    Well... our record to date is 22 beer balasted or blasted swabies for 19 hours... several kegs, crabs and more... got lost in the middle of the night, dropped anchor... in the AM-- bodies hanging on hooks, unconscious on johns, faces in sinks, laying on decks, floating on tubes ect... a real certified Roamer cotillion.

    Normally these are quite refined folks... not sure what happened?!... but they all wanted to do it again. And those who say they need to be back by 5:00 are lying and will change their mind right fast. The ladies love old Roamers.. when they ask how old, you can honestly say "older than you are".... it makes them feel rather sporty.

    Next goal 25... stay tuned for an "All You Can Float" blastathon.... We know she will take 22 big people in comfort... not sure what the record is or will be? One thing really nice about this boat is all the space outside too.. she can hold a lot of Pirates and Mermaids walk around the side decks with ease and still carry a plank!

    What is with new boat design... yeah a bit larger inside, but no windows, dark ect... if I want to buy a cave I will buy a cave. The Roamer is bright inside with large windows.. she sits with a very low center of gravity (also why they don't rock much)... so while you are standing you can really feel like you are walking on water.. it's pretty cool that way.

    Note... Original 1970 Roamer photo in the 1000 Islands NY... a pudgy Homer teaching little Homettes how to swim with eels, pike, perch and bass. Yes, a bit too many bumpers... why not just learn how to drive!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2011
  2. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Wheel Ring

    Hi Erik, not sure if I have it or not, but promised it to David.. if I find it will send you the exact size and you can make one.. not a big deal.

    I am trying to get my wreck done.. they are very slow down south but easy to work with.. still waiting on final touches and new upholstery inside... goal is to bring her back north in 75 days.

    I called today and my guy ran over his dog with a fork lift so was not a good day to call.. he was bummed.. it's always something.

    How about some new pictures of your project Erik? I give you a lot of credit... you really got in deep but you are completing the job!

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2011
  3. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
    Crazy swed

    Hello Homer!
    Hi, I have worked on my boat, but I bought a new computer. And then disappeared translation program, I will launch her ​​next week I'm going to paint her first last summer we traveled very little.
    I will send new pictures of my project
    I will open a new marina that is a big project so it has taken up my time
    Erik Finni
  4. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Pictures Pictures!!

    Roamer International wants Erik pictures...

    You may have the only Roamer in Sweden!

    The fans are restless, fences down and dogs running amuck in anticipation.