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Repowering a 1997 Hatteras 50 SF

Discussion in 'Viking Yacht' started by craigsduc, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. craigsduc

    craigsduc New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
    Thousand Oaks
    As we are pursuing a 1997 Hat 50 with 1292s with the thought of possibly re powering it someday when the 1292s need a rebuild...I am curious as to the real numbers as to what it would cost to properly repower the boat and what packages would be the right fit. C18s?? QSMs..
  2. morbert

    morbert New Member

    Nov 23, 2010
    Coconut Grove
    It is a heavy boat and it had offered an optional small cat which I believe was a c-18 that did not resell well. It also had a 3412 option that ran the boat well but the engine room can hardly fit those motors though you can pick up a set of those probably fairly cheap and there would be a guideline for gears and props.
  3. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    C 18'S are currently available at just over 1000 hp how does that compare to the DD's in it now?

    There is a move afoot to bring out a new model C 18 that is closer to 1300 HP I do not know the details but am assuming that this will surpass the E Rating and probably be 5 mins at WOT every 12 hrs.

    There used to be a guy who posted here who worked for a Cummins Dealer in San Diego, his website had some good info on repowers with a good mention of the pros and cons

    He also posts a lot at another forum which tends to aim at engines more than the rest of the boat.

    Send me a PM if you want the details.
  4. Jimbo1959

    Jimbo1959 Member

    Aug 16, 2010
    Stockton, CA
    Those DD's should be around 1100 hp.
  5. craigsduc

    craigsduc New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
    Thousand Oaks
    They are rated at 1150 a side. I have always been the guy that wanted the biggest engine that would fit in anything I owned........but with a boat its a bit different especially with the cost of fuel....which we all know is the cheapest part of the boat.....but certainly an issue still. At 60000 lbs, the Hat 50 is no lightweight so I know bigger sometimes proves to be the better choice. Nothing I have looked at has 3412s due to the budget limitations. One member suggested buying a boat with 6 cyl 4 stroke diesels which I found in a 1999 Riviera 48 enclosed bridge boat in Seattle for $ 240K accepted subject to, etc. The problem was the Cats were 3176 "B"s ( The B stands for Bad News I am told......) Guess I now know why it hasnt sold. If it had the Cs, it would be a better boat I,m told. 600 hp is also on the light side for the boat but never less, it isnt such a great deal either.

    Came home today and my wife and 6 year old asked what was wrong as they thought the Riviera 48 was a very real possibility. I explained of ALL the engines for it to have, it had a problem engine package ( as told by Cat experts recently recommended to me ). With that, my 6 year old daughter pipes in and says " BUY THE **** HATTERAS ! ". Thats an exact quote!!

    GEEEZ LUOISE!!!! It was a bit like music to hear that as I was truly enthusiastic relative to the 1997 Hat 50 mentioned herein. At $ 179K, my feeling is it might be worth flying back to indeed see as long as the 1292 package isnt a disaster....which I am sure isnt. At that price. would I spend $100K plus to repower it someday???? Hard to say but when a repowered Hat or Bertram pops up on the market, they seem to attract a lot of attention. I dont feel that way about a Viking though and I dont know why. I like them certainly but the mid ninety vintage 50s I,ve looked at seem to be a bit out of our range. My wife also loves Hatteras SFs ( the lines ) and after looking at many models now and touring the plant in Newbern, along with many conversations with present and past Hatteras employees and representatives, I have a fondness for them too!
  6. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    No... you would spend more like $200K plus.
  7. craigsduc

    craigsduc New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
    Thousand Oaks
    $ 200 K sound a bit high as I know there are some fair deals on engines out there I,ve heard about. I know there is much more than buying the engines/transmissions but $ 200K seems a bit high. $ 100K also seems low too though. I would think there are lots of engine packages available used or rebuilt vs new too. I suppose properly rebuilding the 1292s is still an option to consider.
  8. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    They also have an 1150 acert C18 out right now as well. CAT is releasing a small C series based upon the old 3208 I was told and also, something very very big in the next coming weeks. I forget the HP rating, but it's supposed to be equivalent to the 16v2000's.....

    Also, Even though the 12v92's were rated at 1150hp, I don't feel they really made that in real life.....they feel more like 1000hp engines after they get 300hrs on them.......
  9. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    I would say that repowering with CAT C18s or even Detroit Series 60s (825hp) would run north of $200K when all is said and done, especially with todays yard labor rates. You are probably going to pay in the neighborhood of $90 - $100/hp retail just on engines/gears/controls and you still have a ways to go. You would certainly lose some pounds as those 12V-92s are a lot of iron. I am sure there is someone hungry for business, but in the end you will get what you pay for.

    I have fished on a 50 Bertram out West, and loved the ride and would give it a nod over the Hatteras. You would be looking at a 21 - 23 knot cruise with 8V-92s, depending on weight, equipment, etc.
  10. bf77

    bf77 New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    baltimore md

    can anyone tell me what the cost would be to do a major overhaul on a dd 671tib?
  11. jhall767

    jhall767 Senior Member

    Jan 14, 2010
    Middle River MD
    The old standard used to be $3k per hole or about $18K. Probably closer to $24k now. The second question is what do you mean by major? Cylinder liners and pistons, new crank bearings? The third major item is that an overhaul cost estimate typically does not include things like heat exchangers which may or may not need to be replaced.

    You could also contact Johnson & Towers as they sell rebuilt engines and long blocks of those engines.
  12. bf77

    bf77 New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    baltimore md

    we are looking at buying a boat that has dd 671tib's with 700 hrs. i have owned several boats and all of them had over 1500 hrs one had 2200 when i sold them. i have never owned a diesl boat and wanted to check and see what kind of cost was invovled in owning one. from reading all of the post it seems like you are lucky to get 1000hrs out of them.
  13. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    I think you would be lucky to get out of it for less than $250k with new C18's, transmissions, gauges, shaft and motor mount work and refit necessary to get it all in there. It better be one nice boat!

    Another factor is time ... I cut a check for $24k in March to pay for the parts to overhaul one of my 12V71TI engines. It's now been 3 1/2 months ... the engine is out and in the machine shop. It will probably be October 1 before it's running again.

    My brother in law picked out a lot, had a house built and will move in a couple of months shorter time than it will take to have a single engine removed from my Bertram 54 ... overhauled and put back in.

    Good thing I have another boat! We have had a great time with the Bertram 28 this summer!
  14. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    6v71's TIB's go a heck of a lot longer than 1000hrs.......2500hrs if run very hard......realistic hours are around 3500-4500++hours from what I hear and see
  15. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    HUH??? They cruise at 30 knots with C18's and have PLENTY of power. I ran one, a 2004 50' with a hardtop from New Bern to Ft. Laud.....It did a solid 30+ knots at 1950rpms with full of fuel.....