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Permission to come aboard !

Discussion in 'Post Yacht' started by TrueAnnSea, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. TrueAnnSea

    TrueAnnSea New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Stillwater , MN
    I am new to the site as I have just recently finished a complete refurb of a 1984 46' Post. We love the boat and from the emotions displayed on this site there are a lot of others who share the same passion.

    Our 46 seems to be rather unique as it has the galley down with crews bunks ,head, forward queen stateroom with head in the bow.
    All gelcoat is original, we stripped all varnish and applyed six coats of Bristol Finish.Interior was revarnished,new teak and holly sole lower and carpet upper.In the galley we removed the old Princess stove and replaced with a glass cooktop and a microwave/convection oven all on new granite countertops. All new marble over all other counter tops throughout the boat with new wallpaper. New sinks and frameless shower doors with teak shower floor mats.All new electronics,led lights and recessed flat screen TV's. New thruhulls and the majority of the water/sanitation system was replaced.Both 671's had an upper rebuilt as the engines only had 2000 hours on them and a new genset.

    As you might guess I am a type "A". Only two items are left on my punch list. 1) One of the forward hatches is cracked. I called Post before they closed ( sorry to see another victim of the economy) who gave us the name of an employee that has the mold for the hatches.A very nice man who would entertain making more hatches but needs a quantity of five or more to make it worthwhile.Anybody out there in need of a replacement hatch or better yet know of a place I could pick one up?
    2) I read a few threads regarding transmissions.Our port gear sometimes goes into reverse a few seconds after starting the engine.Pressure in both trannys ramps right up to 200 + when started so I am at a loss for the cause. Any thoughts before I have a tech look at it?

    Sorry to gloat about our project but it seems the Post is a boat with a storied past and classic lines. The work was hard but fun and seeing the progression each day in bringing her back to her former self was a just reward.

    So if you are ever up in Minnesota on the St. Croix River, lookout for the only sportfisher in the Midwest, let alone with outriggers, flying a number of Walleye Flags after a successful day of fishing!

    Thanks for any thoughts or ideas on my inquirys.
  2. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    See Aquachop's thread below. Maybe you can give him some first hand advice. You'll find this forum very helpful on a variety of questions.
  3. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    Hi TrueAnnSea,
    Congrats on the Post.
    We have the same configuration below as you do.
    I like the galley down as it makes the saloon seem bigger.
    Also the dinnette and galley are not as confining as a hallway down the middle of the boat.

    Originally our side stateroom was two single bunks that I made into one queen berth with a night table towards the interior wall.

    With just two of us, it is a prefect boat for what we do.

    The hatch question has been brought up here before and you are the first to find a person with a mold, to my knowledge. You might find some takers on the new ones.

    Good luck in Minnesota.
  4. mwwhit1

    mwwhit1 Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2006
    Congrats on your project. I have a 84 43'. My port tranny does the same thing but in forward gear for a second. Not every time and usually on warm starts. It has been doing this for many years and hasn't gotten worse. From what I know, this is a sign of some wear and the trans fluid is not building up evenly so it goes into gear until the pressure is up and even. I think the only fix is removal and rebuild which is very costly. Make sure the fluid is at the proper level, I change every other year, and I would say leave it alone.

    As for your hatch, we had another thread on this with no success. I would definitely be willing to buy one of the five for a spare!! Can you reply on that thread and see if we can get a few others?
  5. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
  6. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey

    I'd be in for one too.
  7. TrueAnnSea

    TrueAnnSea New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Stillwater , MN

    Give me a few days to look through my notes on the project ( they would fill my boat) and I will try to contact the person with the hatch mold and get an idea of cost and timeframe. Thanks to all for their kind words and advice!
  8. TrueAnnSea

    TrueAnnSea New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Stillwater , MN

    Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts on the transmission, though it is probably not what I wanted to hear but it gives me some ideas. As I mentioned to chesapeake 46 , give me a few days to look for the person with the hatch mold and I'll get back with hopefully the costs and leadtime.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale

    Someone on here with a 46' Post did switch out their Capitols for TD gears I believe. They might have the 1 good one they took out. But try to find them and they can tell you all of the in's and out's of the project. They were pretty knowledgable and hands on if I remember.
  10. TrueAnnSea

    TrueAnnSea New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Stillwater , MN
    I found my note with the person who had the mold for the hatch and my wife called the number this morning and was told the gentlemen passed away two weeks ago at the early age of 62,sad news. I understand he worked for a company and did the hatch as a sideline business.The woman my wife spoke to said she would be happy to ask around the shop to see if anybody new of the mold or any other information she could give us. So stay tuned.

    Also this weekend one of my turbo blankets ( must be really old) started to smoke. Anyone out there know of a place to get a replacement? I have an inquiry into Johnson and Tower.I have 6-71TI's.


  11. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    I'd start by calling J & T with the serial numbers of the engine.
    Why'd the cover smoke?
    Was it oil saturated?
    I think you might be seeing the result of the problem not the real problem.

    J & T has turbos' too.
  12. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I've always had my blankets made by D'Angelo's in Fort Lauderdale.
  13. TrueAnnSea

    TrueAnnSea New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Stillwater , MN
    Thanks for the lead.As I am in Minnesota do you know if the blankets for that series 671 and year are universal or would this be a custom made off of my old blanket?

    Thanks again for the tip.
  14. TrueAnnSea

    TrueAnnSea New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Stillwater , MN
    Good thought on the effect vs the cause! I will bring that up with my mechanic.Thanks.
  15. TrueAnnSea

    TrueAnnSea New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Stillwater , MN

    Spoke with Freddy , great people,thanks!