Gentlemen. I have a 50 ft 1994 post sportfish and on yesterday's offshore trip I took on a large amount off seawater. Of course bilge pumps inoperative ( no power to pumps which I will address as separate problem) no visable leaks. Packing glands are tight(no leaks). Anyone experience this? Any ideas where water could be couold be comming from? No damage to boat since last bottom job in may of 2011. Thanks. Wade
Hi, A leak from a pipe or pump would be the first place I would look. Did you know the Bilge Pumps would not work when you left the dock by any chance?
50 post No wasn't aware. But did not check bilges before i left port. Docent seem to be taking on water in slip so far. Thanks. Will check out. Wade
Hi, Are you sure it was Sea Water and not rain water mixed with a little bit of Sea Water? Was it rough? Could it possibly have come in through E.R Vents when underway? If it is dry at the dock try running one engine at a time and looking for any leaks around it while it is going, run at a fast idle so as to get the water flow up. Also do this with the gen sets, RO Plant and AC if fitted. If you do not find a leak then you will have to run it a bit and keep looking in the bilge but before doing any of the above do yourself a favor and fix the bilge pumps so if you should really need them they will work.
Post 50 Thanks Capt. Good advice. Will follow your recommendations. Will let you know my success Have a great 4 th. W
Hi, Thank you too and Happy 4th of July. BTW: I am not a Captain and I am somewhere where the world hasn't ground to a halt for this holiday.
Don't forget to check your livewell and head (if salt water) connections and hoses, and your rudder posts as well. Most of this and what K1W1 suggested can be checked at the dock while you're fixing those bilge pumps. BTW, none of the bilge pumps worked? If so, check your breakers and the connections at the batteries. BTW, everyone cruising tonight in the U.S. should remember that a flare tonight could easily be mistaken for fireworks. Check your boats over before going out, and please don't drink and drive. Happy Independence Day.
It might help reduce your investigative work if you can deternine whether the bilge flooded with salt or fresh water. How's the water level holding in your freshwater tanks? Let us know what you find.
Post 50 water leaks Just got back from boat. Prob with bilge Pumps found in breaker panel. Bad breaker. Checked all systems as directed and found no leaks. Sea was almost flat yesterday's trip. Boat ran well. Turns out Water was soapy and forgot to tell you son in law and daughter spent prev night on board and took 2 long showers. After day of fishing they spent last night on boat with 2 More long showers! Da! All water drained In Bilge with no where to go! Da! I sincerely appreciate your excellent direction in trouble shooting this problem and feel you have helped me know my boat a little better. Thanks for your interest in coming to my aid. May the gods be kind to you the balance of your journey.. Wade
Wade You might want to think about checking the shower sump pump also. Its a small collection box with an 800gph rule bilge pump in it specifically dedicated to evacuating shower gray water. Usually near the forward bilge pump.
Ditto, but more likely downhill from the shower. Not sure of the Post, but a 440 Carver was in the engineroom below the saloon, and a 50 Viking SC was in the VIP SR. Twice in the last couple of weeks student were aghast when we found water in the bilge and I stuck my finger in and tasted. It's no big deal and will instantaneously tell you what to look for.
What's the worst, you taste a little oil, anti-freeze, soap? Think of what we ate as kids and survived (worms, dirt, bugs, our GFs attempts at cooking. My mouth was washed out with soap so much I thought it was a snack. ). We've become way too antiseptic. When I started in this business I spent 3 solid weeks using a 5 gal. bucket between the motors of an LCM as a head. A boat is no place for a priss.
How do I answer that without being graphically sexual? The short answer is think about some of the places your mouth has been over the years. The more germs you try to avoid, the more susceptible you'll be to the ones that get through. I don't sweat the small stuff. I didn't say fill a glass and drink it. I said stick your finger in and taste it. What would you do, put on rubber gloves,take a sample and send it to a lab every time you see water in the bilge or you could pay me $100 each time and I'll tell you if it's fresh or salt.
Wade I modestly recommend that you create a critical checklist for yourself before you leave port. Especially if you're going offshore without operating bilge pumps. We all want to keep you around and contributing to the forum. And, as someone else has asked, where is Kemah?
Don't be modest (or subtle) about this one Beau. An engine room check should be done before leaving the dock EVERY DAY. A) it will alert you to things like this (or worse), and B) it will keep you familiar with what's down there. Beats trying to figure out what's where when it's pitch dark and filled with water.
Speak for yourself! I know where my mouth has been, and it's never been anywhere near sewage. hehehehe