Not even in the planning stages left, but I have been selling a few boats to Norway and next one may be a Tiara 42 in good shape with 2 good diesels. (Cummings) Either load it on the Yacht Transport ships for $25K or just drive it across. The track would probably be from Fort Lauderdale to the Bahamas, Bermuda, Azores and up to Europe. How does the Tiara handle in rough seas? Storage space for extra fuel? Most economical speed? Fuel burn? Etc..
Hi, It doesn't take much to spend 25k on food, fuel, insurance plus general wear and tear. It has been done by small boats before, in 1988 I went from MIA to Monaco on a motor yacht, about 4 days out of Bermuda we came across two what looked like 35/40 ft lobster boats with single CAT 3208's on their way to Greece, they had plastic drums for fuel in the cockpits. From memory they were doing about 5/6 kts, one was towing the other as they had had a major SW Pump failure on one engine owing to the threads in the outlet being striped out and they could not get a hose to connect to it. We got them to pull off the stuffed pump and give it to us, I brazed in threaded bronze bush so a hose could reconnected onto a packing piece I had glued onto the hose bib. They Captain wanted to pay me and the boat I was on which the Capt I was on with and I declined , it is the sort of thing I hope that if I am in that situation one day someone helps me. I know that they made it because about 2 yrs later the yacht I had been on was in Greece and was approached by one of the guys who had been on the boats we helped, I had moved on by that stage but there were still a few of the originals left aboard. Overall, I would tend to agree with Pascals carefully crafted response.
I would say no way as well. I got these capacities regarding the Tiara 42. Optimum Cruise: • 27.9 mph @ 1700 rpm • 34.7 mph @ 2000 rpm Range at Cruise: • 373 @ 1700 rpm • 354 @ 2000 rpm Standard Fuel Capacity ... 520 U.S. gallons - 1,968.41 liters Water Capacity ... 130 U.S. gallons - 492.10 liters Holding Tank Capacity ... 50 U.S. gallons - 189.27 liters Just for planning purposes I would say you need a minimum of 3500 gals of fuel which would add approximately 20,000 lbs to the weight of the boat. This would double the weight of the boat. Not to mention where you would store the fuel. It would certainly be an adventure. Be advised that the definition of an adventure is being somewhere you don't belong.
It could be done with a few bladders and the fuel it carries, but one would not be doing it at cruise speed. You'd have to run something like 7 knots the entire way, and at hull speed you'd have very good fuel economy. BUT, there isn't enough money in the world for me to want to do that trip. Not to mention the risk is very high and there is nothing to see but open ocean.
I don't understand why a purchaser would buy a 42' boat in Ft Lauderdale and then let you drive it across to Norway overloaded with fuel, etc, unless you took all delivery risks and the boat was a heck of a bargain ??
for some reason that expression "bringing a knife to a gunfight" springs to my mind... now i know people have rowed, windsurfed, and whatnot across the atlantic but it doesn't look like you're out to prove anything to yourself or the world, you just want to deliver a boat to a customer so do yourself (and him) a favour and put her on dock express...
Okay guys, good responses, thanks. Still looking at options, but the economy in Norway is super heated and the exchange rate is good, hence a sellers market. I just may pop the Tiara on one of them yacht-ferries and the fee would be lost in the exchange rate..
+1...........not worth the risk, you will either not make it and run into trouble and if you do, you will spend far more than US$25k and you will be adding too many hours on the engines for no reason. Contact Peters & May, one of the best yacht shipping companies in the world, I use them all the time and they provide great service and great shipping rates. They ship to and from the US. If you need help contacting them, let me know.
Uh, no not out to prove anything and have no intention of doing this or any other long delivery myself. If it was feasible to take this boat across the pond I would hire a delivery crew, or if the new owner was into adventure and wanted to do short hops on the Northern route, he would be my guest, but based on the above responses, it does not seem like a good idea. In my Merchant Marine days I crossed several oceans, including a few Atlantic crossings, but that was on 30,000 ton Chemical Tankers with A/C, a swimming pool, a bar and a movie theather as well as rock solid auto-pilots. Anthing less would be work...
I would definitely advise shipping her over! My partner and I lived aboard our Tiara 43 for 6 months in 09. Traveled southern Florida, Keys and Exumas. It's a wonderful boat! But she's a weekend/week cruiser at heart. 6 foot seas were our comfortable max and her range is limited. Steph
Roger Wilco. Being right here in Fort Lauderdale I have talked to Dockwise in the past and I may look that way if this deal comes to fruition. Still a long shot, but this boat will go for a lot less than any market or "blue book" price so it should be an easy sell. Does anybody around here want to buy a Tiara 42 in good shape...?
For the life of me... I honestly don't know where some of the ideas I see on various forums come from... Does the OP have ANY experience w/ 42' Tiaras at all? With any boats under 100'? With any pleasure boats? Tiaras are LAKE BOATS FROM MICHIGAN. Yes, they are wonderfully built boats, very dependable, and sea worthy...but to think you're going to pilot one across the ocean and arrive all in one piece and have something left over to actually hand over to the new owner is simply not worthy of consideration... And this is actually being considered as an alternative to shipping the boat over? And you're trying to bill yourself as an informed, creditable, experienced captain by advocating "just driving it over"? For real?
How much delivery mileage does the owner want .. yet then again you could break down so costing the owner and yourself more time and money .. Plus not forgetting the endless ripping any person at the helm would get if he/she did breakdown and not use the loaf by using the obvious solution