I am helping deliver a new hatteras 54 to the NYC area. The boat cruises in the high 20's. I am wondering how fast we can make the trip? We are planning to run 24hrs. Can this trip be done in 2 days?
Easy. Get up early and run up the Pamlico Sound to Oregon Inlet Fishing Center. The shallow depths in Pamlico Sound should give a speed boost as well. Top off fuel tanks, head out Oregon Inlet, and head north. Turn left at Ambrose Light.
How many miles from Oregon inlet to Ambrose Light? I don't have access to any charts at the moment. Thanks!
it's about 300nm or so... btw, Active Captain (dot com) now has route feature which allows you to create and measure a route on line, on NOAA charts or Google view. very nice planning tool
Yeah, you can make it in 2 days. I'd run the inside to Norfolk from Beoufort. Run pamlico sound and make it to Norfolk the first day, then Norfolk to Manhatten the second. All during daylight hours, why run 24 hours a day?
Anybody know the range for the 54 @ cruise speed. Norfolk to NYC sounds like it may be outside its limits, especially in a 5' chop. That 20 kt cruise could also be optomistic in current sea states.
Are you running a 54 S/F for M/Y. I agree with NYCAP, run to Norfolk / VB the first day, and then nice easy day to Manhattan the next day. I would run Pamlico Sound to Oregon Inlet and then head out, it's a great run and have been lucky enough to only have to deal with Oregon Inlet at it's worse about 5 or 6 times.
If it's the convertable that has a 1230 gal. capacity. Assuming 70gph that gives a 357nm (17 hour) range at 20 kts. That says fuel stop (Ocean City)to me.
We have a winner! NYCAP guessed correctly. That is the configuration of the vessel and that is the route we decided on. Thanks for the input, gentlemen!
Just did the trip in 2 days with a stop at night. Actually it was more like 1 and a half days. It can easily be done if the weather is right.