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New Member Saying Hi

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by Stephen Tree, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. Stephen Tree

    Stephen Tree New Member

    Jun 17, 2011
    Grand Cayman

    Just a quick hello as Im new to this forum. I always like to introduce myself to people whenever I join a new forum such as this.

    A little about myself. 29 years old and been living and working to the Cayman Islands since 2005 as a Dive Instructor and Boat 'Captain'. I have put the captain part in ' ' as you dont have to be licenced here to be in charge of a vessel, of any size. I have captained vessels up to 76 ft taking up to 100 people at a time out on day trips. So far, I have managed to bring everybody back also. I have worked out I have around 5000 hours in charge of vessels ranging from 42 ft pro dive boats to twin hull 76 ft custom design, both twin and single screw.

    I also took 12 months off island and went to Australia where I worked on live aboard vessels round the Whitsundays, Queensland, as a dive instructor and also as a deck hand and gained 153 days sea time.

    Im planning on moving into the motor yacht industry within the next 6 months and will be doing my Yachtmaster Offshore Limited at PYT in Durban, South Africa. I will of course be doing to STCW95 before and my VHF licence during. This will gain me a commercial endorsement to skipper vessels up to 200 gt up to 150 nm from safe harbor.

    I already have work lined up helping to deliver a friends new Catermaran from Argentina back to Cayman, a journey we are estimating will take 5 - 7 weeks and have offers already to work of private boats around the Caribbean, firstly as 1st mate with a view to moving on and taking command of another vessel that the owner as.

    Im telling you this not to brag but so people dont think Im here to ask alot of questions and have some one else find the answer and jobs for me. It is 1 of my pet peeves reading other forums when new member ask the typical 'wheres the best place for work for a newbie'

    My goal is to gain my OOW within 5 yrs and 500 gt and 3000 gt in due course.

    If anybody has any advice on the best way to go about getting future and further qualifications, please feel free to drop me a PM or reply to this post. Again, not looking for anybody to do the work and research for me, just any general advice will be well received.

    Thanks for reading and safe sailing

  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Welcome Stephen. It sounds like you've packed in quite a bit of experience with no papers. Obviously you're realizing that you'll have to get papers to keep progressing, and it sounds like you're on a good track. Lots of questions have been asked and answered on this Forum about licensing, courses, schools, qualifications, etc. as well as the 'how can I become captain of a mega yacht' and how do I find work. SEARCH and youll find answers to most any question you have. If not, just ask. There's a lot of expertise hanging out hear. Good luck.
  3. Swamp fox

    Swamp fox Member

    May 19, 2010
    I've just spent the last 6 months myself in school upgrading...Take all the classes you can afford. To really stand out, perhaps look into taking GMDSS, ARPA, and ECDIS. With the new STCW regs kicking in soon, having these certifications under your belt will help you stand out.

    Better to take the classes while looking for work, rather than trying to cram it into a work schedule!
  4. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    ECDIS courses come in two types, one is a generic one and the other is specific to the equipment on the vessel you will sail on. Both need to be done.

    It is not something that can be taught by other Officers on-board to new crew.

    What are" the new STCW regs kicking in soon"?

    It looks like the OP has done his homework and is prepared for the long haul, I wish you luck with your endeavours.
  5. Swamp fox

    Swamp fox Member

    May 19, 2010

    The good old Manilla Amendments that have yet to take effect. At least all the schools are trumping it up to be a lot more school in the future, with increased refresher courses, etc. Not to mention more STCW control sheet check-offs while underway.

    Supposedly to take effect Jan 1 2012.
  6. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    I wondered if it was something your school had been pushing and sold courses on, glad to see that there is no earth shattering things looming.

    As far as Control Sheets, I have just been on a MARPOL course which focused on the ORB and BDN's both of which I am led to believe are a favourite of the USCG to try and pick holes in.

    I would suggest that any check sheet/ORB etc that has to be filled out should have the MARPOL Extract readily available to use as a reference so the dots and I's can be where the IMO circular says they should be to prevent undeserved deficiencies in a PSC

    I see it much like SOLAS Statements during GMDSS they must be word perfect correct or it is wrong.
  7. Swamp fox

    Swamp fox Member

    May 19, 2010
    Exactly. More paperwork.
  8. PropBet

    PropBet Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    Is Everything!
    Welcome to the forum Stephen.
    Sounds like you have a great deal of hands on, real world experience. This will serve you well in your future studies and certifications in the industry, as a 'papered' captain. Similar to myself, did a lot of sailing and spent a good amount of time on the water prior to getting any paper to back it up with.

    I've spent a few hours underwater as well, so it's always nice to see a yachtie who likes to play on and under the water.

    Once again, welcome to the forum. It is loaded with a wealth of information, resources, and great people from all ends of the yachting industry.
  9. Stephen Tree

    Stephen Tree New Member

    Jun 17, 2011
    Grand Cayman
    Thanks for all the feedback. Very encouraging to hear positive things. Im sure I will have some questions in the future that I cant find the answers to here so I look forward to hearing from/seeing some of you in the future